A. Capabilities Cross Cut - need 1 page or less, plus 1 figure, summarizing present status of this observing system component, leveraged assets, and future plans:
1. Coordinated Regional Management – Carolyn (lead), Ed, Bill, Larry.
2. Observing Subsystem – Scott (lead)
a. Weather – Jay (lead), possible WFO members, suggested new members – Brian Colle (SUNY), Jim Edson (UConn).
b. CODAR – Josh (lead), Hugh, Larry, Jim
c. Gliders – Oscar (lead), Wendell, Bill, plus new Coldfish members.
d. Satellites – Matt (lead), Oscar.
3. DMAC – Eoin (lead), John K.,
4. Modeling & Analysis – John W. (lead)
a. Statistical – Jim
b. Dynamical - John W., Alan, Avijit
5. Outreach & Education
a. Outreach – Tony (lead), Tom, Dennis, Judy
b. Education – Janice (lead)
B. Themes cross cut – need 1 page or less, plus 1 figure, summarizing present status and future plans, with particular emphasis needson the NFRA metrics.
1. Safety at Sea – Scott, Art, Hugh (from the MTS paper) straight from MTS paper, Tom summary on Rip Currents.
2. Ecosystem based management – Fisheries – Wendell et al from Coldfish proposal, Josh et al. from FATE & other proposals, Dennis on economics.
3. Water Quality – Bob, Eric, Josh, Jim Nichols, ?????
4. Coastal Inundation – Jay, Bill, Larry, Barry(?) from CBOS, Bob Wilson, ????
5. Energy – Larry, Scott
C. 2 page CVs
1. Name, Present affiliation, contact information
2. Education
3. Employment History
4. IOOS Synergistic Activities
5. Relevant Publications
6. Relevant Grants, Current & Pending
D. Inventory of Observing System Assets
Status? Who is responsible for this? Need it for IOOS, for proposal, and reguar updates. Will the Board handle this at their next meeting?
E. Performance measures – Time to transition to a formal process. Board Responsibility. Board should take first crack at this at their next meeting. Need to get the performance metrics posted on MARCOOS site. Who among our NFRA reps has them?
F. Letters of support - potential list
1. Our members.
2. State people. Governors through MARCO. State agencies. County agencies.
3. Letters from users under each MACOORA theme.
a. Safety at Sea – Coast Guard, Lifeguards, DHS (like Miracle on the Hudson).
b. Ecosystem Management, Fisheries – Commercial, Recreational & management councils
c. Water Quality – attendees to our workshop?
d. Coastal Inundation – attendees to our workshop?
e. Energy – offshore wind developers, who else?
4. Associations we work with.
5. Other RA members.
G. Other grants that leverage MARCOOS – Start list today.
H. Education Activities that leverage MARCOOS– Start list today.
How do we get these from each institution. Who will organize?
I. Complimentary Funding – Any out there?
J. Status of IOOS funding?