Important Information for Ms. Smith’s Class 4-1

The following information should help you understand the procedures of class 4-1. Please keep this information and use it as a guide throughout the school year.

Signed Papers:

Papers will be sent home every Wednesday except when we have a short week or it is stated in the homework book. Please review the papers with your child, sign the top paper with your complete name (please no initials) and have your child return the papers to school by Friday. Each paper below 70% must be signed. Recess detention is given for papers not returned by Friday. If you need more time to review papers please send a note. I will also be sending home workbooks and folders that will need to be signed if grades are being recorded. Signed papers are an excellent communication to you as to how your child is progressing.

Homework Books:

The students write homework assignments daily. Books must be signed nightly with a complete name. I do require that homework books be signed on the weekend. There are usually reminders of upcoming tests and sometimes an assignment is given on the weekend. I check homework books daily. A warning is given on the behavior board if a book is not signed. Detention slips will be stapled in the homework book. Detention slips need to be signed and returned the next day.

Homework is Important!

Please check the homework book every night and spend time reviewing or assisting your child on each assignment. Failure to do homework or turning in incomplete assignments will result in recess detention. Many homework assignments are graded and failing to do the assignment will result in lower averages for your child. One homework pass per 9weeks is allowed. Please encourage your child to use this only for an emergency. When using a homework pass the student must turn in the required work the next day if I am taking the grade. Homework passes may not be used for long term assignments.

Students will be rewarded, in some way, if they complete all homework per quarter. Further details will be provided later.

Grading Policy:

Assessments will be given weekly in all subject areas. Grades will come from prepared tests, teacher-made tests, essay questions, practice handouts, projects, creative writings, class activities, and some homework assignments. All grades will be numerical and will count equally in averaging for the quarter except for major tests and projects. They will count double.

Test Schedule:

Wordly Wise (fill in the blank- sentences from ex.B) – Tuesdays


Spelling- Fridays

Students will be informed several days in advance before any major tests.

Important Paper Binder:

This binder will contain important papers, signed papers, flyers from school, study materials, and other information. Please check it daily. Make sure your child gets into the habit of bringing it home, along with their homework book.

Reading Log Folder:

This year students will keep a folder to monitor and record the books they have read. The folder with be checked weekly. We will also be using a new online reading program called MyOn. Further details will be sent home at a later time.

Discipline Plan:

My discipline plan is one that is positive and promotes responsibility for one’s actions. Please review and discuss rules, expectations, and consequences with your child frequently at the start of the year and throughout the year.


Please email me if you would like to set up a conference. The address is . You may also call the school at 762-2749 extension 406 or write a note to schedule a conference. I check my voice mail after 4:15. I will get back to you as soon as possible.


If your child needs to go home a different way, please send a note. I cannot send your child home a different way on his/her word alone. I want your child to get home safely. If your child is to ride a bus with a friend, you must write a note for permission. This will be approved in the office.

Lunch and Snacks:

Our class eats lunch at 12:04. Students are allowed to bring a healthy snack to school each day. Please do not send items that need to be eaten with a spoon or drinks other than water. Fourth grade allows the buying of snacks and treats on Fridays. This is a reward for students who had excellent behavior during the week. Your child must bring $1.00 cash to purchase one. It cannot be charged to their lunch account. Our school rule of silence for the first minutes is in effect. This is so students eat their lunches. They may talk quietly to students around them the last ten minutes of lunch. I do not allow the students to share or trade during snack or lunch time.

Guessing Jar:

The class participates in a math lesson using the guessing jar as the focus. We learn about mode, median, range, and other math concepts. If you would like to provide items for the jar, please send in items that are individually wrapped and a minimum of thirty. Please do not include items containing peanuts.


We will have many reward parties throughout the year. Your child will be allowed to bring a drink and treat along with the games and toys he/she would like to play with. Those students who meet the behavior criteria will attend the parties.


Paying attention in class is very important. Fourth grade requires the students to be more independent and focused. I will give warnings and detentions if necessary for playing with materials and not paying attention during lessons.


Our special area schedule is:9:35-10:15






I look forward to an enjoyable and rewarding year working with your child! Thank you for your cooperation and support!!


Ms. Smith

Please cut off bottom and keep this information to use throughout the year.


Parent SignatureDate

Information Packet for Ms. Smith’s Class 4-1