APRIL 24TH, 2014

Meeting called to order 7:15

Coach Admin – Mike

Area 1C response for Intermediate and Advance training is low, only 22 signed up. Dates are May 30 – June1. $80 Area 1C attendees covered by Area 1C, each coach will pay up front but will get their check back once they attend the class.Will cash checks for all no shows.

National Coaches course in June.

Let Mike know when your start date forming your fall teams. Coach Administrators need to have active participation in the team forming process. Mike will be holding a Coach Administrators meeting soon.

Extra – Susan Howland from 214

One Season of extra

2013 - GU13 and BU12(youngers and olders)

Overall good

Two tryouts for 2hrs in (Feb) with Launch Running Drills and small scrimmages

Hard time finding coaches

Teams formed by each evaluator ranked the kids

2014 - GU14, BU12, GU11

Gear towards younger ages, not impacting the regular season teams

Pressure to look at U9 and U10

Communication has been a challenge, at every level, having a hard time getting parents to understand what the extra program is and it’s philosophy.

Advertise the program – first year invitation, this year on large mass mailing

30 players from outside of region

Coach – one is a parent and one is an advance coach

Referees have to cover the Region fields, 3 advanced referees

Parents filled in Board Positions last year

Have you lost some of your better coaches from the regular season? Yes

10 out of 15 GU14 stayed, 2 to club, 2 to regular and 1 not playing

Runs from Sept to Feb

How did it impact the Fall Season? Depended on division. Need to ask Anne

Pay regular fee then Cost $400-$500 above - Uniforms, back packs, and trainers

YDP – Marco

Pro’s - More development, higher level of competition, coaches are getting a higher level of competition so they are getting better training, referees developing, more players that are not fall players are able to come join.

Con - Schedule issues due to fields which also causes tension with referees, teams dropped, Section Meeting, RC not focused on YDP, changing formats, Upper Division had issues due to injuries, forfeits, short teams, struggling to get upper division referees.

Need to have a meeting in the summer!!

Referee Report –

Ask Jane - Requirement to have Concussion Instruction

Freeway Jam –

Poor turn out to the first committee meeting

One location at Whittier Narrows, need volunteers to help, please advertise in your region, go back and rally up.

908 – Insurance

VIP – Tom :5 sessions done, very successful, 39 to 49 kids, going to put anevaluation together for parents, possibly change fields for wheelchairs, need maybe one more trainer. Trying to do online registration for next year. Pizza this Sunday, kids get medals and t-shirts. Maybe have something on Sunday at the Freeway Jam.

Treasurer Report-

Balance 55,178.51 Savings

Balance 28,870.88 Checking

Between now and next month will do Expo

Interlocking –

Would you be willing to send a team that is not able to play (bye) into Interlocking program? Please let Jane know if want to participate.

Area Reminders-

Regional Guidelines take National Regional Guidelines then insert your appendixes. Due to Jane June 1, 2014

NAGM – Let Jane know if you and spouses are going to the GALA

RAPS- hand it off, due July 1

Budgets – June 1


Feed Back on Expo

Development over winning – waste of time (Rolando)

Speed Coaches Class – Good, funny all paying attention

VIP Course on Saturday instead of Thursday

No May Meeting

Meeting changed to June 12th

Fall session Upper Division Coordinators need to be assigned

Meeting to be announced

Region 98 GU10 Won State Title

Region 88 under 4program, 88 kids signed up, going to two sessions 9 &10

Meeting Adjourned 9:24

REGION 2- Peter Smock

Arcadia registration dates are this Saturday and May 10. Early birds registration fees are $150 for the first player, $100 for the second and $50 for the third. Any more play for free,.

U-10 in house spring play is in playoffs.

Arcadia High School will be replacing their turf field this summer. Field will be closed from late July for three weeks.

Most board positions have been filled.

We are in the process of reinstituting region guidelines.

REGION 13 – Al Prado


3 walk-in registrations

§4/5 (about 600 kids)


§5/10 (typically our largest)

Returning coaches and refs can mail in/clubhouse drop off

Regular fee is $150, discounted to $135/$125 before 5/11

Changing our ‘we need volunteers’ handouts and are using a friendlier approach – see if it help in recruiting new coaches and refs

·Attended RC Training…

Found valuable and motivating…

Sent uniform board member to Score tour – found it helpful

R13 report card…

§Not all board members (as listed in RIF) have AYSO Safe Haven and Concussion Awareness

Asked them all to complete by 4/30

·Sent out sanction letters to parents (3) and players (1)

All 4 are for the entire MY2014 season…

1 left over from All-Stars - Parent

3 from the BOSC R13/R98 BU19 game (2 Parents, 1 Player)

Having CVPA flag eAYSO records

·Referee and Coach training in August

All classes in eAYSO and no charge for non-R13

Intermediate and/or Advanced ref course in early August

Trying to increase voting board members from 9 to include coach and referee division coordinators

This may help increase volunteerism and lessen the burden on the current 9 voting members and should help increase board participation and morale

·Working with both Launch and AYSO camps this summer

·Attending NAGM

·Working on the Budget, RAP and custom Regional Guidelines

REGION 60 – Rolando Morales

1. Currently have 342 registered players (about 100 or so still needed to be entered in eayso)

2. We will have our 3rd official Fall 2014 Registration this weekend (04/26 & 27)

3. 8 volunteers attended the Expo in Las Vegas

4. RC signed up for NAGM

5. Partnered again with Challenger Camp (August) & Galaxy (Region night on 10/18)

6. 2014-2015 Board elected at March board meeting - All Executive and key positions filled

7. Currently working on 2014 budget and RAP

Region 88 - Aldo

Held two fall registration dates, which brought our total of registrations to 2,484 players.

