
Workshop Presenters ApplicationInformation Pack

* Your Name * - First and second name eg Mary Brown

* Business Name - Your Trading name

* Where do you live? - Please write what town, suburb or area you live in. No need for formal address at this stage.

* Mobile

* Phone - Your Landline

* Email - Your best contact

* Website – If you have a website, please show it here

* Artist's Bio – Sell Yourself!! This is the small paragraph about yourself and your work that will go directly into our Program Guide. Please make sure you have edited this information as it will appear 'as is', in the Guide. Patrons read this information to know who is giving their workshop and then decide if you sound like you may be able to teach them something new.

* Relevant Workshop Experience – This is for us only.Please list your experience as a workshop presenter especially the workshop you are describing in this application. If this is your first time, please say so. List any relevant teaching skills if possible. 60 words max

* Photos of your Work – We require clear high resolution images of your work to appear in our Program Guide. If you have more than one for us to choose from, send the remaining images to . It is always best if you can show a photo of what your students will be making so they get see at a glance, your workshop is about. As they say, a picture paints a thousand words. Your image format should be a Jpeg, png or tiff only. Images should be clear and not blurry. We don't want a link to your website or Facebook page to find your photos, please send them direct to us so we can forward them to our graphic designer to use in the guide etc. All images sent will be given on the understanding that Knitfest can use them for our own promotional purposes. Our Program Guide is printed in high quality colour paper.

* Workshop Title - Keep your titles short and concise, eg 'Learn to Tie dye a T-shirt'

* Workshop Description - Sell your workshop! Show your enthusiasm and excitement. Your description should be no more than 60 words and edited as this is how it will appear in our program guide. It should describe in detail, exactly what you hope your students will learn.

* Length of Workshop? - Plan your workshops to be no more than 2 hours in length. We have two sessions a day planned. 10am till 12:00 noon and 2:00 till 4:00pm. You may be able to fit more than one demonstration or workshop in each session if it is short. If you have a long workshop, it may extend over both sessions with an hour lunch break. Your students can see some of the festival and grab some lunch. We have found shorter workshops work better in this type of festival. You may have to consider a different format for your presentations. Options can include taster workshops where students learn the basics and you can perhaps show them a little of everything you usually do in your regular workshops . Promote your other workshops 'Learn the basics of needle felting and take home a small fairy”.Then if interested, students can do a follow up workshop with you that might include a much bigger scene that the fairy fits into, at another time. In your workshop spaces, you should bring flyers about upcoming workshops and business cards to promote yourself and your work.
You may choose to give a minimal participation workshop rather than a hands on participation workshop. This may not only help to keep you within the 2 hour session time frame but also help to keep costs down. If you choose this option, you will need to state that it is a demonstration in your title.

* Minimum & Maximum Participants - Let us know the minimum number of students you will accept before the workshop needs will proceed and the maximum number you can teach in a single session

* How many workshops do you want to do over the 2 days – Providing we have our numbers and pre-bookings, you may want to do more than one workshop if we can sell them. We intend to choose 12 of the best workshops. You might do a Tie -dyeing workshop on Sat and a learn to dye your own fleece workshop the next day.

* Fees (breakdown of costs to include fee and material costs separately)
How to price your tickets – We are a Not for Profit Event. We keep our costs at the bare minimum. Your ticket price should work on the price per person and should include:-
For example if you have 10 students, you may breakdown the workshop cost as:

-Your tutoring fee per person - $30

-Cost of materials per person - $5

-Venue hire - $20 per session (NB: You will need to divide this cost between the number of expected students. If you do not get the no of students at your workshop, the total fee is still payable)

-Administration Costs - $5 per person

-Costs towards the Program Guide per person - $4

-Total cost of ticket= $64.00
This is the fee you will quote us in the ticket price section

* Space required to hold workshop - Workshop areas are 4m x 3m with an 1800cm round table and 10 chairs. If you need to sit down at the table, you can only take 9 students. If you are presenting eg a weaving workshop which requires a large space and outdoor setting, you may accommodate more students than 10. We're happy to negotiate. Workshops will be pre-booked online as well as tickets sold at the event on the day. It will help if you can promote your workshop thru your usual channels to try to book the workshops out in advance.
Workshop areas will be separated from the public by screens that we can pull across during the workshop. Outside workshop times, we will put a sign on each table listing session times of the next workshop with costs and where to buy tickets

* Water and power required? - Some stalls will have a power point located near then. We will endeavour to fit your workshop space as close as possible to a power point if needed. You may get away with a couple of buckets of water instead of tap water on hand. It may be possible to tailor your workshop to present in a demonstration format instead of hands on, saving space and the need for an outdoor area facility with facilities.

* Will you need a Trade Stall with your workshop? If yes, you will need to fill in a separate Trade Stall Application under Markets in the drop down box. This year, we will be located in the Maleny Primary School hall which will be called Knitfest Central. Any Spinning and Weaving will be located in the Maleny RSL Hall on Saturday only. While part of this event, the Maleny Sunday Markets use the RSL hall on Sunday as usual.

We intend to set Knitfest Central ( Primary School Hall) with a Trade stall/workshop – Trade stall/workshop set up, there may be some Trade stalls who don't need workshop space and some workshops which don't require a Trade stall. We think presenters will find it easier to be closer to their stalls while presenting their workshops and may either choose to close the stall down during the workshop or get someone in to help for the duration of the workshop.
* There will be a donated yarn stash available for you to choose if needed for your students. Leftover yarn can be returned in the central stash at the end of the workshop. You can choose your yarns on the Friday during set up or before your workshop.

* Promote yourself. We will endeavour to promote you and your workshops thru our media, as much as possible. Take advantage of the local newspapers, event websites and radio etc Knitfest are running editorials and ads for the festival using all these types of media. We can help you contact them so you can give them a story about yourself and your workshop as well as upcoming workshops in the general area. You are newsworthy. Local papers want stories about local people. If you live in eg Noosa, run a story in the Noosa Times letting people you will be hosting a workshop at Knitfest this year or contact Noosa Community Radio and do a short segment on what you are up to. We are happy to help you write any publicity or direct you to the appropriate media concerned. We want to help you and we want to sell your workshops.

* You can use your workshop space in the off times, as a display area where you
may like to demonstrate a little something in the morning to advertise and entice people to come and do your workshop in the afternoon, for example.

* This year tickets will either be purchased online prior to the event or else purchased at the ticket office at the venue. You must collect these tickets at the beginning of the workshop and at the end of the workshop, you present your ticket tokens to the Admin desk to be processed. You will only be paid by presenting these tokens. Payment will be made either on the day if time permits or within 3 weeks of the event.

If you have any questions regarding this application or your workshop, please contact us at