In this degree, when there is a reception, four apartments are used.
The First Apartment: This is hung with black. In the East is a platform. On the platform are seven seats, one in the middle for the Supreme Judge. Over the Supreme Judge, and the three on each side for the Frank Judges. Over the Supreme Judge leans the banner of the Order, or the Beauseant. In front of the Supreme Judge’s seat is a long table on which are a sword, a Balance, the Statutes and Regulations, and, on the latter, two Kadosh Daggers. On the table are seven candlesticks, one before each judge. In each burns a candle. The candlesticks are covered with black crepe.
The Second Apartment: This is hung with black and lighted by a sepulchral lamp. In the centre of the Apartment is a Tomb, painted to imitate black marble. Upon it is a coffin. In full view, nearby, are three sculls. The middle scull is wreathed with laurel, the one on the left wears a tiara, the one the right a crown. At the end of the Apartment is a transparency, displaying the following sentence: “He who shall overcome the dread of death shall ascend above the terrestrial sphere and be entitled to initiation into the greater mysteries.
The Third Apartment: This is hung with black. At the end of it are two Altars. On one is an urn filled with perfume. On the other an urn filled with alcohol. There is no other light than that from the burning alcohol.
The Fourth Apartment: This is hung with crimson. On the right of the Throne leans the Beauseant. In the West, on the right hand, leans the white 2nd Banner, and on the left, the black 3rd. Banner of the order.
Towards the West of the hall is a large Mausoleum in the shape of a truncated pyramid, painted to imitate black marble. On the platform of it is a funeral urn covered with a black veil. This is encircled with a wreath of laurel. At each angle is a vase, in which alcohol burns.
Between the East and the Mausoleum is the Mysterious Ladder, covered until the proper moment with a black cloth. On each side of the Mausoleum stands a Herald-at-Arms.
In the First Apartment the Lodge is termed Areapagus: in the second and third, Council: in the fourth: Senate.
The Elective Officers of a Council of Kadosh are:
- The Commander who is styled “ Very Excellent “
- The First Lieutenant Commander, or Prior who is styled “ Eminent ”
- The Second Lieutenant Commander, or Preceptor who is styled “ Eminent ”
- The Chancellor, styled “ Excellent ”
- The Orator, styled “ Excellent ”
- The Almoner, styled “ Excellent ”
- The Recorder, styled “ Excellent ”
- The Treasurer, styled “ Excellent ”
The Appointed officers are:
- The Marshall, styled “ Worshipful ”
- The Turcopelier, or Commander of the Cavalry, styled “ Valiant ”
- The Draper, styled “ Worshipful ”
- The First Deacon, styled “ Worthy “
- The Second Deacon, styled “ Worthy “
- The Bearer of the Beauseant.
- The Bearer of the Second Standard.
- The Bearer of the Third Standard.
- The Lieutenant of the Guard.
- The Sentinel.
The prefix “ Sir “ is added to the titles of all the Officers, except the three chief dignitaries – thus, “ Excellent Sir Chancellor “.
Those after the thirteenth are addressed as “ Sir Bearer of the Beauseant “, etc.
The Knights who are not Officers are addressed as “ Sir A……B…. “, etc.
The Prior and Preceptor sit in the West, the former on the right.
The Chancellor sits on the right of the Commander.
The Orator in the South.
The Almoner in the North.
The Recorder and the Treasurer as in other bodies.
The Marshal of Ceremonies sits in front of the East, halfway between it and the Altar.
The Turcopelier sits on his right, and the Draper on his left.
The Deacons sit as in the symbolic lodge.
The Bearer of the Beauseant sits in the front, to the right of the Commander.
The Bearers of the other Standards sit in the right and left, a little to the front of the
Prior and the Preceptor.
The Lieutenant of the Guard is near the door on the side, the Sentinel on the outside.
The First Lieutenant Commander presides in the First Apartment, and is styled,
” Supreme Judge. ”
The Second Lieutenant Commander presides in the Third Apartment, and is there styled ” Hierophant.”
The Areopagus is composed of seven members and no more.
Regularly these are The Supreme Judge, with the Chancellor, Treasurer, Almoner, Turcoplier, Draper and First Deacon. These are styled “ Frank Judges. “
The Lieutenant of the Guard attends them and is styled “ Provost of Judge”
The Regular and full costume of a Knight Kadosh is as follows:
A white tunic of fine woolen stuff, in the shape of a dalmatique, with large sleeves,
reaching to the knees, bordered with black, and having on the left breast a red Latin cross.
