/ International
OFFICERS’ MEETING: 19 July 2017, 15:00 Eastern DAYLIGHT (U.S.) Time


Agenda item: / 1.  Notes from last Officer meeting
Updates / Review of notes, as needed.
ActionS / Peter will update the service dates of David Warton (new member of the JABES Management Committee) to 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2019 on the website.
Agenda item: / 2.  IBC Matters
a.  Barcelona 2018
i.  IPC - Invited Sessions
ii.  Short Courses and Stats in Practice Session (Education Committee)
iii.  Special Sessions:
-  Young Statisticians Competition
-  Biometrics and JABES Competitions
-  ISI Special Session
-  IBS/ISI Competition for ISI members
iv.  Call for Contributed Papers
v.  LOC / Conference management (Gruppo Pacifico)
vi.  Mobile app - August
vii.  Abstract system – Testing!
viii.  Finances/budget
ix.  Hotel block
x.  Women’s Caucus in Stat Hospitality Lunch
b.  Seoul 2020
i.  Conference management
ii.  Conference venue
iii.  LOC makeup
Updates / 2avii: Abstract system testing continues, though slowly. Elizabeth sent several requests to some of the volunteers asking them to provide comments as soon as possible. Testing will still continue into August.
2aviii: Peter and Brad have begun work on the budget. An online version of a budget template is being shared, and can be adjusted in real time. Two previous budgets from IBCs have also been shared as a reference. Much more work is to come on the budget.
2ax: A special event has been confirmed, with others likely to come. It is unclear how it will be promoted, but there is additional time to determine this.
Comments / 2bi: The group confirmed that the MCI revised request for proposal is a high priority. Peter agreed to make progress on this item in the coming week.
2bii: It was confirmed that negotiations with the conference venue will take place after IBS has reached an agreement with MCI for conference management services.
ACTIONS / 2biii: Peter is to follow up with Taerim Lee regarding the confirmed makeup of the Local Organizing Committee.
Agenda item: / 3.  Executive Board Follow-up
a.  Membership Reporting (once per month, first week of each month)
b.  Biometrics/Wiley
i.  Biometrics Editorial Board Meeting at JSM
c.  JABES/Springer
i.  Springer contract
ii.  Steve problems with Mike Penn – Linda to deal with
d.  May, 2017 Executive Board Meeting
i.  Policies & Procedures Updates
-  Online recognition text
-  IBS/ISI proposal details
-  RC Leadership rotation wording
-  Rep Council Network funding program – for future
-  Statement on international collaboration
-  Additions to IBC Manual for ISI/IBS Program re Young Statisticians
-  Gender balance on committees, etc (statement)
ii.  Deadline for review of Minutes – Peter to send reminder
e.  Archives
f.  70th anniversary
i.  Biometrics
ii.  Lynne B. slides
iii.  Website “birthday” announcement for September 6
Updates / 3bi: Editorial Board meeting arrangements have been made. Peter will finalize all paperwork on Monday, 7/24.
3ci: It was confirmed that Springer is preparing the DocuSign system so that the JABES contract may be signed by both parties. There is no word yet on the exact date that the signing request will be received in our office.
3di: Draft language for changes to the Policies & Procedures document has been distributed. The group will review and comment on the language soon.
3fi: The 70th anniversary cover has been delivered to Marie Davidian and Geert Molenbergh. It will soon be posted to website by Staff. An update to the language for the “About the Cover” section is being finalized.
Comments / 3cii: Elizabeth is aware of some Springer internal friction between Steve (our primary contact) and Mike Penn. Linda is aware of this.
3di: The group was in agreement that there is no need to include the Statement on International Collaboration in the P&P document. Peter will remove this language in the next revision, but will add the official statement to the materials located in the Board Room (online).
ActionS / 3a: Staff will provide the next membership report on or before August 7.
3di: Louise will be working on the statement regarding gender diversity.
3dii: Peter will send a reminder to all Executive Board members to review and comment on the minutes as soon as possible (adding a deadline to the review).
Agenda item: / 4.  Regional Matters
a.  Representative Council
i.  New members
ii.  Funding program process adjustments
b.  At-Large Members Procedure adjustments
c.  Network foundational documents
d.  Officer representation at Regional meetings
i.  Nordic / Baltic, June 19-21 (Elizabeth) – post-conference report
ii.  Brazil, July 24-28 – John Hinde
iii.  SUSAN Conference, August 22-25 – Andreas Ziegler
iv.  Australasian, November 26-30 - Elizabeth
e.  EMR post-conference
i.  report re Network funding
ii.  resolution – EMR financial report made to region
iii.  Bylaws change
f.  Morocco
g.  Mentoring program
h.  Shareprod project
Update / 4ai: Two additional Regions have reported new Representative Council appointees. Staff will need to contact the remaining Regions who have not yet reported.
4e: Peter mentioned that 20 additional members will be added to the member roster soon, as a result of payment for these members through the EMR conference registration process.
