Division of Medical Services
Office of Long Term Care Mail Slot S409
P.O. Box 8059
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-8059
Telephone (501) 682-8487 TDD (501) 682-6789 Fax (501) 682-6171
Web Site:
M e m o r a n d u m
TO:(X) Nursing Facilities; (X) ICFs/MR 16 Bed & Over; (X) HDCs;
(X) ICFs/MR Under 16 Beds; (X) ALF Level I; (X) ALF Level II;
(X) RCFs; (X) Adult Day Care; (X) Adult Day Health Care;
(X) Post-Acute Head Injury Facility; (X) Interested Parties;
(X) DHSCounty Offices; (X) NATPs
FROM:Carol Shockley, Director, Office of Long TermCare
DATE:September 18, 2007
SUBJECT:Criminal Record Check Program – Changes in Fees
The Office of Long Term Care has received notification from the Arkansas State Police (ASP) that the fees to conduct state and national (FBI) criminal record checks have been changed effective October 1, 2007 as follows:
FBI fee - $19.25 (decreased from previous $24)
State “mail-in” fee - $25.00 (increase from previous $23.00)
State “online” fee - $22.00 (increase from previous $20.00)
The ASP purchased additional equipment and software, and has already implemented its electronic processing and transmission of fingerprint cards to the FBI. This resulted in a decreased FBI fee and a faster response time for the FBI background check to its users.
Thestate record fee increase will allow ASP to provide its users with a more detailed background check. In the past, the report contained Arkansas felony and misdemeanor convictions only. Beginning October 1, 2007, the report will contain any pending Arkansas felony arrest (that is less than three (3) years from the date of arrest), felony and misdemeanor Arkansas convictions and Arkansas registered sex offender information (levels one through four).
Memorandum LTC-A-2007-12
September 18, 2007
Page 2
The Office of Long Term Care has revised the Request for Criminal Record Check Request (Form DMS-736) to reflect these new fees. The revised formis available at the OLTC website found in this memorandum letterhead.
Further information issued by the Arkansas State Police Identification Bureau can be found at the following website:
The new rates are effective October 1, 2007. The FBI rate will remain at the old rate for all finger print cards received and transmitted on or before September 30, 2007. All mailed state request forms received by the Arkansas State Police after September 30, 2007 will have to include the new increased fee. Facilities should take into consideration any delays in mail delivery and cannot rely on the postmarked date to determine the applicable fee rate.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the OLTC at 501-682-6285 or 501-682-6117.