C2:AD Seminar Series


3rd February: Professor David Nutt (Imperial College London); Anxiety: Not all in the mind?

2nd March: Dr. Jennifer Wild (Institute of Psychiatry); Preventing PTSD in people regularly exposed to trauma

11th May: Georgina Smith (MRC CBU & The Haven, Paddington); Treating complex trauma: Half-day workshop

15th June: Professor Pasco Fearon (University College London); Gene environment correlation in early development and risk for affective disturbance

6th July: Dr. Paul Wilkinson (University of Cambridge); Treatment of adolescent depression

7th September: Dr. Patrick Smith (Institute of Psychiatry); PTSD in children and young people

5th October: Dr.RajiniRamana, Dr. Richard Moore, Professor Ian Goodyer, Dr.Raph Kelvin, Dr. Paul Wilkinson (CPFT, Cambridge); Preventing and managing treatment resistant depression across the lifespan

7th December: Professor Shirley Reynolds (University of East Anglia); OCD in children and young people


11th February: Dr. Barney Dunn (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit); Learning How to Feel Good: Understanding and Treating the Anhedonic Symptoms of Depression

4th March: Dr. Laura Hoppitt ( University of East Anglia); Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM): A New Way to Treat Anxiety and Depression

25th March: Dr. Jan van Niekerk (Adult Mental Health, Cambridge); New Ideas in Cognitive Therapy for OCD

6th May: Prof. Chris Brewin (University College London); Recent Developments in the Study of PTSD

10th June: Dr. Tim Dalgleish & Dr. Richard Meiser-Stedman (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit); PTSD and Children (one day workshop)

8th July: Dr. Maria Watson (North Shore Anxiety and Stress Clinic, Vancouver, Canada); Hoarding & Clutter: Maximizing the the Benefits of CBT

9th September: Dr. Deborah Lee (Berkshire Traumatic Stress Service); Using Compassion to Work with Shame Based Flashbacks in PTSD - Theoretical and Clinical Considerations

7th October: Dr. Catherine Harmer (University of Oxford); Antidepressants and Emotional Processing

18th November: Dr. Richard Moore (CPFT, Cambridge); Treatment Resistant Depression (one day workshop-participants)

2nd December: Dr. Sam Cartwright-Hatton (University of Sussex); "They May Not Mean To, But They Do": Helping Anxious Parents Raise Confident Kids


12th February; Prof. David Clark (Institute of Psychiatry, London); Developing and disseminating effective psychological treatments for anxiety disorders: Science, policy and economics.

5th March; Dr Richard Meiser-Stedman (MRC CBSU); Post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents: Is there a role for early intervention?

9th April; Dr Cathy Cresswell (University of Reading); Towards a stepped care approach to the treatment of childhood anxiety.

7th May; Dr Tim Dalgleish (MRC CBSU and C2:AD); Lost in translation: The basic science - clinical practice dialogue.

11th June; Prof. Ian Goodyer (Dept. of Psychiatry, Cambridge and C2:AD); Treatment of depressed adolescents

3rd September; Dr. Warren Mansell (University of Manchester); Bipolar Disorder Workshop

5th November; Dr. Alison Jenaway (CAMH, Huntingdon & Liaison Psychiatry Team, Cambridge); Using Cognitive Analytic Therapy in Liason Psychiatry

3rd December; Prof. Paul Gilbert (Mental Health Research Unit, Derby); Depression and compassion focused therapy.