School Site council meeting minutes : 2/25/2009

Attendees: Bill Baker, Indra Kapur, Denise Czarske, Kasey Myers , Daisy Uyeda , Barbara Hester, Kevin Gilligan, Nina DeFabio, ruby O’Brien, Sabrina Holdsworth.

§  Minutes were approved as read on the email. Barbara Hester was welcomed. She is a principal mentor who has been with the district for a long time.

§  The kids love Bill.

§  DCC update: Last Tuesday,there was talk about discussing the next Budget update, at the next meeting.

§  District has to cut 4.4 million . Collective Bargaining units will meet. Bill discussed 3 tiers of categorical funding:

·  Tier 1: no flexibility.

·  Tier2: it includes money that can be applied.

·  Tier3: it has Slip G. This has the greatest flexibility. Districts can take this money and put it in a general fund.

§  The arts and music gets cut after this year. It has to be re established . collective bargaining Groups will make a decision on March 11th. Bill will email or teleparent on March 3rd.

§  The administrative group mentioned class reduction 24:1 . administrative group has agreed to take funds , and will meet on March 3rd.

§  Next year will be no SLIBG , but LEP funds may be there and we will decide how to use these.

§  Kevin asked how we will be affected. Bill mentioned that Dr. Mannon stated that there will be teacher positions cut, about 71 teachers. Kasey Myers discussed the percentage, as per information given to her.

§  March 11th: A decision will be made by the school board. Hester says that Torrance is very Conservative, as a district. We can’t touch the reserve. On March 3rd. Board will give information to public .Parents will bring the proposal on March 3rd.

§  TTA has been involved and so has ATSA. Transparency is very important according to Bill. Bill stated that we have a very large PTA, and Kevin agrees that it is good that we have transparency. Bill stated that bond measure has good intentions for our children.

§  The By Laws for Victor School have not been adopted. Kevin and Bill have looked at this. Each article is very standardized. The School Site will be composed of 10 members. It could be for more time. Members can serve for a 2 year term. It’s a standard. Ayesha needs to sign it. You need to be aware of it. Parent is the chair.

§  By Laws have been accepted – all in favor.

§  The 3 R’s have been discussed , the program for Rigor,Relevance frame work .It is based on Bloom’s taxonomy. It has been discussed at leadership meetings, and at PLC teacher meetings. The different component of this information was discussed by Bill in thinking along these lines. These programs have been bought and contributed by parents.

§  Retention Candidates : Bill says that there are 12 students who are being considered for retention. They have received interventions, prior to this being considered.85% of them are K1 students who were recommended for Preppy . 2 of these students are recommended in 4th. Grade. 0.012percent are considered for retention. It is an extremely low number. Bill discussed how different intervention programs are in place for these students prior to retention consideration.

§  At Victor , we have intervention programs in place 1st thru 5th grade. Intervention, during school time, and also after school. Also Gate classes are in place. Tutoring classes with west high students hasn’t worked out, due to not having coverage for these students . Next year students needing this will need to go to the High school.

§  All information is on the calendar, and on our website. Kindergarten parent participation is huge.

§  Scavenger Hunt was a huge success .

§  Fund raising efforts information is available.

§  Bill would like us to go paperless in 2010.

§  Kevin shared information about the Arts, and the budget.

§  The last Wednesday of the month will be the monthly meeting. It will be held on March 25th. The next meeting will be on April; 29th.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:15.