MUST BE TYPED: 12-point, Times New Roman Font, 1” margins

Estudiantes de habla hispana: Vaya a la página de mi maestro. Abra el documento de la palabra. Copia y pega las instrucciones en Googletranslate.

You will be writing up the plant watering lab. In science, the write up is just as important as the experiment. The write up is how scientists communicate what they have learned. In science, there is a strict format to follow called APA. We will not use that for this experiment, but I am basing the format on APA report design.

Please read and follow the instructions very closely. Structure and content are equally important.

FYI- Often science writing is different than creative writing. Your goal is to get as much direct information across as simply as possible. This is done by choosing meaningful words and only adding supposition and opinion where appropriate. Do not use 1st or 2nd person pronouns.

Your write up will be structured as follows:


Paragraph 1: Watering Plants with Various Liquids (put this heading left-justified on your paper)
Summarize the experiment. Your topic sentence should state the purpose of the experiment. The next sentences will explain the design of the experiment. You need to explain the control and experimental group(s) and the IV and DV. Your concluding sentence should be the main hypothesis.

Paragraph 2: Procedure (put this heading left-justified on your paper)
In this paragraph you need to tell how the experiment was performed. Explain the number of groups, how many plants were in each group, how many times the groups were watered, and what type of data you recorded.

Paragraph 3: Condition 1: Water
This paragraph will track the water plant. Your topic sentence should make an overall statement concerning the progress of the water plant (example: The water plant stayed healthy during the experiment). Your supporting sentences will describe the condition of the plant on each of the recording days (example: On the second day, there was a change in the plants’ condition. Two of the water plants had new leaves. The third plant looked like it was wilting). Be sure to have a concluding sentence.

Paragraph 4: Condition 2: NAME OF LIQUID
This paragraph will track the water plant. Your topic sentence should make an overall statement concerning the progress of the plant. Your supporting sentences will describe the condition of the plant on each of the recording. Be sure to have a concluding sentence.

Paragraph 5: Condition 3: NAME OF LIQUID
This paragraph will track the water plant. Your topic sentence should make an overall statement concerning the progress of the plant. Your supporting sentences will describe the condition of the plant on each of the recording. Be sure to have a concluding sentence.

Paragraph 6: Condition 4: NAME OF LIQUID
This paragraph will track the water plant. Your topic sentence should make an overall statement concerning the progress of the plant. Your supporting sentences will describe the condition of the plant on each of the recording. Be sure to have a concluding sentence.

Paragraph 7: Condition 5: NAME OF LIQUID
This paragraph will track the water plant. Your topic sentence should make an overall statement concerning the progress of the plant. Your supporting sentences will describe the condition of the plant on each of the recording. Be sure to have a concluding sentence.

Paragraph 8: Discussion (put this heading left-justified on your paper)
In this paragraph, you will tell whether your hypothesis was supported or not. Your topic sentence should state whether it was supported or not. You will examine whether the results were expected or surprising. Also, you need to state why you think the outcomes were what they were.

Paragraph 9: Lab Reflection (put this heading left-justified on your paper)
In this paragraph, you will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. Think about the way in which this experiment was conducted. If you were to do it again, what could be done better or more effectively. Think about whether there were any flaws with the design of the experiment.

Paragraph 10: Personal Reflection (put this heading left-justified on your paper)
Tell what you have learned about the scientific method and research methodology.