Call for Proposals

6th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education (CRE)

Bridging Cultures: Education for Global Citizenship and Civic Engagement

June 12 – 17, 2013

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

June 12th-13th Pre-Conference Trainings

June 14th-15th Main Conference – Keynotes and Workshops

June 16th-17th Community Colleges Intensive Working Group Meeting: Curriculum Development and Action Planning

Keynote Speakers (June 14-15, 2013):

Speaker / Theme/Topic
Organization of American States
  • Pablo Zuniga, Advisor, Secretariat for Political Affairs
  • Romina Kasman, Education Consultant, Office of Education and Culture
  • Marcia Bebianno, Specialist, Migration and Development Program (MIDE)
/ The Organization of American States: 100 Years of Building Bridges in the Americas
Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting
  • Mark Schulte, National Education Coordinator
/ Telling Better Stories: Promoting a Sense of Global Citizenship and Shared Understanding With Pulitzer Center Journalism
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict
  • Miguel Alvarez Gandara, President of Services and Consulting for Peace (SERAPAZ) Mexico
  • Rena Ramkay, Ph.D. Department of Law, Carleton University, Co-chair, Conflict Prevention Working Group, Peacebuild Canada
/ Inter-cultural Conflict Resolution, Political Processes and Impacts on Minority Groups Including Migrants and Immigrants

Pre-Conference Trainings (June 12-13, 2013, 9:00a.m.-5p.m.):

Kent State University
Center for Applied Conflict Management
  • Landon Hancock, Ph.D., Associate Professor
/ Integrating Core Theories of Conflict Resolution Across Disciplines
Sustained Dialogue Campus
  • Amy Lazarus, Executive Director
  • Rhonda Fitzgerald, Program Director
/ Toward A Healthier Campus Community Through Sustained Dialogue: A Training for Community Advocates, Administrators, and Advanced Students
American Red Cross
  • Dr. Cindy Epperson, Professor of Sociology, St. Louis Community College – Meramec
  • Laurie Fisher, American Red Cross, International Services Dept., International Humanitarian Law Education Program
/ Teaching International Humanitarian Law in the Humanities
OhioCampus Compact
  • Susan Studer King, Program Director for Outreach and Engagement
  • Richard Kinsley, Executive Director
/ Integrating Service Learning and Opportunities for Civic Engagement Into Courses
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict
  • Hardy Merriman, Senior Advisor
  • Daryn Cambridge, Director, Knowledge and Digital Strategies
/ People Power and Pedagogy: Methods for Teaching about Nonviolent Struggle
International School Psychology Association
  • William Pfohl, Ph.D., International School Psychology Association and Western Kentucky University
  • Shereen Naser, Tulane University
/ Let’s Talk about Child Rights!

Global Issues Resource Center and Library at Cuyahoga Community College is partnering with colleges and universities, local, national, and international non-governmental and governmental organizations to host the 6th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education (CRE), Bridging Cultures: Education for Global Citizenship and Civic Engagement in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Earlier conferences and working group meetings brought together government representatives from among the 50 states, around the globe, and their non-governmental organization partners who have legislation or policies in place to deliver CRE/SEL/PE and Civics Education at the K-12 level and in universities. Conference and meeting publications are available at:

The 6th International Conference on CRE is an opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration and research. Presentations will focus on innovations in the fields that are making broad impacts in local, state, national, and international communities. Participants will exchange best practices, evaluation methodology, creation of policy implementation structures, consideration of obstacles to success, and new and innovative use of training, resources and technology. Conference participants will be drawn from the local, state, national, and international community. College students and faculty are encouraged to attend and present their findings. On-site events include a meeting of Colleges and Universities developing peace and conflict studies programs, June 13th, 6:30PM – 9:30PM and a capacity building seminar for U.S. Community Colleges developing peace and conflict studies programs on June 16th - 17th, 2013.

