Local Finance Notice 2006-19October 16, 2006Page 1

Local Finance Notice 2006-19October 16, 2006Page 1

Local Finance Notice 2006-19October 16, 2006Page 1

With SHARE now available on the SAGE system, all newSHARE grant applications and initial requests for payments for grants will only be accepted by the SAGE system. Mail in applications will not be accepted. The administration of existing grants will be transitioned to SAGE as payment requests are submitted. SHARE staff will work with local officials to handle the crossover. Need help or more information on SAGE than what is on the website? Contact the SAGE Help Desk at or call 609-292-8134.


Applicants: Must be a municipal or county government agency, but the application may include any combination of municipal, county, local authorities, fire districts, or public school participants. Local governments may not apply on behalf of two or more school districts where the shared service is solely between the school districts. For COUNT grants, public service institutes affiliated with New Jersey institutions of higher education or not-for-profit organizations that have as a purpose the improvement of local government may also be eligible applicants. Contact program staff to discuss eligibility.

COUNT Grantsoffer assistance to help county governments and non-profit regional organizations study, develop, and implement new shared and regional services, or to facilitate new shared programs among the county’s towns and school districts. COUNT grants are flexible and permit the applicant to design and establish innovative programs reflecting the unique needs and circumstances of the county.

Implementation Grants offer State assistance to help local governments implement new shared or regional services, and to assist with the consolidation of local government. Up to $200,000 in grant funding is available. Funds may be used to cover the transitional and start-up expenses associated with providing the shared service. Grants for capital equipment or facility improvements remain capped at the lesser of $40,000, or the five percent cash down payment required under the Local Bond Law. Operating costs are not eligible but limited salary support is eligible in certain circumstances.

Feasibility Study Grants assist local governments to plan, study and develop new or expanded shared services. These grants offer up to $20,000 to help underwrite the costs of developing a new, shared program. Feasibility study grants require the applicant and participants to provide a cash or in-kind match equaling 10% of the grant amount sought.

Supplemental Support: Requests for implementation or feasibility study assistance above the maximum grants will be considered where the nature of the project or the number of participants necessitates additional resources.


For full information on the SHARE Program grants and other shared service information, visit the Division of Local Government Services Shared Services webpage at by e-mail at , or by phone at 609-292-7842. Additional information and user instructions for SAGE, including training videos, are available at the SAGE website. You can also contact the SAGE Help Desk at or call 609-292-8134.


Approved: Susan Jacobucci, Director

Table of Web Links

Page / Shortcut text / Internet Address
2 / SAGE /
2 / DCA Helpdesk /
2 / DLGS /