Table S. 1 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the fitted quadratic polynomial model of biomass of Pseudomonas MCCB 102
Source / SS / DF / MS / F-value / Probability P>FModel / 0.076 / 9 / 0.0084 / 123.14 / < 0.0001
Residual (error) / 0.00068 / 10 / 0.000068
Lack of fit / 0.00048 / 5 / 0.000097 / 0.1777
Pure error / 0.0002 / 5 / 0.00004
Cor total / 0.076 / 19
SS, Sum of squares; DF, degree of freedom; MS, mean square, CV=0.75 %, R2=0.9911,R= 0.9955
Table S. 2 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the fitted quadratic polynomial model of antagonistic activity of Pseudomonas MCCB 102
Source / SS / DF / MS / F-value / Probability P>FModel / 853.95 / 9 / 94.88 / 80.24 / < 0.0001
Residual (error) / 11.82 / 10 / 1.18
Lack of fit / 9.6 / 5 / 1.92 / 4.31 / 0.0673
Pure error / 2.23 / 5 / 0.45
Cor total / 865.77 / 19
SS, Sum of squares; DF, degree of freedom; MS, mean square, CV=10.04 %, R2=0.9863,R=0.9931
Table S. 3 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the fitted quadratic polynomial model of biomass of Pseudomonas MCCB 103
Source / SS / DF / MS / F-value / Probability P>FModel / 0.12 / 9 / 0.014 / 22.24 / < 0.0001
Residual (error) / 0.0061 / 10 / 0.00061
Lack of fit / 0.00315 / 5 / 0.00063 / 1.07 / 0.1472
Pure error / 0.0029 / 5 / 0.00059
Cor total / 0.13 / 19
SS, Sum of squares; DF, degree of freedom; MS, mean square, CV=2.59 %, R2=0.9524,R=0.9759
Table S. 4 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the fitted quadratic polynomial model of antagonistic activity of Pseudomonas MCCB 103
Source / SS / DF / MS / F-value / Probability P>FModel / 445.7 / 9 / 49.52 / 33.78 / < 0.0001
Residual (error) / 14.66 / 10 / 1.47
Lack of fit / 11.23 / 5 / 2.25 / 3.27 / 0.1099
Pure error / 3.44 / 5 / 0.69
Cor total / 460.36 / 19
SS, Sum of squares; DF, degree of freedom; MS, mean square, CV=9.91 %, R2=0.9682,R=0.9839