Interval House Volunteer Application Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Interval House! Without the help of generous people like you who volunteer their talents and skills, Interval House would not be able to operate at the level it does today.

Please fill the application form below and email it with your resume to or mail it to the address as shown below. Please do not drop off your application form at the centre.

When we receive your application and resume, we’ll invite you to a Volunteer Information Session and a tour of the organization. We hold these sessions quarterly. After the session, you will have the opportunity to decide if you are still interested in any of the activities we have available at that time. A Manager or Supervisor will then contact you to continue the recruitment and selection process.

Personal Information

Please print all information clearly.

Ms. Mrs. Miss. Mr. Name:


Number and Street Apartment Number

City and Province Postal Code

Telephone numbers:

Residential Cell Business

Email address:

Work and Volunteer Experience: Please attach your resume

General Information

How did you hear about Interval House?

Website/Social Media Volunteer Toronto Donor/Supporter Have held Events/Drives Relative

of Interval House Supporter/Staff Friend Other: ______

Have you volunteered with Interval House in the past? (Please check appropriate box)

Yes No

If yes, please indicate in what capacity you volunteered and who you reported to:

Why do you want to volunteer at Interval House (e.g. school requirement, desire to help others, gain work-related experience, etc.)?


Please fill in the times you are available to volunteer:

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday

When are you available to start volunteering?

Please indicate your desired length of volunteer period (e.g. 6 months, 1 year, etc.):

How many hours per week do you want to volunteer?

Volunteering Interests

Please rate in order of preference (for example #1, 2, 3, etc. to 5; 1 being the highest) the positions you are most interested in at Interval House:

The volunteer positions listed are not always available.

Position Title / Position Description / Your Ranking
Outdoor Maintenance Support/Pick-Ups / Assist in internal and external maintenance needs of center.
Administrative Support / -  Donor Stewardship Volunteer
-  Volunteer Program Assistant
-  Filing and Research
-  Project based volunteer
ESL Tutor / Assist women learning English as a second language.
Skilled Activities (Residential Program) / Teaching/Providing wardrobe planning, knitting, handiwork, internet designing, wellness programs, manicure/spa treatment, baking, photography, dancing, French classes
Kitchen Assistant / Prepare nutritious meals for women Fridays to Sundays.
Assist in organizing kitchen.
Legal Support / Provide legal support to Interval House staff and residents.
Donation Facilitator / - Sort and facilitate donations received
- Facilitate the distribution of donations to the women and children.
Kid’s Group Support / Provide support during the Kid’s Group on Thursday evenings
Family Activities Support / Assist during the activities organized for Mom’s and kids during the week or on the weekends
Children’s Art Group Support / Assist the art group facilitator with the group.
Childcare Assistance / Assist with Children’s programs (e.g. childcare, homework club, etc.).

Additional Opportunities

If you are interested in volunteering a service or skill (such as I.T assistance, research) which is not listed above, please indicate below. If needed, attach a more detailed description to this application form. (Opportunities are offered based on Interval House’s needs at the time)

References: To be requested at a later date from suitable candidates

In recognition of the trust inherent in serving children and vulnerable adults and to fulfill the requirements of the Ministry of Community and Social Services, a police records check will be required prior to the acceptance of an individual as a volunteer of Interval House.

I hereby give permission to Interval House to check the provided references and to conduct a criminal record check. I understand that volunteer placement is conditional upon receipt of satisfactory references and police check. I declare that the information provide in the application is true and accurate.

Signature of Applicant Date

Interval House respects your privacy and adheres to all legislative requirements with respect to protecting privacy. Your personal information will be used for the volunteer application process and related program purposes such as notification about recognition events. From time to time, Interval House may contact you about upcoming events, programs, and fundraising opportunities. If you prefer not to receive this information please check this box:

Please mail your completed form to:

Interval House

Attention: Volunteer Program

131 Bloor Street West, Suite 200

Toronto, Ontario M5S 1R8

Interval House Volunteer Application Form Page 1 of 2

Updated: February 2012