Staff Resources for Cherry Point and Camp Lejeune Mental Health and Wellness Programs
Dates and Descriptions Revised 11/08/2013
Offered by NHCCPOffered by Marine & Family Programs
Families Overcoming Under Stress (FOCUS):
Offered by Semper Fit, Health Promotion Program:
Chaplain Services
Offered by Marine Corps Family Team Building:
External Services
Other Services Offered by MCCS
Offered at Camp Lejeune
Group/Program / Topic / Dates / Duration / POC
Offered by Naval Health Clinic Cherry Point’s Mental Health Department, 466-0500;
Dept Head; LT Juliana Simmons, Clinic Manager; LCDR Brandi Brown
Mental Health Clinic
(3rd deck – Naval Medical Clinic, Cherry Point / Clinic Hours – 0730-1600
Walk-in-hours for Active Duty – 0730-1500
Closed – 1200-1245 daily for lunch & admin
Non-Active Duty: Retirees and all Dependents can be referred to the network for mental health services by their Primary Care Managers. Our Behavioral Healthcare Coordinator, Patricia Bierwirth, will assist with coordinating referrals and offering TRICARE benefits information. / Front Desk
252-466-0500 / 0360
Ms Bierwirth
Back on Track (BoT)
(2-week class) / Combat Stress & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
And intensive outpatient program to serve Military Service Members who have been evaluated by mental health providers and diagnosed with combat stress injuries to include PTSD. The goal of the program is to help combat veterans return to full duty, equipping them with the skills necessary to manage symptoms and adjust to both military and civilian environments. / Next Dates:
To be determined (TBD)
Call for dates / 2 weeks
0800-1600 / Laura Toot
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Group / Is a 6-week psycho-educational group that addresses dysfunctional thinking patterns. CBT is an empirically supported treatment that focuses on patterns of thinking that are maladaptive and the beliefs that underlie such thinking. CBT has been shown to be effective in treating issues related to depression and anxiety disorders. / TBD
Call for dates / 6 weeks / LTJG Jenny Rosetti
Outpatient Crisis Prevention Program
(OCPP) (1-week class) / Psycho-educational training course designed to enhance the coping skills and interpersonal effectiveness of active duty personnel. / TBD
Call for dates / 1 week
0800-1600 / 252-466-0500
Sleep Hygiene
(weekly 90 minute group) / Come learn about sleep, the myths of sleep, factors that contribute to insomnia and non-medication based methods to treat it. / TBD Call for dates / 4 weeks / Pearly Walker-Gibbs
Offered by Naval Health Clinic Cherry Point’s Health Promotions Department
Tobacco Cessation Classes, Regroup Sessions or Unit Briefs / Utilizes the 4 session long American Cancer Society’s FreshStart Program. Can interface with medical provider to get tobacco cessation medications.
*Individual one-on-one, or couples instruction can be requested. / Starts first Wed (1630-1730) and first Fri (1130-1230) of each month or on an individual basis.
-Unit briefs or unit tobacco cessation classes given upon request. / 4-week cycle each month / Ms Paula Pendrick
Or email
ShipShape Program / This program provides basic information on nutrition, stress management, physical activity and behavior modification techniques to lower and maintain a healthy body weight. / Presented twice a year.
1200-1300 / 8-week cycle not including registration. / Ms Paula Pendrick
1) Weight Management Nutrition Class (Active Duty)
2) Leaner Living Classes (Anyone)
3) Diabetes Self Management Class
4)Carbohydrate Counting Class
5)Gestational Diabetes Class
6)Heart Healthy Class / 1) Focused on being Active Duty and dealing with weight loss. Presented at Semper Fit’s Classrooms
2) Basic Nutrition offered at NHCCP classroom (may join at any time)
3) What is Diabetes and how to eat, exercise and live with it. Offered at NHCCP classroom
4) Diabetes & weight management by counting carbs. Offered at NHCCP classroom
5) What is gestational diabetes and how can it affect your pregnancy and newborn.
6) Managing cholesterol and high blood pressure / (Call for dates of classes)
1) Thursdays 1000-1300
-Unit briefs or nutrition classes given upon request.
