Fri 20/3 / Sat 21/3 / Sun 22/3 / Mon 23/3 / Tue 24/3 / Wed 25/3 / Thu 26/3
Breakfast / Fruit / Eggs / Pancakes / Egg / Fruit / Bake beans & toast / Fruit
Snack / ¼ mixed nuts
Lunch / Left overs / Baked sweet potatoes / Out / Dahl & cauliflower / Dahl & cauliflower / Veggie soup / Veggie soup
Snack / Pistachio Bites / Celery stick with peanut butter / Pistachio Bites / Carmen’s bar / Paprika Parsnip Fries
Dinner / Homemade pizza / Out / Fast night / Veggie sticks beetroot dip / Chicken rice casserole / Fast night

Shopping list

12 Eggs / GF pizza base / Pistachio / Buckwheat flour / Cauliflower / Broccoli / In season fruit / Tomatoes
Trout / GF bread / Dates / Celery / Raw beetroot / Parsnip / Celery / Campbell’s vegetable stock
Salmon / Antipasto (for piazza) / 6 Limes / Garlic / Brown rice / Can cannellini beans / Fennel / Cottage cheese
Dried beans / Mozzarella cheese / Sweet potato / Red Lentils / Chicken thighs / Baby spinach / Zucchini / Carrots
Ginger / Basil / Parsley / Mushrooms
Eggs and Asparagus
4 eggs
2 bunches of asparagus
4 slices smoked trout
½ bag of spinach
Salt and pepper to taste
Boil a saucepan of hot water, add vinegar and poach eggs
In a fry pan poach the asparagus in water till just soft
on a plate place the raw spinach top with trout asparagus
and the poach eggs, add salt and pepper to taste
Fruit Muesli
2 pieces of in season fruit
¼ cup Gluten free muesli
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop protein powder
Cut fruit and top with muesli, add the protein
powder to the almond milk in a shaker or glass
blend to smooth. Pour over fruit and muesli / Eggs & Zucchini omelette
4 eggs
1 slice smoked salmon
⅓ cup water
1 Zucchini
8 Cherry Tomatoes
4 Mushrooms
¼ bag of spinach
Beat the eggs with water. Heat a pan with a little
olive oil. Pour eggs into pan and then all other sliced
ingredients on top of egg. Fold egg over on self once
bottom is cooked serve on raw spinach
Bake Beans & Toast
300g mixed dried beans (such as navy, borlotti or cannellini)
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
4 large tomatoes diced
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
Salt & freshly ground pepper
½ cup of stock
1/3 bag of spinach
Place the beans in a bowl. Cover with cold water. Soak overnight. Drain.
Place beans in a large saucepan and cover with water. Bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Drain beans and rinse the beans
In the same saucepan, heat oil and cook onion and garlic for 3 minutes until soft. Add tomatoes, ½ cup of stock, Worcestershire sauce, maple syrup and mustard.
Add to pan the beans. Simmer for a further 30 minutes until thick and beans are tender. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Serve the baked beans with crusty toast and wilted spinach. (adapted from / Key Lime Pistachio Bites
2 cups shelled pistachios, divided
1 cup pitted dates
Zest and juice from 6 key limes
Add 1 1/2 cups of pistachios and dates to a food processor high-speed blender. Process until all comes together in a ball (about 3 minutes).
Break up ball and add zest and juice of all key limes. Process until well combined.
Meanwhile, chop up remaining 1/2 cup of pistachios into tiny pieces to be used at coating.
Roll pistachio-date mixture into 18 balls and then roll in chopped pistachios.
Store in refrigerator for up to 1 month or longer in freezer
Paprika Parsnip Fries
1 pound parsnips (about 4)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons paprika
Salt and black pepper to taste
Pesto sauce for dipping (optional)
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
Wash and cut the ends off of your parsnips. Cut them into strips to make fries. Place them on a lined baking sheet and drizzle the oil over them. Season with the paprika, salt and pepper and toss to combine.
Bake for 20-25 minutes, until soft on the inside and slightly crispy on the outside.
Serve with pesto or your favourite dipping sauce. (recipe from myfitness pal) / Beetroot dip
1 can cannellini beans
1 large raw beetroot
¼ cup olive oil
1 clove garlic
1tsp salt
1tbp honey
Place all ingredients into a blender/food processor until smooth.
Baked sweet potato
2 medium sizes sweet potatoes
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 red onion, finely chopped
1 baby fennel bulb, trimmed, thinly sliced
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/3 cup chopped fresh basil leaves
1/2 cup fresh GF breadcrumbs
Preheat oven to 200°C. Line an oven tray with baking paper. Wash sweet potato and cut making a cross. Place, cut-side up, on prepared pan. Spray/brush with oil. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until tender.
Meanwhile, heat oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Add onion and fennel. Cook for 5 to 6 minutes or until light golden. Remove from heat.
Scoop the soft sweet potato flesh into a bowl, leaving shell intact. Roughly mash sweet potato flesh. Add onion mixture, cottage cheese and basil. Season with salt and pepper. Mix with a fork until well combined.
Spoon fennel mixture into sweet potato shells. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Spray lightly with oil. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until light golden. Serve. / Veggie Soup
1 littler of Campbell’s vegetable stock
½ cup of quinoa
2 carrots, peeled, diced
2 zucchini, diced
2 sticks celery, diced
½ pumpkin diced
1 brown onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves, chopped
Place all ingredients into a slow cooker on high, cook for 3 hours or until vegetables are soft.
Chicken & Broccoli Rice Casserole
3 cups cooked. brown rice (approx. 1 cup uncooked rice)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped (about 1 cup)
10 button mushrooms, sliced
4, boneless chicken thighs, cut into bite-sized pieces
3/4 teaspoon salt, divided
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 head of broccoli cut into florets
1 1/2 cups milk/soy or rice
3 tablespoons flour or buckwheat flour
¾ cheese, shredded
Preheat grille to high. Cook rice according to package directions.
While rice cooks, heat a large 12-inch ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat. Add oil to pan; swirl to coat. Add onion, mushrooms, and chicken; sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper. Sauté until chicken, mushrooms and onion are done, about 6-8 minutes.
Place broccoli into a steamer saucepan cook till tender
Combine milk and flour, stirring with a whisk or fork until smooth. Stir milk mixture into chicken mixture in skillet. Cook 2 minutes or until bubbly and thick, stirring frequently.
Stir in remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt, rice, and broccoli. Sprinkle with cheese.
Grill 1 minute or until cheese melts and just begins to brown.
NOTE: If you don’t have an ovenproof skillet use a glass baking dish to grill the casserole. / Red lentil dahl
1 cup dried red split lentils, washed, drained
1 litre of Campbell’s vegetable stock
3 thin slices fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/4 cup olive/rice brand oil
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 head of cauliflower
Place lentils and water into a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to the boil. Use a spoon to skim any residue from surface.
Reduce heat to low. Add ginger and turmeric. Partially cover with a lid. Simmer for 1 hour. Cook, stirring, for a further 30 minutes or until lentils are tender.
Heat oil in a small frying pan over high heat. Add cumin, coriander and cayenne pepper. Cook for 30 seconds. Stir into lentils. Season with salt.
Chop the cauliflower and place in a food process chop to the consistency of rice
In a saucepan place the cauliflower cover with water and cook till tender, stirring frequently. Sever the dahl on top of cauliflower rice.