Appendix E –Preparation and Risk Assessment checklist for NCMP and screening sessions

Date of Risk Assessment: / School: / Date of NCMP/ screening session(s):
Assessor: / Room: / SNA/SN
School Co-ordinator: / Total no. of children:
Essential Criteria / Yes / No / Agreed Action
Is there a dedicated school member of staff identified for sending out school entry health review questionnaires, NCMP letters and collating and securely storing returned questionnaires, consent forms and opt-out letters from parents in advance of the session?
Is there a dedicated member of school staff who will be responsible for ensuring that the school nurse team receive all parental NCMP opt-out letters on the day of the session?
Is there a dedicated school member of staff identified for supporting the session(s)? If that person is absent or unavailable on the day agree who would be the deputy.
Has the school supplied an updated class list so that all children in the cohort are able to be included?
Is there sufficient space in the room for staff to work effectively and for the screening to take place? (over 3 metres)
Is there a room with doors to promote privacy for the children to complete vison and hearing screening/ height & weight
Are noise levels quiet enough for a hearing test? (No photocopier or servers/music classes/entrance bells)
Are hand-washing facilities available in the room or nearby?
Is there adaquate light to perform vision screening and other tasks?
Are the tables and chairs available suitable for the purpose?
Is there suitable space for children to wait with minimal disturbance?
Emergencies - Is there access to a land line telephone nearby for emergencies? What is the fire emergency procedure?

Thank you for your support. The School Nursing service appreciates the opportunity to work in partnership with schools to promote the health and wellbeing of pupils. If you need to cancel a session we would appreciate a minimum of 1 weeks’ notice. School staff member [Name and signature] ______

School Nurse team member [Name and signature] ______


School Entry Health Review Guideline

Version: 4

January 2017