2) Wednesday at 1030-1130 or
Thursday at 1630-1730
3) Tuesday 1300-1500
4) Tuesday 0800-1200
5) Tuesday 1300-1400 or Wednesday 1030-1130
6) Tuesday 1300-1400
-Unit briefs or Hypertension classes given upon request. / 1) 3 class series each month
2) 8 class series
3) 1 day class given monthly
4) 1 day class given monthly
5) 1 day class given monthly
6) 1 day class given monthly / Ms Michelle Amber
(Registered Dietician)
1) Call 252-466-0165
2) Call 252-466-0165
3) Call 252-466-0165
4) Call 252-466-0165
5) Call 252-466-0165
6) Call 252-466-0165
Offered by Behavioral Health Branch, Marine & Family Programs, Bldg 232; Marine and Family Programs, Corner of 4th and E Streets, 252-466-4401
Substance Abuse & Prevention, Bldg 232, Corner of 4th and E streets, 252-466-7568
Drug Demand Reduction Program Prevention / Substance use education and abuse prevention / Briefs & classes by request / varies / Anna Zeimet
Chuck Swanson
Alcohol Prevention Program / Alcohol use education and abuse prevention / Briefs & classes by request / varies / Ashley Brothers
Substance Abuse Counseling Center (SACC) Assessment & treatment / Substance abuse/dependence
(Early Intervention, Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient, Continuing Care) / varies / Fred Mussup
Early Intervention -Prime for Life / Alcohol Abuse prevention and deglamorization. Awareness of the basic nature of the substance alcohol, Risks involved in using and abusing alcohol, Core values, regulation, and expectations / 16-hour course & 4.5-hour course / Ashley Brothers
Continuing Care Group / Substance Abuse continuing care group. / varies / Call 252-466-7568 to sign up.
Prevention & Intervention, 252-466-3264: A number of prevention and educational workshops and briefings are available through Counseling Services, Family Advocacy Program (FAP) Office, 2nd floor, Bldg 232, Corner of 4th and E Streets, 252-466-3264
-Briefs can also be specialized based on the command’s availability, requested topics, preferred training method (with or without PowerPoint), and time allotted. We are available to come to your command to present the materials.
-Pre-registration is encouraged; however, it is not required for classes. These classes are available to active duty service members and their spouses. For additional information, contact the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) at 252-466-4401/3264.
-We assist people in the identification of problematic areas in their lives while providing knowledge and skills/tools for application in increasing awareness and prevention.
- Training is offered on a monthly or as needed basis. Call Victor foster at 466-3204/3264 for more details. Classes are normally held in bldg. 232, Classroom #203, but may be subject to change. Please note: All classes occurring on holidays will be canceled. Classes are open to all service members and their family members unless otherwise indicated.
-Our qualified and experienced Prevention & Education Specialists provide classes and briefs on topics such as:
Anger Management / Identify skills used to control anger utilizing a variety of techniques. This class seeks to identify sources of anger and presents strategies for managing anger in healthy ways. Anger can be a normal and healthy emotion that helps us instinctively detect and respond to a threatening situation. When anger is properly channeled, it can be a powerful motivating force. Emotion that gets out of control however, can leading to; stress, distress, unhealthiness and unhappiness. Uncontrolled anger can seriously harm your personal and professional life, because it can become incredibly destructive – to yourself and the people around you. Anger management classes assist in the restructuring of a person’s cognitive processes during confrontational, frustrating, or upsetting situations. In order to calm aggression and anger, an instructor teaches coping strategies and relaxation techniques which instruct an individual how to respond in certain situations / Call for class times / 252-466-3264
Bldg 232, room 203
Stress Management Class / Stress Management: date TBD, Bldg. 232 room 203. This workshop focuses on identifying the sources of stress, emotional and physical responses, and developing coping techniques. Stress management training helps marines/sailors better manage stress. Too much stress is one of the most common causes of health problems. It can also cause mental distress that leads to serious illness and to distractions that can jeopardize safety on and off the job. This class helps trainees identify the causes of stress, recognize the different types of stress, understand how stress affects them, and manage stress effectively both on and off the job. / Call for class times / 252-466-3264
Bldg 232, room 203
R.A.C.E: Suicide Prevention Training Class / RACE Training is used to supplement the Suicide Prevention Officer training. The real goal of suicide prevention is to get through to individuals thinking about suicide before an attempt is ever made. Empowering the public and bi-standers to take action when someone’s in distress, and knowing what to do in the situation is the goal of the Recognize, Act, Care and Escort program. The program teaches how to recognize the signs of a problem and learn how to fix it. Gaining a better understanding of the problem, and learning what tools and resources are available can help save lives. This free workshop is open all ID cardholders. Please call Resilience Education, 252-466-3204 to register. / Call for class times / 252-466-3264
Bldg 232, room 203
Communication Classes / Effective communication skills are fundamental to success in many aspects of life. Strong communication skills can enhance your interpersonal skills in the workplace and at home. Potential benefits include improved workplace efficiency, effectiveness and cohesion while reducing stress at home due to interpersonal miscommunication and discord. / Call for class times / 252-466-3264
Bldg 232, room 203
Marine and Family Programs overview / Marine and Family Programs (MFP) provides units briefings on existing MFP services, which includes family violence prevention, substance abuse services, services for exceptional children, and counseling center to name a few. This brief can be provided at various locations to suit your unit’s needs. / Call for class times / 252-466-3264
Bldg 232, room 203
Coping with Work and Family Stress / Coping with Work and Family Stress is a 12 session class designed to teach you how to develop and apply effective coping strategies to deal with stressors at work and at home. Some benefits of the program include:
A reduction in work and family stressors, increased social support from peers and leadership, enhanced use of effective coping strategies, less reliance on avoidance coping strategies and a reduction in alcohol consumption or use of illicit substances.