A black belt of morocco or patent leather, with a true Teutonic Cross in front, as a clasp of jet and gold, on which are the letters J.B.M. The Teutonic cross is of this shape, and fashioned, as is thus described in heraldic language,
“ A cross potent sable (black) crossed with another cross, double potent or (gold) surcharged with an escutcheon azure (blue) bearing the letters J.B.M. The principal cross, surmounted by a chief seme of France. “
A mantle or cloak of black velvet, very full, and reaching midway between the knees ad the ankle, line with crimson silk and edged with red velvet, and having on the left side or breast a red Latin cross. It is clasped in front of the throat with a plain Teutonic cross of gold, of the shape before given.
A wide-brimmed hat of black felt, with a plume of red ostrich feathers on the left side, which is turned up, and the lower end of the plume covered with a Teutonic cross of gold.
A knight’s collarette with points of linen cambric, with or without lace.
Closely fitting pantaloons of white cassimere, and worn over them, yellow morocco boots, coming halfway to the knee, bound round the top with narrow gold lace, and having tassels of white silk in front. Gold spurs.
A sword with a straight silver guard hanging from the belt. On the scabbard and hilt are the figures 30.
A cordon of black watered silk ribbon, four or five inches wide, edged with narrow silver lace, and worn across the body, over the tunic and under the mantle, from left to right. Or a collar of similar ribbon, edged in the same manner.
On the front part of the cordon or collar are embroidered in scarlet silk the letters
K.-H., two Teutonic crosses and a double headed eagle, his wings extended, a crown resting on the two heads, holding a poniard in his claws. The crown, both heads and the blade of the poniard are of gold. The handle of the poniard is oval, one half of it white and the other black.
Under the sash or belt is the poniard, its blade of steel, the handle oval, half of it ebony, the other half of ivory.
Round the body is a broad, black scarf, sash or girdle, hinged with silver.
The jewel of this degree is thus described:
A double headed eagle with wings spread, and measuring about one inch across from outside to outside of wings, resting upon a Teutonic cross one and a half inches in size. The eagle is of silver and the cross of gold, enameled with red.
On the front of the hat, between the two letters, maybe a sun of gold, its rays extending the whole width of the front each way. He gloves are of white.
As this costume is costly, the following may be used instead.
A suit of black, with white kid gloves, a black cordon or collar, edged with silver
lace, a girdle or sash of black, with silver fringe, sword and belt as above, a red Teutonic cross over the heart, a round black hat, the cordon or collar embroidered a above, and the jewel as above. No apron is worn.
The Great Standard or Beauseant, meaning piebald, is half black and half white, agreeing with the original armorial device of the Templars and was represented sometimes perpendicularly (per pale), but more frequently horizontally (per fesse) the upper half black and the lower half white. Occasionally a red passion cross appears on the white ground. This standard was held to denote death, innocence and martyrdom. It also has the inscription, “Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo as gloriam“
“Not unto us, O Lord! Not unto us, but unto Thy Name be the Glory.”,
The opening of the 115th Psalm.
The word “ Beauseant” was the battle cry of the original Knights Templar,
” Au Beauseant for the Temple. ”, the banner being black and white signified dark and terrible to the infidel, but fair and favourable to the Christians.
Beside the Beauseant, there are two other Standards of the Order. The second standard is a piece of white satin, three and a half feet square, with a fringe of gold. On the upper part are embroidered in gold the words, DIEU LE VELT. In the centre, below these, embroidered in gold and crimson, is a Teutonic cross, with the number “30” in the centre of the cross. Below, at the bottom are embroidered in gold the words,
ORDA AB CHAO, and the date 1118.
The third is a piece of lack silk, of the same dimensions as the second, with a fringe of silver. The words INCERE AUT MORI are embroidered diagonally, from the upper corner on the left to the lower corner on the right. In the upper right corner is a crimson Teutonic cross. In the lower left corner, a double-headed eagle, with wings open but not spread, and holding a sword in its claws. Over it is the date 1313
Please read carefully
Before you entered Craft Freemasonry, you affirmed your belief in a Supreme Being. With the passage of the years you have had opportunity to develop your knowledge of Freemasonry and, during the same time, your personal convictions have deepened and matured.
You now approach the final degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. As you do so, we require that you make a profession of faith in manners
Religious and in matters Masonic, that is to say we ask you to write down in your own words your thoughts about YOUR relation to the Supreme Being as you know Him and YOUR view of Freemasonry as you now know it.
If this seems difficult, we remind you that each of your Brethren who have received the 30° has also done so. Some of such Brethern are more able than yourself and some less able. You are in good company. There is no cause for concern.
Our Rite is universal, welcoming into its Brotherhood adherents of all religions which recognize a Supreme Being, leaving ultimate judgements to the common Father of all. We, Therefore, do not desire an answer which only refers to your membership in a particular religious Body, or which merely repeats such phrases as “ Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.” You may wish to comment on YOUR moral and Spiritual code, on why YOUR head and YOUR heart confirm YOUR beliefs, on the place of Freemasonry in your life.
