Industrial Placement FIRSTVisit Form

Student Name
Student Number
Course title
Organisation Job Title
Visit number / 1

Section 1: Employment Evaluation by Student

To be completed by the Student BEFORE each visit. Please remember to have your placement diary available at every visit. You are able to use more pages if necessary, to ensure you include all information you feel is necessary.

What are the main projects/tasks you have been working on so far in your placement? What do you consider to be your achievements at this stage?

Are you enjoying it? If not, why not and what action needs to be taken to resolve this?

Have you received continued suitable supervision and support? If not, what action needs to be taken to resolve this?

Have you made progress with:

Started & up to date / Started, but not up to date / Not yet started
Placement diary
ICTTech/EngTech application
(COMP & ENG only)
ICE Attribute Achievement Form
(Civil Eng and CEM only)
(Property & QS, where applicable)

Any other comments

If appropriate, you may wish to include information on any training (formal or informal) you may have received so far (if any), and the impact it has made on your ability to undertake your role.

Student’s Signature: / Date:
Date of Meeting:

Employer Evaluation Section

Guidelines for Completion

Placement visits are undertaken by members of academic staff from University of Portsmouth twice during the course of a student’s industrial placement contract. The first should take place before Christmas and the second no later than six weeks prior to the end of the contract (including any extensions). It is the responsibility of the student to set up a meeting for a mutually agreeable time between all parties.

These visits allow the University to check on the wellbeing of the student, their progress and the type/range of work that they are undertaking. It is recommended that the visit should include:

  • A meeting between the student and their visiting tutor
  • A meeting between the visiting tutor and you (as line manager)
  • A meeting between the student, the visiting tutor and you (as line manager).

This allows all parties to give and share feedback/information freely, and for an overview discussion at the end.

(However, please do not feel that you need to wait until the Placement Visit to provide feedback to the University or ask for help/advice. You are welcome to contact the Placement and Employability Manager at at any point.)

‘Section 2’

You are asked to rank your student’s performance on a scale of 1-5:


1Work is substantially below expectation

2 Work is somewhat below expectation – work in this category may occasionally be at or close to the required standard but falls short in some way.

3 Work is appropriate for an industrial placement employee

4 Work is somewhat above expectation

5 Work is consistently above expectation

Comment Section

Please provide examples to give context/ support the scores given above.

For example, if a student has been given a score of 1 or 2 in any particular section, please explain what the issue is and what steps the company has taken to help the student improve this score. Has extra training/coaching/mentoring been provided? Have milestones been set and achieved?

Industrial Placement FIRSTVisit Form

Student Name
Course title
Industrial Supervisor’s Name
Visit number / 1

Section 2: Evaluation of Student by Employer

To be completed by the Industrial Supervisor and discussed with the StudentBEFORE each visit

Please see guidance on previous page on how to rate these areas effectively
/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5




/ Acceptance of responsibility
/ Conformance to company policies
/ Quality of work
/ Quantity of work
/ Demonstration of key soft skills required for the role
/ Time management and attendance
/ Overall assessment
How many days absence (excluding annual leave/bank holidays) has the student taken?
Industrial supervisor’s comments:
Industrial Supervisor’s Signature: / Date:
Date of Meeting:
Industrial Placement FIRSTVisit Form
Student Name
Course Title
Placement Tutor’s Name
Visit number / 1
Section 3: Evaluation of Placement by University Visiting Tutor

To be completed at each visit

1 = Low, 5 = High
/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


/ Apparent ability of student to work with colleagues & “fit in”
/ Quality of student documentation (e.g. Placement Diary)
/ Relevance of academic studies to this particular placement
/ Rating of this organisation for future placements
/ Overall assessment
Have you seen a copy of the student’s placement diary? Yes/No
COMP, ENG and MATH students: Is the student’s placement diary being signed off by their manager on a regular basis? Yes/No
Comments on the placement diary: (if further guidance is required, please take a copy of the diary and pass it on to the student’s Departmental Placements Tutor)
University visiting tutor’s comments:
University Visiting Tutor’s Signature: / Date:
Date of Meeting:

Student Placement and Employability CentrePage 1 of 4

March 2015