MATH 091 E01 Basic Mathematics, 3 Credits

Tues and Thurs 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM, MCML 101


Instructor:Art Naffziger E-Mail: , Phone 775-385-1914 (Leave message)
Textbook: Prealgebra, 3rd Edition, with Mathzone; Baratto Bergman (Mathzone Section: 3A6-7A-B63)

Additional Material: Inexpensive scientific calculator

Internet Access: Available at AcademicSuccessCenter, EIT 114


The course introduces the fundamental operations of whole numbers, fractions and mixed numbers, decimals, percentages, measurement, and integers. The course is intended to provide a review of basics needed in later math courses and on the job. There is no prerequisite for this class.


Upon completion of Math 091 the student will demonstrate the ability to perform mathematical operations, formulate mathematical concepts, solve equations, convert units between the English and metric systems, and apply correct formulas for different geometric figures. This course does not fulfill the math requirement for any degree, nor will it count as an elective for any program.


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Perform addition, subtraction multiplication and division with whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, percents and integers.
  2. Understand the meaning of fractions, decimals, and percents, as well as conditions for their use.
  3. Convert between decimals, fractions and percents.
  4. Identify numbers that belong to the different number sets: natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and real numbers.
  5. Evaluate algebraic expressions.
  6. Solve proportions for an unknown, including proportions involving decimals and fractions.
  7. Solve linear equations.
  8. Be familiar with real life applications of ratios and proportions.
  9. Convert between units in the English and metric systems of measurement and between units within each system.
  10. Extract roots.
  11. Demonstrate appropriate formats for solving problems.
  12. Find the perimeter and area of a variety of basic geometric figures.
  13. Communicate mathematical concepts in writing and/or orally.

Students should demonstrate their knowledge of achieving the learning outcomes in homework assignments, tests, and the final exam.

Instruction is primarily classroom lecture, with time devoted toworking example problems. In addition, similar problems will be presented requiring class participation to complete. Questions from students are allowed at any time during the class period.
The student’s grade is based on homework assignments, tests and the final exam.
1. Homework is assigned thru the Mathzone Website, and will be completed on the computer. Information on how to access Mathzone is attached tothis syllabus on the page titled “Student Quickstart Guide – Mathzone”. (If you have technical problems, contact Mathzone directly. Go to their website – and click on technical support, or call 800-331-5094.) The semester is broken into five sections, each section consisting of two chapters (Chapters 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, and 9/10). There is a test at the end of each section. Homework for the entire section will be available on the day of the first class which covers that section. All homework for that section will be due NLT 11:30 PM the day before the test on that section (See schedule on Page 4 of this syllabus for exact dates). Students who are comfortable with the material are welcome to work ahead of the class lectures. Those who are less sure may wait and work the homework as the sections are covered in class.
2. Mathzone and the internet are not perfect. You may experience difficulty at times in accessing Mathzone, completing your assignments, and submitting your homework. Additionally, if you have not used Mathzone before, there will be a learning period as you become acquainted with it. These are not acceptable reasons for any extension to the due dates. Only verified extended medical conditions will be accepted as a reason to give the student additional time to complete the homework. Therefore, please do not procrastinate in completing your homework. You have sufficient time to complete the homework if you use your time wisely. Remember, homework counts for 25% of the total grade.
3. There are five tests. Each test counts for 10% of the student’s total grade. The final exam counts for 25% of the total grade, and will cover all subjects studied during the semester. As per the attached class schedule, tests will be taken in class, or at the GBCTestingCenter in EIT 114 (NOTE: The Testing Center requires students to show ID when testing). The expectation is that you will take your exams on time. If you find that you will not be able to take a test at the scheduled time, you must notify me prior to the scheduled exam time, to arrange a makeup test. The only exception to this policy is a verified medical emergency.

Grades are distributed as follows:

Percentage / Grade
100 through 94 / A
93 through 90 / A-
89 through 87 / B+
86 through 84 / B
83 through 80 / B-
79 through 77 / C+
76 through 74 / C
73 through 70 / C-
69 through 67 / D+
66 through 64 / D
63 through 60 / D-
Below 60 / W

Point Distribution Summary:
Homework = 25%
Five Tests = 50%
Final = 25%

Total = 100%

Consult the Great BasinCollege catalog for information on “I” and “W” grades.

Attendance in a math class is important to maximize your learning experience. New concepts will be presented during class sessions. If you are not in class, you may find them difficult to comprehend. School policy allows instructors to drop students from the course after the 3rdunexcused absence. Students with excessive unexcused absences will be dropped from the class. Attendance will be taken at each class session. I do take attendance and participation into account if I am faced with a borderline grade. Please contact the instructor for any absence involving extenuating circumstances, and I will try to work with you (keep me informed!). Except for medical emergencies, advance notice is normally required for any excused absence. Failure to follow this procedure will normally result in your being listed as absent for that day. Please Note: The syllabus is just a guide. You may find that we get a day or two ahead or behind. This may affect the date of a homework assignment or exam, or the location of the exam. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to determine what was covered, and if a test date or homework due date was changed.
The classroom is a place of learning, and should be treated as such. Please keep cell phones turned off during class. They are a distraction both to you, and to those around you. Do not work on homework for this class or any other class. Attendance, and attention in class, will assure that you know where we are in the material. This in turn will enable you to ask and answer questions concerning the material covered, complete the homework, and pass the tests.

