World History
Ms. Avar
Point Value:
/20 (yes! 20!) / / Enlightenment
Cartoons / / Full Name:______
Period #:______
Today’s Date:______
Assignment #:______

The Enlightenment

In the early 1700’s, a group of thinkers set forth the idea that people could apply reason to all aspects of life, just as Isaac Newton had applied reason to science. These thinkers were known as philosophes. They represented the time during which the ideas of the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution were brought together. People began to believe for the first time since the Ancient world (Greece & Rome) that man could live a good and productive life on earth, that people did not have to wait until death to receive a spiritual reward, and that society could be improved through the use of reason and fairness. It was at this time that many inventions and discoveries were made and new ideas were discussed. This happened in many areas, including science, politics, the arts and medicine.

PART I: Research the ideas of the most famous European philosophers of the Enlightenment

  • Review your “Enlightenment in Europe” Lecture Notes
  • Review your Ch. 6 Sec. 2 Reader

PART II: Illustrate on the next two pages (10 points) 

  • Explore the classroom to use the sample faces as a guide.
  • In COLOR, you must write and illustrate 3-5 accurate ideas and/or quotes around the head of that philosopher based upon what you learn about them and their views on government, power, law and human nature.

PART III: Write (10 points)

The Enlightenment philosophes debated the question: Is man basically good or evil? The result of these discussions determined the structure of modern government.

What do you think? By nature, are men and women good or evil?

1)Write a topic sentence

  1. Can just be short and sweet – a topic sentence states your position which answers the question.
  2. Example: “Men and women are [good /evil] by nature.”

2)Support your answer withat least three reasonsfor your belief – each reason should be explained:

  1. “For example, people prove that they are good/evilby nature when……..because…..”
  2. “Another example is……because…….”
  3. “A final example is…..because…….”

3)Close with a concluding statement

  1. This will answer the question of “so what?” about why you wrote your opinions.
  2. Example, “Because men and women are [good /evil]…[complete with what this means /tells us why this is important]




Thomas Hobbes
/ John Locke

/ Baron de Montesquieu

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
/ Cesare Beccaria

Mary Wollstonecraft
/ YOU!!
Draw an outline of your face and illustrate/write at least 3 major Enlightenment ideas with which you agree.
THEN: Consider modern day problems and what you feel is unfair. Illustrate/write at least 2extra ideas that you feel all people have a right to do/have.