A World of Fish
1516 East 66th Street, Richfield, Minnesota 55423
(612) 866-2026 or (612) 866-1905
Visit our website www.worldoffish.com
Fish Selection
Damsels are inexpensive, for saltwater fish, and are very hardy; this makes them an ideal starter fish for new aquariums. As starter fish, we would recommend one per twenty gallons of water of the schooling varieties – Yellow Tail, Green Chromis or Blue Devil or one per aquarium of the non-schooling varieties: Domino, Four Line, Blue Streak, Gold & Blue, etc.
Damsels remain small (2 to 3 inches) and are compatible with the other small fish – Dwarf Angels, Clown Fish, Blennies, Gobies and Hawk fish. Avoid crowding the aquarium with too many fish (more then 1 per 10 gallons). Damsels are also reef-safe and generally live over 5 years. The store has 5 to10 varieties of Damsels in stock.
Damsels spend most of their time swimming in open water but appreciate having caves and hiding places and rearranging these decorations, when adding new fish, can avoid conflict.
Fish do not want the light on; we have the light on to allow us to see the fish. Limit the hours with the lights on to limit the growth of algae in the aquarium.
Damsels will benefit from a well-balanced diet of meat, vegetables and cereal. Generally feed them once per day with occasional fasts. Check for normal behavior everyday and address any issues immediately.
Water Quality
Monitor the water quality at least once per week and make adjustments when indicated. Do a water change at least once a month of 20% to maintain good water quality.
Make a Plan
Discuss your aquarium plan with an experienced hobbyist or A World of Fish associate before beginning your aquarium.
A World of Fish
1516 East 66th Street, Richfield, Minnesota 55423
(612) 866-2026 or (612) 866-1905
Visit our website www.worldoffish.com