An additional registration event will be held tonight.

We have 269 head coaches committed to taking teams in the fall.

Graduation Series ended 2 weeks ago, spring season is in full swing, and so is the Under 4 jamboree, for which 87 players signed up.

Safe Haven and Under 6 thru Under 12 coaching courses will be offered at the Complex May 15, 17 and 18 (everyone is welcome – they’re registered in eAYSO).

Region 98- Mike Stiles

• We have had 3 walk in Registrations and signed up 380 kids about 90 kids more than last year at this time. We are charging $125 per player

• We have about 42 Coaches that have committed. We had never had this input so early in the year. Were doing something right, I think.

• We are having a Sports Festival at live Oak Park and will be handing out flyers in hope of recruiting Volunteers and Players on April 26th

• Signed up for NAGM..YAY!

• Used Zeeni for YDP Uniforms and got Score all riled up. So of course, I'm meeting with him about the Fall Uniforms. I'm sure we will be going back to Score but it keeps the relationship healthy when you have some leverage.

• We have 3 Teams attending the National Games. BU10, BU14. BU19. Everyone is very excited. Trying to get a scrimmage with the BU10 Arcadia National Team.

• Lastly, It's been a struggle to get the Treasurer change over but I think we are almost there. Everyone else has been awesome especially Mr. Stiles.

No other News other than the World Cup is around the corner" YAY!!!

REGION 214- Maurice


·Has been taking place over the past few weeks. As of today we are at approximately 1700 registered. On track as this is nearly the same number we were at last year. We have two more registration coming up in May. These are considered late May 2 and May 3. The May 3 registration will take place the same day of Soccer Fest. Will have a table out during the game.

·Registration fees were same as last year $135 early bird. $165 on May 2 and May 3. Based on our budget we need to reach 2,100 players to keep fees the same next year

·We implemented some ideas provided by our registrar resulting in May families and volunteers commenting on how this was one of the smoothest and most efficient in years.

·Used Square technology instead of Corduro. Square proved to be more efficient. Less glitches, interruptions. Traffic flow (lines) were redirected via a flowchart which helped speed things along.

·Using new drop down menus reduced the amount of data entry, Google docs.

·Increased efficiencies by setting up requirement s online for scholarships, scholarship review committee and immediate feed back to families expedited the process once family’s arrived at registration. They brought the required forms with them.

·Addressing the issue of post dated checks for those that will make multiple payments. Amending our local rule on this

·We will circle back as a group look at what worked, what didn’t etc. Highly/likely/going to implement online registration for coaches, referees and Team Managers next year.Will work between eAYSO and a system we set up within region to implement

Below are preliminary numbers and projections of what

divisions will look like next year

Division / 2014 / 2013 / Teams
BU5 / 80
GU5 / 42
BU6 / 141
GU6 / 92
BU7 / 168 / 20
GU7 / 127 / 16
BU8 / 134 / 163 / 22
GU8 / 89 / 114 / 14
BU10 / 239 / 231 / 26
GU10 / 181 / 198 / 22
BU12 / 155 / 156 / 14
GU12 / 162 / 12
BU14 / 84 / 6
GU14 / 109 / 6
BU16 / 16 / 18 / 2
GU16 / 19 / 2
BU19 / 18 / 1
GU19 / 8


Meeting with our providers of camps and clinics to reassess programs, goals objectives, and time lines. We want to eventually guide families to individual trainers for one on one, specific training. This will be a parent out of pocket expense.

Soccer Fest

We are participating and working closely with National and implementing Corduro to assist in registration for this free event. Inviting other region(s) to participate with us.Will also hold late registration signups at this event


We have formed an EXTRA Committee to better communicate and understand the goals of this program. Brought results to board.Takeaways included, starting earlier ages 9-10, single age categories, re-examine tryouts, condense timeline in forming and announcing teams


Revamping program. Consolidating under a Director of Fields and working with Fields and Team Managers to coordinate efforts. Options of outside vendors. Goal is sustainability of physical fields and transitioning some of the “heavy lifting” done by some long time volunteers to outside vendors. Considerations of liability issues, transparency and cost have been the driving factors behind this.


Will have completed by next week. Looking at RAP, projections etc. Filling Sponsorships position and assessing how this will affect our financial projections for the year


Talking with several and would like to invite to next Area meeting. I.e. Cuties and Calafia Farms to build their presence in our Area and working with each region.Hoping through consolidation as an Area provider will have a positive effect financially and in donations to the individual regions

REGION 908- Lisa

We will have our first Registration on May 2, 2014.

YDP is coming a long well; we were having problems with referee coverage but that getting resolved.

Getting all Regional Board member Concussion certified.

Region 1304- Sandy Ponce

We have about #20 youth registered since our first registration April 5,2014 at $65.

We have open registrations throughout the week with availability.

Our next registrations will be held on Saturdays at $75 June 7th and 21st . Followed by July 19, 2014 at $90.

Working on recruiting new volunteers.