Workshop is offered on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 0900-1030 for 6 wks. / Tues 30 Jul - Thu 5 Sep
Tues 17 Sep - Thu 29 Oct
Tues 12 Nov - Thu 19 Dec / Bldg 232, room 203
Call 252-466-4401 to register for the next class.
Family Violence Awareness / This brief is designed to raise awareness for service members to the issue of family violence. The topic covers what it is, how to recognize the warning signs and services available to address the issue. / Call for class times / 252-466-3264
Bldg 232, room 203
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program (Coming Soon) / Triple P has helped hundreds of thousands families around the world deal with issues ranging from temper tantrums to disobedience, bedtime dramas to homework battles, schoolyard bullying to teenage rebellion. The goal of Triple P is to enhance the knowledge, skills, and confidence of parents in order to prevent behavioral, emotional, and developmental problems in children and adolescents. There are five different developmental periods that are targeted from infancy to adolescence. At each developmental period, the range of the program can be either broad and target the entire population or it can be specific and target only at-risk children. The program addresses social contexts that influence parents’ daily life: mass media, primary health care services, child care and school systems, work sites, religious organizations, and the broader political system So you can be sure that whatever your parenting needs – no matter how simple or how complex – Triple P can help. / Call for class times / 252-466-3264
Bldg 232, room 203
Incident Determination Committee Training (As per MCO 1754.11) / The Behavioral Health Branch of the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is offering one day Incident Determination Committee (IDC) training. The training is required for all Family Advocacy Officers (FAO) or their alternate that serve as a voting member on the IDC for their respective command. The training consists of an overview of the IDC procedures and DOD definitions of child abuse and domestic abuse and allows the designee to be a voting command member of the IDC. / Call for class times / 252-466-3264
Bldg 232, room 203
Family Advocacy Program (FAP) / Case management & victim advocacy for domestic or intimate partner abuse, rape, sexual assault, child abuse and/or neglect / varies / 252-466-3264
STOP (26 weeks, 2 times per week); DV offender group / Participants have perpetrated domestic violence in their relationship or exhibited behaviors consistent with power & control tactics. Focus is to establish accountability for one's behavior, teach skills & techniques conducive to healthy relationships. FAP involved clients only. / 26-week/
52 session command-mandated / 252-466-3264
Sexual Addiction Treatment / Individuals are provided a safe, nonjudgmental & confidential setting to address issues related to sexual addiction and compulsivity. / Open only to those who are struggling with these issues. / Robert Webster, Clinical Counselor,
Community Counseling Center / Individual, Couple and Family Counseling and Clinical Case Management for active duty service members, reservists, National Guard, retirees, and military family members. Services are provided by licensed clinicians. Alternative early evening hours are available. / varies / CCC Duty Clinician or CCC Clinical Supervisor 252-466-3264
Survivors of Sexual Abuse/Assault Group / Weekly support group for men & women impacted by childhood sexual abuse and/or sexual assault to assist in healing process / Tues,
0900-1030 / 252-466-3264
New Parent Support Program (NPSP):
Home Visits – Family and parenting interests discussed in the privacy of your home. Information provided through curriculum guide and personalized parenting goals.