4eii: It was confirmed that the financial report has been delivered to the EMR Board.
4f: There is much progress related to a possible future Moroccan Region, as a result of contacts made in Marrakesh.
Comments / 4aii: It was noted that additions to the Representative Council funding program language will eventually need to be added to the Policies and Procedures Manual. Language should be formulated prior to the next Executive Board meeting. It is unclear whether Peter or a volunteer will draft this.
4c: Peter stated that he received most of the information needed to complete the East Asian network foundational document recently. The same information was originally sent to John Hinde back in March.
4di: The Nordic/Baltic Region is expected to include a report on their conference in the next Biometric Bulletin. Peter will send the Region a request, just in case.
4ei: The report related to EMR’s network funding received from the Representative Council funding program is still due.
4eiii: A change to the EMR bylaws regarding the delivery of financial details from the EMR conference is still pending. Dimitris Karlis will keep the Officers apprised of their progress.
4f: An effort to form a new Moroccan Region (some members have already paid dues through a local contact) could eventually morph into a new North African Region, which could include Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt and perhaps others. Contact has also been made with individuals in Gabon and Ethiopia. It was also noted that some additional contacts may have already applied to IBS membership through the website.
4h: Regarding the Shareprod project, an IBS Italian Region initiative, Louise is supportive of the new Italian Region President’s ideas but does not want to get her hopes up regarding any possible funding of the project by the IBS. There are a variety of issues that would need to be resolved prior to any funding being considered, including privacy issues, any return on investment to the IBS, etc. One idea is for the Region to first consider a pilot program for their members only. They do have a a web page, and Louise will forward the link in an email.
ActionS / 4f: Peter is to find any “new Region checklists” which may reside in the main files.
Agenda item: / 5.  Committee Matters
a.  Awards Fund Committee
b.  Committee on Communications
c.  Conference Advisory Committee --
d.  Editorial Advisory Committee
e.  Education Committee
f.  Budget and Finance Committee
Update / 5a: Peter indicated that the Awards Fund Committee travel funding review process for the second group of 2017 applicants recently commenced. Two individuals who mistakenly applied for IBC2018 funding have been removed from eligibility, as well as a number of individuals who received funding previously. Note: Peter will add a note to the next IBO Update publication to remind Regions that their members are not eligible for funding if they have recently received IBS funding for other travel.
5c: Tentative arrangements have been made for a Conference Advisory Committee conference call on 24 July.
5e: The Education Committee has been attempting to confirm a presenter for the next Journal Club, planned for 10 August. If a presenter cannot be confirmed by July 31st, the next session will be cancelled and the Journal Club will again present a session in October.
Comments / 5a: New travel funding applications from several members in Vietnam are under review, but have not yet been added to the list of those eligible for funding during this round. Peter to follow up.
5c: There was some discussion regarding whether members from the United States might support an IBC if it were to be held as part of a CAC bid. In related developments, it was just learned that the Netherlands will host WSC in Hague in 2021, which lowers the chance for approval of an IBC coming to that same Region a year later.
ActionS / 5b: Louise will reach out to the Communications Committee regarding several ongoing communications projects.
5c: Elizabeth will speak with Raul Macchiavelli regarding the possibility of a Central American / Caribbean Region bid to host IBC2022.
Agenda item: / 6.  IBO Matters
a.  Region Training
b.  Next IBO Update
c.  Next Biometric Bulletin
d.  Biennial Calendar
e.  IBC 2016 payment to WNAR
Update / 6a: The next Region training session is planned for August 1. An invitation has been distributed to all Asian Regions.
6b: A date has been chosen for the next IBO Update: 15 September.
Comments / 6c: There is some questions regarding Daria’s next article, and whether it will be in the next edition of the Biometric Bulletin. Communications have been sent to Havi Murad to clarify the situation.
ActionS / 6e: Brad will contact Mary Redman to confirm whether they intend to supply bank wire or instructions or they prefer to just receive a check. Peter has requested a check from Accounting, and received it this week. Payment will not be sent until the preferred distribution is confirmed.

Adjourned: Next call is 16:00 Eastern U.S. time on 26 July 2017. Louise will be on her biking holiday and unable to join us!


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