Valkeakoski Unit, Electrical and Automation Engineering

Program in Charge
Electrical and Automation Engineering / Semester
Fall 2016
Course unit Code / Course unit title / Number of
ECTS credits
AU0901 / Automation System / 4
21727647 / Robotics / 4
21727360 / Maintenance Information Systems / 4
21727350 / Control Engineering / 4
AU0902 / Field Design / 4
AU0903 / Electricity design for a production process / 4
AU0904 / Practical Design Work in Professional English / 3
AU1101 / Security Automation / 4
AU1102 / Home Automation / 4
AU1103 / ERP and MES Solutions in Production / 4
AU1104 / Wireless Technology in Automation / 3
21727359 / Reliability Centered Maintenance / 4
EA0501 / Power Engineering and its Practical Applications / 7,5
EA1701 / Programmable Logic Controller / 4
EA1702 / Programming / 4,5
EA1704 / Information Security / 2
EA00BH03 / Fundamentals of Automation Engineering and Logic Programming / 5
EA00BH00 / Theoretical Electrical Engineering - DC / 2
EA00BH06 / Theoretical Electrical Engineering - AC / 3
EA00BH08 / Automation Engineering Laboratory Works / 4,5
EA00BH02 / Engineering Project and CAD / 2
EA00BH07 / Engineering Project and Innovation / 2
Program in Charge
Electrical and Automation Engineering / Semester
Spring 2017
Course unit Code / Course unit title / Number of
ECTS credits
21727353 / Fieldbus Technology / 3
21727358 / Maintenance Economics / 4
21727361 / Maintenance Project / 3
21727339 / Networks in Automation / 4
AU1501 / Control Engineering / 5
AU1502 / Hydraulics and Pneumatic Systems / 4
AU1503 / Application Development Environment and Practical
Applications for PLC Programming / 6
AU1302 / Reliability Centered Maintenance / 4
AU1303 / Maintenance Information System / 4
EA0701 / Process Technology / 3
EA0703 / Instrumentation / 3
EA0704 / Fieldbuses / 4,5
EA0801 / Microcontroller / 5
EA0802 / CAD and Technical Documentation / 4
EA0804 / Application Development Environment / 4,5
EA00BH12 / Logic Programming, Programming Languages and the User Interface / 6
EA00BH11 / Telecommunications and Information Security / 5
EA00BH18 / Metrology / 4
EA00BH19 / Metrology Laboratory Works / 3
EA00BH20 / Electronics / 3