TITLESupply of Blind Mate Plugins

CERN Abstract

This technical specification concerns the manufacturing and supply of 100 Blind Mate Plugin for BPM Collimators for the High Luminosity Project.Each Assembly consists of 9 coaxial connectors with SMA (SubMiniature version A) connector on each side.

Deliveries are foreseen over 12 weeks after the approval of pre-series, which are foreseen to be delivered after 18 weeks of placement of the contract.

2.1 Deliverables Included in the Supply

The supply shall include:

100 Blind Mate Plugin;

Manufacturing and test files with quality assurance documents (see §4.8.2);

2.2 Activities at the Contractor’s Premises

The contractor shall perform the following activities at his premises:

Design phase;

Procurement of raw material;


The design and the manufacture of any tooling required for the production;

All tests as described in § 5.2.1;

The packing and shipping, if required by CERN.

A pre-series manufacturing will precede the manufacturing of the series. The start of series production shall be subject to prior notification by CERN in writing. The mechanical and electrical acceptance tests at CERN are foreseen to take 5 weeks.

Start Time08-Nov-17

End Time05-Dec-17

Cost RangeILO - <200K


Main CategoryElectrical Engineering and magnets

Sub CategoryCables and connectors

CategoryTerminations for coaxial cable



Main CategoryMechanical Engineering and raw materials

Sub CategoryOffsite mechanical engineering services

CategoryElectro-mechanical design and consultancy


İhale Dokümanlarını İncelemek için TIKLAYINIZ


TITLESupply of the Thermal Shield for the HG Cryomodule

CERN Abstract

This technical specification describes the technical requirements related to the manufacture, packaging and delivery of thermalshield for the HG cryomodule. The thermal shield consists mainly of aluminium panels cooled with gaseous helium at a temperature of about 50-80K circulating in leak tight pipeline.

Deliveries are foreseen within six months from placement of the contract.

2.1 Deliverables Included in the Supply

The supply shall include:

Fabrication of one thermal shield, according to the drawing list shown in Annex A - List of Drawings,

The execution of all measurements and tests to ensure compliance with the technical specification (explained in § 3.7)

Information and documents to be supplied as summarised in § 3.9,

The necessary tooling for handling and shipping (explained in § 3.6),

The supply of all raw materials, components and spare parts for fasteners, fittings and the bimetallic units

Packing and shipping of the supply to CERN, Prévessin (France) as summarised in § 4.7.

2.2.1 Selection and Qualification Criteria:

All bidders will be evaluated by CERN according to the following criteria:

Answers given to the “Technical Annex to Tender Form”, to explaining the technical and financial qualifications of the bidder (explained in § 4.2 and § 4.4),

Previous related experiences as requested on the “Technical Annex to Tender Form” (explained in § 4.2 and § 4.4),

Proof of Aluminium welding expertise as requested on the “Technical Annex to Tender Form” (explained in § 4.4)

Proof of expertise in Non-Destructive Techniques as requested on the “Technical Annex to Tender Form” (explained in § 4.4)

CERN reserves the right to disqualify any bidder whose reply to this Price Enquiry turns out to be missing, incomplete or


Start Time08-Nov-17

End Time05-Dec-17

Cost RangeILO - <200K


Main CategoryMechanical Engineering and raw materials

Sub CategoryFabrication technologies

CategoryMachining of steels, stainless steels, aluminium alloys

SectionVery large sizes (> 2000 mm)

İhale Dokümanlarını İncelemek için TIKLAYINIZ