Figurative Language and Fluency Unit


Choose one (1) option from each row below. Each option will be assessed separately.

Mini Book
Must include 6 of the unit terms, correct definitions and examples of each. Each page must include a graphic that relates to the term. Booklet must be edited, neatly written, attractive, and colorful. / PowerPoint
Must include 6 of the unit terms, correct definitions and examples of each. PowerPoint needs to be set up so that it can be viewed by individuals who want to quiz themselves as a way to study. PowerPoint must be edited and attractive. / 6 Small Posters
(81/2 X11)
Each poster must include the definition, example, and interesting graphic that relates to each term chosen. Posters should be edited and attractive.
Poet Study
Choose one author to prepare a poetry booklet about. You will include a short biography of the poet and 4 of your favorite poems, with at least 10 examples of figurative language underlined and labeled. / Original Poetry
Write 2 original poems more than 8 lines each and make a poetry booklet.Each poem must include at least 5 different types of figurative language which you will underline and label. / Favorite Poems Booklet
Choose 5 poems you really like from different authors. Make a booklet of the poems, and underline and label at least 10 types of figurative language.
Live Presentation
Live recitation of poem in front of class. Poem must be more than 8 lines and less than 35. Presentation should reflect the meaning of poem and demonstrate knowledge of poet’s cues and effective oral reading. / Video Presentation
Play a video-tape of yourself reciting a poem for the class. Poem must be more than 8 lines and less than 35. Presentation should reflect the meaning of poem and demonstrate knowledge of poet’s cues and effective oral reading. / Recorded Presentation
Oral recording of poem presented with a PowerPoint of associated pictures. Poem must be more than 8 lines and less than 35. Presentation should reflect the meaning of poem and demonstrate knowledge of poet’s cues and effective oral reading.
Name Class
Tic-Tac-Know Project Checklist
No / Yes
Choice from Row 1:
Six (6) terms included in project
Correct definitions given
Relevant examples used
Graphics chosen are appropriate to terms
Colorful, neat, and attractive
Free of errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar
Final Grade:
Identification of Figurative Language
Choice from Row 2:
Cover is attractive and includes a title and your name
Figurative Language correctly identified/underlined
Figurative Language correctly labeled
All required work is included
Poems chosen/written are appropriate to project
Neatly written and attractive
Final Grade:
Choice from row 3:
Title and author stated prior to reading
Voice clearly heard
Tone was appropriate for poem
Speaker varied pitch for emphasis
Pacing was neither rushed nor too slow
Movie and live presentation only: body language appropriate, not distracting
PPT with recording only: graphics support poem’s theme and tone
Poem is more than 8and less than 35 lines
Student is attentive and quiet during all other presentations
(Counts as speaking/listening grade.) / Final Grade: