Artsweek 2015 (SEPTEMBER 18th – 27th)
Deadline: June 5th, midnight.
Artsweek is the City of Peterborough’s annual festival of the arts, a weeklong multi-disciplinary showcase of creativity that began as part of the City’s Centennial Celebrations in 2005. Since then the annual event has continued to bring new work to new audiences, support original creation by local artists, and celebrate Peterborough as a creative community. Beginning in 2015, Artsweek will be produced by the Electric City Culture Council (EC3), with the goal of expanding and revitalizing the event by providing a structure for projects and focusing on its mission to raise awareness of the quality and quantity of activity in Peterborough’s arts and culture sector and recognize its power as a positive economic and social force for the City.
Please read all the information below on who and what is eligible, fee amounts, assessment process, and selection criteria, before completing the application form at the end of this package. Use the checklist on the final page to ensure you have included all the required information.
May 12th– Call for Proposals Begins
June 5th– Call for Proposals Ends (midnight)
June 14-20th – Selection Committee Reviews Proposals
June 26th– Results Announced
Mid-July – Jackson Creek Projects Notified (if funding from OAC is received)
September 18th27TH– Artsweek
October 31st– Final Reports Due
Structure (Artsweek 2015 Programs)
Artsweek 2015 will celebrate the depth and breadth of the City of Peterborough’s artists and arts organizations in two ways:
1. By providing funding to support the creation of new work for the festival to be presented between September 18th– 27th 2015
2. By incorporating already planned arts and culture events happening during the week, into the Arts Listings section of Artsweek’s promotional material.
Those wishing to apply for funding to create new work as an Artsweek project, can submit their original ideas in any artistic discipline to the open call for New Ideas, or to of one of threespecific programs: Blink, City Roots, or AlleyWaltz (details on each program and its associated artists’ fees below):
New Ideas
An open call for innovative projects from any artistic discipline for any location within the city. Including but not limited to performance (dance, theatre, multi-disciplinary), visual art (installations, interventions, exhibitions), media art, writing/spoken word, and music. Projects may be proposed by individual artists or arts organizations. The funding available in this category will range from $500 to $2000.Budgets should detail the scale and scope of the vision.
This popular program from past years is back, inviting artists to respond to the windows of public spaces (street level or upper story) that don’t usually display art. Blink will bring transformative artistic interventions of all kinds (installations, projections, imagery, video, sound, performance), into businesses in the downtown core and East City. Artists do not have to identify a business, but are welcome to propose an idea for a specific business they already have a relationship with, or for windows that inspire them, or for projects that can go anywhere, in any window. Host businesses will be sponsors of the project through a cash contribution to Artsweek. Locations will be determined in consultation with the artists, the business partners, and Artsweek’s Blink coordinator, resulting in clusters of walkable exhibitions around the city inviting people to stop and stare. The fee available in this category will be $300-$500.
City Roots
CIity Rootsis a new endeavor for Artsweek and aims to bring artists, community groups, neighborhood organizations and citizens together on creative initiatives all around the City of Peterborough to design and produce original projects.
Professional artists, arts organizations, and/or community organizations can propose City Roots projects. Projects must be led by a professional artist and will engage with residents of specific wards or neighbourhoods in co-creative activities. City Roots projectsshould exploretopics relevant tothe chosen community (issues, histories, cultures, environments, etc), and outcomes could include: stories told, recorded, or presented; sites animated through visual art (photos, quilts, installations) or performance; places mapped; videos and/or sculptures made; temporary artworks of sight/song/dance created… anything that brings artists together with community members to co-create, could be a City Roots project. The funding available in this category will range from $500 to $2000. Budgets should detail the scale and scope of the project.
* Please note: If you plan to work with a community group or deliver programming to vulnerable members of society, you must obtain vulnerable sector screening for those involved.
Artsweek 2015 will present AlleyWaltz, a site-specific performance-based event situated in alleyways and other unusual spaces in downtown Peterborough. Audiences are led on a walking tour to experience each work. This year we are looking for 6 short performances, 8-10 minutes in length, which will repeat three times each evening for three nights in a row.
Teams or individuals are invited to submit performance ideas (dance, theatre, music, circus arts, puppetry, etc.) that would suit environments ranging from alleyways, parking lots, fire-escapes, to grassy knolls,which can be realized with low tech equipment such as live sound, portable lighting/available streetlamps and props/sets which can be struck after the final performances every evening. The funding available per piece will be $500 - $700, depending on the number of performers.
Arts Listings
To give the public a sense of the astonishing range of the City’s artistic offerings we welcome listings of events by individual artists or organizations already programmed between Sept. 18th and 27th. Artsweek will include your listings in our promotional material at no charge.
