Board Members Present: Sami Qureshi, Don Welch, Scott Dahl, Peggy Smith & Carl Bunker.
Members/Guests in attendance: Bill Woosley, Marybeth Milburn, Heather Butler, Matt Nash Katie Hart.
Presentation of Minutes:The Juneminutes were presented for approval. Sami Qureshi made a motion, which was seconded by Peggy Smith to approve. The June minutes were approved and filed.
Treasurer’s Report: Carl Bunker reported that the combined total assets were $5,459.91. Carl stated that he and Katie are diligently working on getting the balance of the past due Winterfest funds collected. Peggy Smithmade a motion with was seconded by Don Welch to approve the treasurer’s report.
President’s Report: Sami Quershi stated that the Taste of Peoria was in one week. Tickets are available for $2, he mentioned that they have purchased them in the past for employees as a thank you. Sami mentioned that the River Station is going to reopen soon; it will be called Tilley’s.
Standing Reports:
PeoriaCivicCenter Update: Robin Barnes was unable to attend the meeting. Bill Woolsey distributed the Upcoming Events list and the Group Sales Discount flyer for Robin. Marybeth Milburn reported that she is seeing a lot of repeat clients and the January – May schedule is very busy, nothing more reported in Robin’s absence.
IL Hotel & Lodging Association: Scott Dahlreported that the state lodging rate was not increased as of July 1st, the rate remains at $70 for PeoriaCounty. There is currently no talk about a raise in the Hotel tax increase for the state of Illinois. Scott reported that the Stars of the Industry deadline is August 15th, the banquet is October 22nd. Scott also stated that the IHLA is going to be releasing a “Staying Green” program in the last half of the year. He stated that this will not be a certification but a designation of participation. He will forward more information as the time gets closer.
Committee Reports:
Membership Report: Carl Bunker reported past due membership is looking good. There are only three members that have not confirmed if they will be rejoining. Carl will follow up with them and report at the next meeting. Bill Woolsey volunteered to contact Interstate Brands – Butternut for them not submitting payment yet.
Golf Committee: Carl Bunker stated sponsorships are doing very well. Golfers are coming in and hole sponsors are still being received. Another meeting is scheduled for August 7, 2008.
PERFECT: Katie Hart reported that Dr. Carol Leach is going to take the proposal to the board for approval. After getting approval, Dr. Leach will start looking for a teacher and book. The next meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2008.
WinterFest: Katie Hart reported that Kathy Schaeffer is working on some ideas for entertainment. Katie stated that the design has been approved and looks really groovy!! Committee members at starting to work on sponsorships and donations for the silent auction. The next meeting is scheduled for August 28th.
Peoria Chiefs Night: Katie reported that the balance of $90 will be paid this week.
Taste of Peoria: Katie asked for three judges for the Best of Show at Taste of Peoria. Marybeth Milburn has volunteered and thinks she may have two more interested; she will let Katie know Thursday.
With no further business, Sami Qureshi moved to adjourn, Don Welch second.
Respectfully submitted,
Katie E. Hart
HOIHA Association