USII- Final


Early Cold War (Chapter 25)

·  According to the Charter of the United Nations, what advantage do the “permanent members” of the Security Council have?

·  What did the Allies decide should happen to Germany at the end of WWII?

·  How did most Americans feel about the Soviet Union as WWII ended?

·  What was the idea behind the Marshall Plan?

·  What actions of Stalin upset the US after WWII?

·  What was the American response to the Russian blockade of West Berlin?

·  What did the containment policy propose?

·  Who was the Vietnamese nationalist leader who wanted independence and used communism to try to gain it?

·  What nations became Soviet satellite nations?

·  Who was the leader who led the Chinese communists to control of the Chinese mainland in 1949?

1950s (Chapter 26)

·  Who claimed that the State Department was infested with Communist agents and led a crusade against anyone who was suspected of being communist?

·  What event began the conflict on the Korean peninsula?

·  CIA participated in the cold war how?

·  During President Eisenhower’s first term what happened?

·  In Brown v. Board of Education what did the Supreme Court rule?

·  What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?

·  Who overthrew Batista and took control of Cuba?

·  What did the armistice that ended the Korean War result in?

·  What was the American policy in Vietnam throughout the 1950s?

·  Geneva Conference- what happened to Vietnam as a result?

·  Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1953 to 1969?

·  Martin Luther King, Jr. was a leader in which event?

·  Civil Rights Movement- events

·  Eisenhower and mob rule. What did he mean?

·  Battle of Dien Bien Phu-significance

·  How was our policy in Iran and Guatemala in the early 1950s similar?

·  GI Bill of Rights

·  Demographic changes of the 1950s

·  Policy of massive retaliation

·  Warren Court

·  Montgomery Bus Boycott-results

·  First Rock and Roll star?

·  What was the American response to the communist leader in Cuba seizing American land in 1959?

·  MOST popular product of the 1950s in America

Chapter 27/28- The Sixties (JFK & LBJ)

§  Kennedy’s opponent in the Election of 1960

§  Idea behind the Bay of Pigs invasion

§  The US position in Vietnam under Kennedy

§  Most important obstacle that Kennedy had to overcome in order to win the election of 1960

§  Kennedy was able to win congressional support and funding for what program?

§  Kennedy prevented completion of missile bases in Cuba by approving what?

§  Peace Corps- purpose/goal

§  Martin Luther King, Jr. was committed to what?

§  What did Khrushchev do as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

§  What was the Warren Commission

§  Who was President Kennedy succeeded by?

§  Why did Martin Luther King target Birmingham, Alabama for a civil rights campaign?

§  Civil Rights Act of 1964

§  What were the results of LBJ’s domestic plan, the “Great Society?”

§  The laws passed during Johnson’s administration were to help what types of people?

§  Describe Lyndon B. Johnson

§  Medicare

§  Immigration Act of 1965

§  Who would be a supporter of Malcolm X?

§  What were the Race riots of 1960 a result of?

§  Radical

§  Counterculture movement of the 1960s- most important characteristic

§  Liberalism- definition

§  Supreme Court cases of the 1960s

§  Why was Johnson NOT able to implement his domestic policy fully?

§  Supreme Court cases- Brown v. Board of Education, Miranda v. Arizona, Mapp v. Ohio, Tinker v. DesMoines, Escobedo v. Illinois

§  What helped Johnson justify sending troops to Vietnam?

§  Domino theory, Conspiracy theory, winding down the war, the credibility gap

§  Why did President Johnson enter the Vietnam War

§  How did President Johnson escalate American involvement in Vietnam?

§  Describe Vietcong’s war strategy?

§  What was the biggest problem with America’s military strategy in Vietnam?

§  Why did Lyndon B. Johnson not run for reelection in the election of 1968?

§  Who were the candidates for the Democratic Party in the election of 1968?

§  What would make a year be considered a watershed year?

§  De facto segregation, de jure segregation

§  What did Ho Chi Ming want for Vietnam?

§  What surprising announcement did President Johnson make to the American people?

§  Who won the 1968 Presidential election?

§  What happened at My Lai?

§  Why was the Tet Offensive considered a turning point in the Vietnam War?

§  Sirhan Sirhan, Bobby Kennedy, Walter Cronkite, James Earl Ray, Dan Rather

THE SEVENTIES (Chapter 33)

§  What accounts for the problems of the 1970s?

§  Arab Oil Embargo Act

§  Presidents in office during the Vietnam War

§  Pentagon Papers

§  Who were the “silent majority?”

§  Which country became our biggest competitor during the energy crisis of the mid-1970s?

§  Which president was in office when the Vietnam War officially ended?

§  What was it important that Nixon went to visit China and the Soviet Union?

§  What is detente? Provide an example.

§  What year did American troops leave Vietnam?

§  In retrospect, what was the major contribution of Nixon and Kissinger to American foreign policy?

§  What action started the Watergate scandal?

§  What were the impeachment charges against Richard Nixon

§  What must happen before a President can be removed from office?

§  What even “scared” Nixon’s presidency?

§  Jimmy Carter’s biggest asset in the Election of 1976

§  Title IX

§  What was Roe v. Wade?

§  Swann v. Mecklenburg

§  Bakke v. California

§  National Organization for Women

§  President’s policy actions in Vietnam ( Richard Nixon, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson

§  Effects of Watergate

§  Most important barrier(s) to full female equality in the late 1970s


§  Presidents and the time period they served

§  Describe the American policy in Vietnam for all 5 presidents involved (Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon) - who did we support and why? Did we send in money, advisers, troops, withdraw troops?

§  Glossary words- covert, bipartisan, disillusionment, anti-Semitism, totalitarism, implications, post

§  Generalizations about each decade and presidents

§  Chronological order of major events


Answer the Following question:

·  What does it take to be a strong leader? Consider 2 strong leaders we have studied.

A)  Identify them and explain what characteristics did/do they all possess

B)  Think of 2 more leaders that were not as successful and explain why they were not as successful

C)  Make a conclusion- what makes a strong, more effective leader?

Choose 1 of the following and answer in a cohesive 5- paragraph essay.

§  Which legislation or Supreme Court ruling do you consider the most significant in changing post-WWII America? Explain A) what your selection legislated or ruled B) when it occurred and C) specifically how it changed America.

§  How are social inequalities or a country’s problems corrected? Consider at least 3 examples of historical inequalities or problems and explain what actions were taken and by whom to correct them.

§  Currently, the United States stands alone as the world’s superpower. We spend billions of dollars in

Humanitarian assistance, use our military in times of both peace and war, and have been an influence for peoples and governments throughout the 20th century. Choose and explain 3 factors and/or events we have covered in class (from 1898- today) which you consider to be most significant in establishing the United States in the role it currently holds. Be sure to consider these factors in terms of how they are connected to the emergence of America as a global leader.

§  Create the perfect president by using characteristics of the presidents we have studied (Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, FDR, Hoover, Coolidge, Harding, Wilson, Taft, T. Roosevelt, McKinley).

You should address the following categories and explain why you think the traits of that president were better than all the rest.

A)  Domestic policy

B)  Foreign relations

C)  Leadership and/or handling of “the times” and inherited situations

D)  Charisma and/or ability to relate and inspire the people