Audience: Those interested in Civic Engagement, Conflict Resolution Education (CRE)/Social and Emotional Learning(SEL)/peace education (PE), global education, citizenship education, democracy education, and the role and impact of migrating populations/communities, including policy makers, practitioners, researchers, educators, college and university faculty, staff, and students, K-12 educators, public health officials, gender based violence prevention practitioners, local, national, and international policy makers, and individuals who work with youth serving organizations.

Credits offered: Graduate, Social Work (pending), Counselor (pending), and CEUs

Planning Committee:

The American Red Cross

The Association for Conflict Resolution, Education Section

Austin Community College

Case Western Reserve University, Mandel School of Applied Social Science

ClevelandMetropolitanSchool District, Winning Against Violent Environment Program (WAVE)

ClevelandStateUniversity, College of Education and HumanServices
CuyahogaCommunity College, Peace Club

The Democracy Commitment

Eastern Mennonite University, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding

The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)
International Institute for Sustained Dialogue

International School Psychology Association

Kennesaw State University, Master of Science in Conflict Management Program

University of Maryland, Center for Dispute Resolution

National Peace Academy

Organization of American States, Department of Education and Culture

Ohio Campus Compact

Ohio Domestic Violence Network

Ohio State University, Center for Slavic and East European Studies

Sustained Dialogue Campus Network

The University of Akron, College of Education

Themes for proposals:

A. Topics may include prevention and intervention strategies in CRE initiatives or closely related topics including:

Arts, Media, and Technology

Faith-based Initiatives

Citizenship Education/Democracy Education

Citizenship Responsibility

Conflict Resolution Skills

Cultural Sensitivity

Restorative Justice/ Peacemaking Circles

Social and Emotional Learning

Gang Prevention

Gender Based Violence Prevention

Dialogue-based Processes

Trauma and Mental-health

Mediation/ Peer Mediation


Role and Impact of Migrating Populations/Communities


Family Engagement & Juvenile Justice: Partnering to Prevent Delinquency

Conflict Resolution Education/Peace Education in K-12

Other Traditional and Local Culturally Relevant Approaches

Parent/School/Community Partnerships

Career Paths in Conflict Resolution and Peace

Social Justice

B. Innovative education strategies in CRE:

Faith-Based Initiatives

Arts, Media, and Technology

Social Networks

Gender Dimensions

Curriculum Infusion/Integration


Community Development

Other Traditional and Local Culturally RelevantApproaches

Whole School Approaches/Culture Change

Development of Peace and Conflict Studies Certificates/Programs at Colleges and Universities

Strengthening Student-Teacher Relationships

Effective Family Engagement Strategies & Their Impact on School Climate

Building Democratic Classrooms

Student Councils

Student Clubs (Peace Clubs, International Clubs, Social Justice Clubs, etc)

Youth Participation at a Local Level

Service Learning

Sports and Recreational Activities to Prevent Violence

Sexual Education and Violence Prevention

Economic Fairness

Family Engagement & Academic Outcomes

Career Paths in Conflict Resolution and Peace

C. Research, policy, and evaluation on above themes:

Note - Presenters are asked to give emphasis topositive change strategies. In addition, presenters are asked to begin their presentations by briefly providing the context for their work – to describe the challenge in the community briefly and then provide information on strategies used to address these challenges. We invite proposals for organized panels, roundtable discussions, workshops and other creative contributions on the topics of:

  • Best practice program models for teaching and training at the national/regional/state/local level in K-12 and/or higher education;
  • Strategies for creating related policy/standards/legislation at the national/regional/state/local level;
  • Strategies for evaluating related programming;
  • Strategies for policy creation/implementation;
  • Some possible questions to address include:

-What does scholarly research, across the disciplines, have to offer on the conference themes?

-What political, social and economic structures best assist communities implementing conference themes and innovative policies and programs?

-What case studies, negative and positive, can help us work through these issues?

