Course Project for CS 3431. B Term, 2012
Phase I: Conceptual Design (Total points possible = 20 pts)
Due Date : Thursday, Nov 8th 2012, by 3pm.
Bring a hardcopy to class on Thursday and submit via mywpi.
1. Come up with a catchy name for your application. Provide an informative paragraph or two about the purpose of your application. [ 1 pt ]
2. Describe the full requirements of your application in plain English.It’s good practice to enumerate your requirements in a numbered list of items, with each item describing one feature. Utilize the example of requirements given in homework 1 on the airplane management system as an example. Your requirements are roughly 2 pagesin length, but that ultimately depends on your application. [ 3 pts ]
3. Develop a conceptual schema for this application using the ER model. Your application needs to have at a minimumsix entity types and six relationship types. There is no upper limit. However. I expect that many of you may work with a much larger number than just 6 entity types. Your conceptual design should characterize all entities and relationships with attributes, key and cardinality. You can use any tool of your choosing, including powerpoint, visio, etc., for drawing the model. [ 10 pts ]
4. Any constraints in your above requirement list that cannot be captured by the ER model should be marked as such, and noted down as additional domain requirements again in plain English. [ 1pts ]
5. Note an initial set of functions for users and administrators or other interested future parties of your system that will be supported. The purpose here is to undertake some first good brain-stormingto have a draft of possible functions. [ 1pts]
6. State how you came up with this design.How many iterations has your design gone through? Any disagreements on what semantics were correct? Did you consult any domain experts or other sources to gain more understanding about your application domain ? Cite such sources in your design report. [ 1 pts ]
7. Schedule: Indicate the “meeting” schedule and mechanisms you have agreed-upon for your team to devote to this course project. How many time slots a week did you meet in person? How and where will you share your partial results as you develop them with your team partner? Email? Fusionforge? Sharepoint ? [ 1 pts ]
8. Contributions:State who in your team has done which task (initial draft, first refinement, second revision), including if work was done jointly or not? This document must be signed by all team members confirming that the indicated distribution of effort is accurate and agreed-upon by all team members. [2 pts ]