Eligible Applicants:
Applicants can be individual artists (emerging to established), collectives, ad hoc groups, or arts and culture organizations from the City of Peterborough and area. Projects must be presented within city limits during the week of September 18th– 27th, 2015. Artsweek & EC3 are committed to equity and inclusion, and welcome applications from diverse cultural communities within the City of Peterborough including people with disabilities. If you are a first time applicant and need assistance with the process, please contact the Artsweek program coordinator.
Applicants are encouraged to seek other sources of funding if their project vision exceeds the available funds (arts councils, exhibition assistance, private or corporate sponsorship, etc), a letter confirming your acceptance to Artsweek can be provided for applying to other funders.
Admission charges for performances presented with funding from Artsweek will be determined by Artsweek and will be reflected in the level of fee paid by Artsweek.
Artsweek is using CARFAC (Canadian Artists Representation) recommendations as a guideline for determining fees.
Assessment of Applications:
A confidential interdisciplinary selection committee of local arts specialists will review all submissions.The committee will be selected for their diversity, expertise and impartiality, and all attempts will be made to avoid direct or indirect conflict of interest. The committee’s decision will be based on the artistic merit of the project (including the clarity of artists’ statements and project descriptions; projects’ feasibility; support material, and ability to carry out the project) as well as available funds, potential impact, and how it fits with Artsweek’s mandate.
Processing the Application:
Artsweek will email you a notice acknowledging receipt of your submission shortly after the final application deadline. Acknowledgement indicates your application has been received, not that it is eligible or approved. You will be informed of the results by June 26th, 2015.
Terms and Conditions:
FINAL REPORTS: Successful applicants will be required to submit a final report on how they used their funding no later than Oct. 31st, 2015.
SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS: If your application is successful, EC3 will send you a letter of agreement outlining your fee offer. Once the agreement has been signedartists may request production fundsas outlined in their budget proposal with the balance of the artists’ fee paid out at the start of Artsweek.
CHANGES: If you cannot use the fee awarded, or for any reason decide to substantially alter your project, you must notify Artsweek immediately. Projects cannot change once contracts are in place.
EXPIRY: Fees are available to complete projects for Artsweek 2015 (Sept. 18-27). They cannot be carried over, and if unused, must be returned.
Submission Requirements:
1) Application Form (pg 7-9) including: Project Description & Summary, Artists’ Statement, Budget Form, and Support Material List.
2) Support Material, as email attachment, or on disc if submitting physical application.
3) CV (3 pages max, .doc or .docx), as email attachment, physical document, or on disc.
Please select and prepare support material carefully, as the selection committee’stime is limited. Submit only the requested information, additional information will not be considered, to ensure all applicants are assessed equally. For guidelines on preparing professional and effective support materials, see the Ontario Arts Councils Guidelines.
IMAGE files should be labeled accordingly: 01_Artists’ Name_Title.jpg, 02_Artists’ Name_Title.jpg
AUDIO OR VIDEO: Provide a disc or upload clips to the web and include link. In support material list, please provide start-stop time for anything over 2 minutes.
Please note that we cannot provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants.
Artsweek is made possible through the generous support of Ontario Arts Council, City of Peterborough, Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Name of lead applicant (who the cheque should be written to):
Other participants if applicable:
Contact information of lead applicant:
Mailing Address:
* please check which is the best means of communicating with you *
New Ideas
City Roots
Community Arts Listings (do not fill out budget form)
Your Project Description should describe how the project embodies the themes of Artsweek, the goals of the program, what the project will include and how it will be executed.
Your artist’s statement can describe how the proposed work either contributes to your artistic practice or relates to other work you or your team of collaborators is currently engaged in.
Artsweek Fee
Other Revenue
Total Revenue:
Artist Salaries or Fees
Wages (other)
Technical Fees
Artistic Production
Audience Development Materials
Other (explain)
Other (explain)
Other (explain)
Other (explain)
Total Expenses:
(Revenue and Expenses must balance)
Title / Date / Medium / DimensionsSUPPORT MATERIALS: Include image files as email attachments, or on disc if by mail.
CV: Copy and paste below, or include as email attachment labeled “CV_LastName.doc”
Email submissions to:
Mail submissions (allowing 5 days for delivery) to:
Artsweek Submissionsc/o EC3
PO BOX 2334
Peterborough ON
K9J 7Y8
For further Information contact:
Elizabeth Fennell, Artsweek Program Coordinator | | 705-868-1162
Project Summary & Longer Description (Summary of 10-25 words + 500 words)
Artists’ Statement (250 words max)
Budget Form (for City Roots or New Ideas)
Support Material List
Support Material
CV (3 pages max)