Preference will be given to those proposals that balance descriptions with the implementation of CRE, Global Citizenship, Civic Engagement and/or policies/standards/legislation and macro-level capacity building in states, regions, or countries.

Criteria for Evaluation and Selection

  • Relevance and interest of topic
  • Demonstrated value and originality of topic
  • Appeal to varied categories of participants
  • Qualifications of presenter
  • Demonstrated experience and previous accomplishments
  • Creative mode of presentation (assuring varied modalities among the presentations). Indication of presentation methods which are suitable for the content
  • Presentation of a well-thought-out argument
  • Topic of value to other policymakers/educators/researchers/prevention specialists working inthe area of CRE and/or global citizenship and civic engagement

All presenters must register for the conference. Special rates are available for those who register by April 5, 2013. After that time, the regular conference rate applies.

Presenters registering beforeApril 5, 2013, may register at a special reduced rate of $50 per day per personfor the main conferenceJune 14 - 15, 2013(A discount of up to 60% off the general conference rate attendance rate), and $75 per day per person for any of the pre-conferencetrainings June 12-13, 2013.

Hotel: For those needingaccommodation, a special rate of $69 per night plus applicable taxes (single/double room) is secured at theCrowne Plaza Hotel, Cleveland Airport with free shuttle service to and from the airport and the conference until May 20, 2013. A complimentary breakfast is also included.

Questions? Please contact Elizabeth Wuerz at Global Issues Resource Center at 216-987-2582or via e-mail at:

Proposal Information Needed

Please send the following proposal information for consideration to Elizabeth Wuerz at:

Workshop Title:

Workshop Summary (no more than 200 words):

Presentation Format Preferred (panel, inter-active workshop, roundtable discussion, etc.):

Please note: All interactive workshops and roundtable discussions are scheduled for 90 minutes. If you are interested in presenting on a panel and/or presenting a paper, you will receive between 30 - 45 minutes to present, which includes time for questions, and we will place others who wish to be on a panel and/or present a paper on a related topic in the same time slot. In addition, we will be scheduling workshops to balance content on Friday and Saturday. If you can only present on one of these days, please indicate that now as we can not accommodate requests once the schedule has been set.

Biographical Sketch – (no more than 200 words)

Presenter(s) Name:Presenter(s) Titles:


Address where you would like correspondences sent:

Daytime Telephone Number:Fax Number:

E-mail Address (required address):

Please tell us how you see your proposal fitting with the Conference’s theme Bridging Cultures: Educations for Global Citizenship and Civic Engagement, 6th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education, including: global awareness and cultural sensitivity, democracy education and civic responsibility, the role and impact of migrating populations and communities, and conflict resolution education

  • Legislation/policies/standards to deliver initiatives at the K-12 or Higher Education level
  • Legislation/policies/standards in colleges of teacher education or within other disciplines
  • Program best practices
  • Evaluation methodology
  • Innovations in use of media and technology
  • Creation of policy implementation structures
  • Consideration of obstacles to success

Audience(s) for your presentation (Please circle all that apply):

College AdministratorsCollege Faculty/StaffCollege Students

K-12 EducatorsHealth EducatorsGender Based Violence Prevention Practitioners

Public Policy AdvocatesSocial WorkersCounselors

Safe School CentersDepartments of EducationYouth Serving Organizations

Juvenile CourtsJuvenile Detention FacilitiesJuvenile Prisons

Public Health OfficialsPolicy Makers

All proposals are dueby November 9, 2012. Submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail by November 16,2012. If you know that you can only attend the conference one day, either Friday or Saturday, please note this on your proposal. We will be scheduling workshops the day after acceptance letters are sent and we can not accommodate late requests to present on one day or the other. Late proposals will be reviewed, and may be accepted if there is space on the program. Please return all proposals via e-mail . Questions? Call 216-987-2224.

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International Conference on CRE, June 12 - 17, 2013