Prealgebra can be a difficult subject to master. However, you can take steps to increase your probability of success.
1. If you have problems with the concepts presented in this class, and/or difficulty in completing the homework, get help fast.
2. I highly recommend you contact the Academic Success Center (ASC) in EIT 114, Telephone 753-2149. The ASC has Math tutors who can assist students on all homework assignments, and help you better understand the material. Appointments ahead of time are suggested, but not required. ASC hours are: Monday - Thursday, 9AM – 8PM, and Friday, 9AM – 4PM.
3. I am available after class to help students.
4. Your fellow students may also be able to help you, and study groups of students from this class are highly encouraged.
5. Don’t delay getting help. You may find yourself so far behind you can’t catch up.
6. Other steps you can take include: 1) Do all your homework. You learn by doing; 2) Do some math every day. The best way to retain the concepts is to practice. Section Exercises, and the “Summary Exercises” at the end of each chapter are a good place to start. 3) Utilize Mathzone Instructional Videos and

E-Professor/Practice Exercises. 4) Do not procrastinate with the computer homework. Allow yourself enough time to complete the homework, in case you run into technical difficulties.
7. Remember, your success in this course is your responsibility.

Any student with a disability who is requesting accommodations should contact the Student Services Office in Elko at 775-753-2279 as soon as possible.


The University and Community College System of Nevada expressly forbids all forms of academic dishonesty, including (but not limited to) all forms of cheating, copying, and plagiarism. Students who are discovered cheating will be assigned zero points for the course, and will be brought to the GBC Academic Officers for prosecution.


MATH 091E01 Spring Semester, 2011
One / Tues, Jan 25 / 1.1-1.3, 1.4-1.6 / Mathzone/Assign 1/25, Due 2/14
Thurs, Jan 27 / 1.7-1.9 / Mathzone/Assign 1/25, Due 2/14
Two / Tues, Feb 1 / 2.1-2.4 / Mathzone/Assign 1/25, Due 2/14
Thurs, Feb 3 / 2.5-2.7 / Mathzone/Assign 1/25, Due 2/14
Three / Tues, Feb 8 / 2.8-2.10 / Mathzone/Assign 1/25, Due 2/14
Thurs, Feb 10 / Rev 1&2, 3.1-3.2 / Mathzone/Assign 2/10, Due 3/7
Four / Tues, Feb 15 / Exam 1 (Chap 1&2) * / In Classroom
Thurs, Feb 17 / 3.3-3.4 / Mathzone/Assign 2/10, Due 3/7
Five / Tues, Feb 22 / 3.5-3.6 / Mathzone/Assign 2/10, Due 3/7
Thurs, Feb 24 / 4.1-4.2 / Mathzone/Assign 2/10, Due 3/7
Six / Tues, Mar 1 / 4.3-4.4 / Mathzone/Assign 2/10, Due 3/7
Thurs, Mar 3 / 4.5-4.6 / Mathzone/Assign 2/10, Due 3/7
Seven / Tues, Mar 8 / Rev 3&4, 5.1-5.3 / Mathzone/Assign 3/8, Due 4/4
Tues-Thurs, Mar 8-10 / Exam 2 (Chap 3&4) * / GBC Testing Center (EIT 114)
Thurs, Mar 10 / 5.4-5.6 / Mathzone/Assign 3/8, Due 4/4
Eight / Tues, Mar 15 / 5.7-5.8 / Mathzone/Assign 3/8, Due 4/4
Thurs, Mar 17 / 6.1-6.3 / Mathzone/Assign 3/8, Due 4/4
Mar 21 – 25 / Spring Break
Nine / Tues, Mar 29 / 6.4-6.5 / Mathzone/Assign 3/8, Due 4/4
Thurs, Mar 31 / Rev 5&6, 7.1-7.2 / Mathzone/Assign 3/31, Due 4/20
Ten / Tues, Apr 5 / Exam 3 (Chap 5&6) / In Classroom
Thurs, Apr 7 / 7.3-7.4 / Mathzone/Assign 3/31, Due 4/20
Eleven / Tues, Apr 12 / 7.5-8.1 / Mathzone/Assign 3/31, Due 4/20
Thurs, Apr 14 / 8.2-8.3 / Mathzone/Assign 3/31, Due 4/20
Twelve / Tues, Apr 19 / Rev 7&8, 9.1-9.2 / Mathzone/Assign 4/19, Due 5/9
Thurs, Apr 21 / Exam 4 (Chap 7&8) / In Classroom
Thirteen / Tues, Apr 26 / 9.3-9.4 / Mathzone/Assign 4/19, Due 5/9
Thurs, Apr 28 / 10.1-10.2 / Mathzone/Assign 4/19, Due 5/9
Fourteen / Tues, May 3 / 10.3-10.5 / Mathzone/Assign 4/19, Due 5/9
Thurs, May 5 / Rev 9 & 10
Fifteen / Tues, May 10 / Exam 5 (Chap 9&10) / In Classroom
Thurs, May 12 / Rev for Final
Tues, May 17 / Final Exam / In Classroom

* No Calculators