Substance Abuse Mental HealthTreatment Facilities
The following is a partial list of substance abuse and mental health treatment facilities in Northwest Ohio. The list is not intended as an endorsement of any one facility but as a reference tool.
Century Health, Inc., 419-425-50501918 N. Main Street, Findlay, OH 45840
Services: A, SA, MH, O, R, CS, F
Payment Options: Most private insurance, Medicaid, Medicare,sliding scale & flexible payment plans. / Family Resource Center, 419-422-8616
1941 Carlin Street, Findlay, OH 45840
Locations in: Allen, Auglaize, Hancock, Hardin & Shelby Counties
Services: Y, A, F, CS, SA, MH, O
Payment Options: Medicaid, private insurance, sliding scale, self-pay reimbursement for services rendered.
Lutheran Social Services, 419-422-7917
115 E. Lima Street, Findlay, OH 45840
Locations in: 24 counties in Northwestern Ohio
Services: A, F, SA, MH, O, CS
Payment Options: Tri-Care, Most private insurances, Medicaid, Medicare, ability to pay available / Arrowhead Behavioral Health, 419-891-9333
1725 Timber Line Road, Maumee, OH 43537
Services: A, PH, SA, MH, I, O, R, SI, F
Payment Options: Accepts most insurance, HMO, PPO and managed care plans. Accepts Medicare and TRICARE®.
Consolidated Care, Inc., 937-599-1975
118 Maple Ave., W., Bellefontaine, OH 43311
Consolidated Care 24/7 Crisis Line: 1-800-224-0422
Locations in: Logan, Hardin and Champaign Counties
Services: A, Y, SA, MH, O
Payment Options: Medicaid, self-pay and most insurance, will work with individuals and families regardless of income / Firelands Counseling & Recovery Services,
1111 Hayes Ave., Sandusky, OH 44870
Hotline for all locations: 800-826-1306
Locations in: Erie, Huron, Lorain, Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, and Wyandot Counties
Services: A, SA, MH, I, O, F, CS
Payment Options: Most Insurance & Medicaid Plans
CHOICES Behavioral Health Care, 419-422-7767
222 Center Street, Findlay, OH
Services: A, SA, MH, ST, O
Payment Options: Medicaid, Insurance & Private Pay / COMPASS, 419-241-8827
2465 Collingwood Blvd., Toledo, OH 43610
Services: A, SA, MH, O, R, ST, MAT, F, CS
Payment Options: Private Insurance, Medicaid and self-payment on a sliding scale according to income level.
Codes for services:
MH- Mental Health SA- Substance Abuse I-Inpatient O- Outpatient R- Residential PH- Psychiatric Hospital
A- Adult Y-Youth F- Family FR- Family Reunification W- Women PW- Pregnant Women
ST- Suboxone Treatment MAT- Methadone Assisted Treatment CS- Community Support
799 Main Street, Lima, Ohio 45804
Locations in: Allen, Auglaize, Hardin, Portage, Stark, Summit & Trumbull Counties
Services: A, Y, F, SA, MH, O, R, CS
Payment Options: Insurance & Medicaid / St. Rita’s Medical Center,
419-996-5517, 800-232-7762
730 W. Market St. Lima, OH 45801
Services: A, SA, MH, I, O, PH,
Payment Options: Insurance, Medicare & Medicaid
Oriana House, 330-535-8116
PO Box 1501, Akron, OH 44309
Services: A, SA, R, O / Phoenix Project, 419-222-4474
c/o Lima UMADAOP
608 W. High Street, Lima, OH
Services: A, W, PW, SA, R, F, FR, CS
Recovery Services of Northwest Ohio,
511 Perry Street, Defiance, OH 43512
Locations in: Fulton, Williams, Henry and Defiance Counties
Services: A, Y, SA, MH, ST, R, O, F, CS
Payment Options: Sliding scale, with no one refused service because of income or inability to pay. Medicaid, insurance and third-party payment is accepted. / Pathways Counseling Center, 419-523-4300
835 N. Locust Street, Ottawa, OH 45875
Services: A, Y, SA, MH, O, F, CS
Payment Options: Accepts Private Insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid. Also has a subsidized fee available for residents of Putnam County, sliding fee also available
Behavioral Connections, 419-352-5387
1010 N. Prospect, Bowling Green, OH 43402
Services: A, MH, SA, O, R, W, PW, ST, MAT
Payment Options: Medicaid, self-pay and most insurance / Harbor, 419-475-4449
4334 Secor Road, Toledo, OH 43623
Services: A, Y, SA, MH, O, F, CS
Payment Options: Accepts Ohio Medicaid, private pay, and insurance
Codes for services:
MH- Mental Health SA- Substance Abuse I-Inpatient O- Outpatient R- Residential PH- Psychiatric Hospital
A- Adult Y-Youth F- Family FR- Family Reunification W- Women PW- Pregnant Women
ST- Suboxone Treatment MAT- Methadone Assisted Treatment CS- Community Support
For a complete Ohio listing please go to the Hancock County ADAMHS Board website,
Resource list complied and distributed by the Hancock County Opiate/Prescription Drug Task Force with funds supplied by the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services SPF Grant.
Date Drafted: March, 2013
Updated: February, 2015