Role Description

AssistantDirectorof Education (Symposia)

(3 year renewable term of appointment)

Background and Job Purpose

To lead and oversee the programme of College Symposia, primarily through chairing the Symposium Committee.

A rolling programme of specialty-specific symposia is in place, with each specialty being covered at least once every 4 years. An organising sub-committeeis established for each symposium and includes a member of the Symposium Committee. Each organising committee reports back to the Symposium Committee, which approves the programme and speakers for each Symposium.

Supported by the Secretary to the Symposium Committee (currently Dr Jane Goddard), and the Symposium Co-ordinator (Eileen Strawn) in the Education and Standards Department, the AssistantDirector (Symposia) will oversee the programme of symposia, and ensure the planning of each symposium maintains momentum, by making themselves available to step in as necessary to troubleshoot. The Assistant Director (Symposia) will also be aware of performance against budgets for symposia, and will support the College’s efforts to secure funding, raise sponsorship and sell exhibition space.Feedback on all symposia will be kept under review, along with guidelines for sub-committees and speakers. I n addition, 2-3 Hot Topic meetings are held each year and the themes and programmes for these are also reviewed by the Symposium Committee.

Approximately 16 RCPE symposia are held at the College annually, with the College’s flagship St Andrews Day symposium held each December over two days. Additionally, several symposia are also held regionally or in partnership/association with other Colleges/Associations. An average-size RCPE symposium attracts between 70 and 140 delegates on site.

In accordance with our desire to widen access to educational events, College symposia are now live webstreamed to up to 28 international sites, and a number oflectures from each symposium are edited after the event and made available to Members and Fellows on the online education portal.The College is increasing its use of social media to highlight symposia and to facilitate interaction by those attending in person or on line.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Chair the Symposium Committee, which meets 5 times per year and engage in regular email correspondence with the remit to oversee and deliver the programme of College symposia.
  1. To work closely with the Symposium Co-ordinator in the Education and Standards Department, acting, in conjunction with the Secretary, as her first port of call for advice on symposia related issues as they arise.
  1. Member of Education Strategy Group (3-4 meetings per year), and the Director’ of Education’s Group (2 meetings per year).
  1. Provide an annual report to the College Council with the support of the Symposium Coordinator.
  1. Deputise for the Director at other internal/external Committees if/as required.
  1. On behalf of theDirector and with staff of the Education and Standards Department, identify and liaise with external bodies to secure funding and/or collaboration for future delivery of symposia.

Selection Criteria

Essential / Desirable
Fellow of the College in good standing / Recent or current involvement in postgraduate medical education and training
Practising physician, registered and licensed with the GMC / Previous membership of a symposium sub-committee
Demonstrable interest in medical education
Experience of organising educational meetings at a regional or national level
Experience of chairing meetings
Commitment to equality and diversity

Expressions of interest including a short CV should be emailed toJeanette Stevenson at by Monday 24 March 2014. Interested applicants with questions relating to the post should contact the current post-holder, Dr Stuart Rodger, by email ,or the Director of Education, Dr Nicki Colledge, at .

Diagram showing relationship of the Symposium Committee to other Education and Standards Department Committees.