TexasState Board of Social Worker Examiners

Licensing Standards and Qualification Committee

Friday, June 5, 2009,9:00 am


333 Guadalupe, Room 102

Austin TX


Board Members Present:

Dorinda Noble, Professional Member

Candace Guillen, Professional Member

Denise Pratt, Public Member

Jody Armstrong, Professional Member

Staff Present:

Carol Miller

Dawn Burton

Georgia Norman

Stewart Myrick

Guests Present:

Grace Lozano

Donna Oshatz

Agenda Item 1 was to call the meeting to order at 9:03 am by Dr. Noble.

Agenda Item2 was to approve the minutes from the March 2009 Licensing Standards and Qualification Committee meeting. The minutes were approved.

Agenda Item3 was the discussion regarding the licensing qualification issues for the following individuals:

The application of DonnaOshatz was discussed. A motion was made by Ms. Guillen to accept the request. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Grace Lozano was discussed. A motion was made by Ms. Armstrong to allow reexamination, 2 years of supervision, quarterly reports, bi-weekly supervision by a board approved supervisor, 6 hours of continuing education in ethics and continue counseling with a licensed mental health therapist with reporting to board for 1 year. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of BritneyBurch was discussed. A motion was made by Dr. Noble to allow examination and upon successful completion of 2 years supervision, bi-weekly supervision, quarterly reports and 9 hours of continuing education in team building, ethics and confidentiality. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application ofRobertArredondowas discussed. A motion was made by Ms. Armstrong to approve the request. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Vermetta Whitfield was discussed. No action taken.

The application of ValishaTate-Edwards was discussed. A motion was made by Ms. Armstrong to deny the request. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Marsha Malev was discussed. This request was tabled for additional information.

The application of Holly Campidillowas discussed. A motion was made by Ms. Guillen to approve the request with stipulations. The motion was seconded and discussed. The motion passed.

The application of John Sizemore was discussed. A motion was made by Ms. Armstrong to approve the request. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Sharon Stone was discussed. The request was tabled for additional information.

The application of PamelaMcKown was discussed. This request was tabled.

Agenda Item 4 was the discussion regarding applications for supervisor training provider status for Linda Openshaw, Libby Kay and John Davis. A motion was made by Ms. Guillen to approve the request. The motion was seconded and passed.

Agenda Item 5 was the discussion regarding compliance issues related to board-approved supervisors providing supervision as a condition of initial or continued licensure.

Agenda Item 6 was the discussion regarding a request from Cossy Hough of the Texas Department of State Health Services regarding Case Management for Children and Pregnant Women (CPW) program and enforcement of IPR requirements.

Agenda Item 7 was the discussion regarding use of Independent Non-Clinical Practice Recognition title or initials in all professional uses of a licensee’s name.

Agenda Item 8 was the discussion regarding the length of time during which licensing exam results are valid for application.

Agenda Item 9 was the discussion regarding issuance of licenses to certain out-of-state applicants. No action taken.

Agenda Item 10 was public comment. This was addressed under item 5 and 6.

Agenda Item 11 was to set the next committee meeting date(s). The next meeting date will be September 4, 2009.

Agenda Item 12 was to adjourn the meeting at 12:41 pm.


June 5, 2009

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