Your profession will be treated with the utmost respect. It will be read and reviewed by a few senior members of the Consistory and remain confidential in what you write or say will never be publicly identified as yours. You may write with the utmost frankness and sincerity and with no fear of possible embarrassment.
Should this instruction be sent to you with your letter of acceptance following ballot, or otherwise in advance of your degree, please bring the completed form with you when you come to the Consistory, otherwise, it will have to be completed before you can receive the 30°.
In matters Religious:
In matters Masonic:
(The Council is opened in the Fourth Apartment.)
(Commander raps +, and this is repeated by the Prior and Preceptor.)
Com.: Eminent Preceptor, cause it to be ascertained if we are duly tiled.
Pre.: Sir Lieutenant of the Guard, see if we are duly tiled and make report.
(L. of G. does so and makes report)
L. of G.: Eminent Preceptor, we are duly tiled.
Pre.: Very Eminent Commander, we are duly tiled.
Com.: Eminent Prior and Preceptor, send through the Council and ascertain if all present are Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to sit here with us.
(Prior and Preceptor rise and draw their swords and say in succession.)
Prior.: Worthy Sir First Deacon, go through the ranks of the Council in the North, and see if all present are Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to site here with us.
Pre.: Worthy Sir Second Deacon, go through the ranks of the Council in the South, and see if all present are Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to site here with us.
(Deacons pass along the columns from West to East, if desired, receiving from each Knight the password. Each Knight rises if approached, and sits down when found correct but continues to stand if without the word, until vouched for or required to withdraw for examination. Then Deacons report.)
2nd. Deac.: Eminent Preceptor, I find all the column of the South to be Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to sit here with us.
1st. Deac.: Eminent Preceptor, I find all the column of the North to be Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to sit here with us.
Pre.: Eminent Prior, all in the South are Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to sit here with us.
Prior.: Very Eminent Commander, all in the North and South are Grand Elect Knights Kadosh and entitled to sit here with us.
Com.: Eminent Prior, are you a Knight Kadosh?
Prior.: Eminent Commander, you have said, once the name was another and yet the same.
Com.: I understand you my Brother, What is your age?
Prior.: A century or more.
Com.: What do you seek?
Prior.: Light.
Com.: What light, my brother, and for whom?
Prior.: Of liberty, for all who will not abuse their freedom.
Com.: What else do you seek?
Prior.: Vengeance.
Com.: On whom?
Prior.: On all tyrants, temporal and spiritual, of whom Philip the Fair and Clement the Fifth are for me the representatives.
Com.: Eminent Preceptor, where have you knelt and wept?
Prec.: At the tomb of our murdered Grand Master.
Com.: Why are we Knights Kadosh?
Prec.: To war incessantly against all wrong and all oppression, and to build the Holy House of the Temple of the Lord.
Com.: Eminent Prior, with what assistance do we hope to rebuild the Holy House?
Prior.: With the help of God (Prior makes the sign.)
Com.: It is true. NEKAM ADONAI, “ Vengeance is mine, I will repay ” said Jehovah. Eminent Prior, at what house does a Council of Knights Kadosh open?
Prior.: At night-fall.
Com.: Since such is the case, as the shades of night enable us to labour in security, and as we hope to redress wrongs and to dethrone
oppression, be pleased Eminent Prior and preceptor, to request the Officers and Knights in your respective columns to be ready to obey my orders.
Prior.: Officers and Knights in my column, the Very Excellent Commander requests you be ready to obey his orders.
Prec.: Officers and Knights in my column, the Very Excellent Commander requests you be ready to obey his orders.
Prior.: Very Eminent Commander, the officers ad Knights are all ready to obey your orders.
(Com. Rises, raps + and says.)
Com.: Rise and to order, Officers and Knights.
(All rise and stand under the Sign of Order.)
Com.: Knights and Brethren of the Holy House of the Temple, poor fellow soldiers of the Temple of Solomon, are you ready to do whatever duty commands?
COM.: Then let us unanimously vow to maintain, no matter at what sacrifice of ease or interest, the sacred principles of our Order, to defend the cause of truth and Humanity, against usurped or abused authority and to punish as he deserves any one who betray our secrets.
(All the Knights stretch out the right hand to the front, and each says in an audible voice.)
(Com. Drawing his sword and brings it to the carry says: )
Com.: To the Glory of the Great Source of all that is, in the name and under the auspices of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada and by virtue of the authority vested in me as Commander of this Council of Knights Kadosh, I declare and pronounce the Council is now open in due form and its labours resumed.