Wetland Banking Board Meeting


July 18, 2017, 10 a.m.

CRA Conference Room

Lansing, MI

CALL TO ORFER: The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Chair Steve Puuri.


Board Attendees: Steve Puuri, CRA & MML Engineering Specialist; Brad Knight, Road Commission for Oakland County; Robert Laitinen, Chippewa County Road Commission; John Lamacchia, MML; Mike O’Mally, MDOT; Terry Palmer, Midland County Road Commission; Jim Wattling, MDEQ.

CRA Staff: Cindie Dulaney.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: It was moved by Terry Palmer and seconded by Rob Laitinen. Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF APRIL 18, 2017 MEETING MINUTES: It was moved by Terry Palmer and seconded by Rob Laitinen. Motion carried.


  1. Wetland Manager Update– Puuri discussed the admin contract progress with CRA for admin tasks. Puuri reported on a meeting between the MDOT Attorney GeneralJim Schell, MDOT Finance Director Patrick McCarthy and CRA Director Denise Donohue. Steve discussed the email he received on July 18, at 9:03a.m. from Patrick McCarthy. The email made note there is still discussions of administrative service needs, MDOT mentionedthey would need three FTE. At this time, there was no movement on the RFP for wetland manager pending further administrative meetings due to the unresolved issueof what should be included in RFP until the admin is cleared up. Official response to soon follow from Patrick McCarthy. A discussion was had about moving forward with the RFP. Rob Laitinen made a motion to post the manager RFP on CRA website and MDOT prequalified list without obligation with a due date of the last working day of August and with the specific duties to be adjusted upon official response. Terry Palmerseconded. Motion carried.
  2. MDOT and/or DEQ AdministrationUpdate- Reimbursements have not been made for mileage. The board is to review how to submit them to MDOT upon approval.


  1. Wetland program guidelines: The revised Michigan Wetland Banking Board (MiWB) Program requirements and guidance document was reviewed and discussed. Terry Palmer made the motion to accept the revised document and Rob Laitinen seconded. Motion carried.
  2. Wetland project selection criteria: Laitinen led the discussion on the point scale system and the thought process the scoring, noting there was a slight adjustment on rating scale to include seven items. The discussion was had to add a version number and revision dates with an annual review process to the document. John Lamacchia discussed the statue in reference to item number five. Terry Palmer made a motion to strike item number five on page one, add date and version and approve as amended, Rob Laitinen seconded. Motion carried.

MEMBER UPDATES: Travel expense reimbursement vouchers submitted for approval: Tim Wolff, three meetings for a total of $257.66; Marcus Piccia, two meetings for a total of $235.08; Steve Puuri, two meetings for a total of $136.96. Terry Palmer made the motion to approve the reimbursement vouchers, Rob Laitinen seconded. Motion carried.

FUTURE AGENDA-The discussion was had on vendor selection. Executive committee (chairs of subcommittees) to review, conduct interview and short-list them for the board to final approval. Mike O’Mally to assist as a non-voting member. Rob Laitinen made a motion to reaffirm the Executive Committee and authorize the committee to begin the vendorprocess, seconded by Terry Palmer. Motion carried.


ADJOURN–It was moved by Rob Laitinen and seconded by Terry Palmer. Motion carried.

Next meeting October 18, 2017