Unit II: Ch. 3 “Accelerated Motion”
Standards 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks, October ‘06
Homework after Test 1- Google doc to take notes on the general definition of acceleration
Day 1- Introduction to Acceleration
We will go over Logger pro icons and the analysis tool functions that we typically use in the lab. Students will perform an analysis of the motion of a pullback toy car using the computers.To read… / To do…
p.p. 57-59, 62-64 / vt graph practice
Day 2- Signs of Velocity & Acceleration
Students will use the computers to investigate the signs of acceleration and velocity for different types of motion. We will finish class with a discussion of their findings and look at simulations of each kind of motion on the Physics Classroom website.To read… / To do…
p.p. 60-61 / p. 80 #54, 55, 58, 60, 80, 82, 85
Day 3- Kinematics Equations
Graphs will be used to introduce the constant acceleration or kinematics equations. I will go over some example problems. Students will start doing practice on their own.To read… / To do…
p.p. 65-71 / p. 81 #81, 86, 88, 92, 93
Day 4- Kinematics Practice Problems
After correcting the homework carefully, we will do a problem involving reaction time together. Students will then work in groups on the rest of the kinematics problems.We will use a virtual program on the computers to investigate the acceleration of a truck.
To read… / To do…
p.p. 65-71 / p. 82 #89, 90, and 91 which is a reaction time problem
E and F blocks are a day behind due to early release
Day 5- More Kinematics Practice
Students will do more practice with velocity time graphs. We will do some practice problems involving reaction time and multiple accelerations.To read… / To do…
No homework weekend.
Day 6- Introduction to Freefall
Notes will be taken on Galileo’s Thought Experiments. Students will perform the Picket Fence Investigation. After discussing results I will go over an example problem involving freefall. Students will work with groups on practice problems involving freefall.To read… / To do…
p.p. 72-75 / study for quiz (acceleration Kahoot)
Day7- QUIZ/ Freefall Practice
After correcting the homework, students will have a quiz. After the quiz students will make a chart of a falling object in their notes. We will watch a video showing a vacuum chamber and the experiment done on the Moon to prove Galileo’s theory about falling objects. Students will work with groups on a practice problem involving freefall.To read… / To do…
p. 81 #76, 97, 98, 100
Day8- Reaction Time & Freefall II notes
We will start class by students finding their reaction time using a falling meter stick. After going over the homework, I will go over a few example problems where objects go straight up and fall back down. Then students will work with groups on similar practice problems.To read… / To do…
p.p. 72-75 / p. 83 #105, 106, 110, 112 (car & truck meet)
Day 9- Ball Toss Investigation
After going over the homework and the practice from the last class, students will perform the Ball Toss Lab using the computers.To read… / To do…
p.p. 72-75 / Complete the Ball Toss Lab Analysis
Day10- Hang Time
We will discuss Spud Webb as an example of someone with an amazing hang time. Then students will perform an experiment to calculate their hang timeusing a meter stick and their knowledge of freely falling objects. Students will also calculate how high they can jump on the Moon.To read… / To do…
p.p. 72-75 / p. 81 #77, 78, 102, 115
Day 11- Review
Day 12- Test 2