
Phillips Academy

Choir Handbook

Dixie Ford, Director

2316 7th Avenue North

Birmingham, AL 35203


Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the Phillips Academy Choir! I am excited to have such a talented group of young singers in the new choir program at Phillips. We are in for a great year!

The goal of the choir program at Phillips Academy is to develop choral musicianship and confidence, to expose students to a wide variety of music, and to instill a love for singing in each student. Based on the Aims of the International Baccalaureate Middle School Years Program, Phillips Choir students can expect to:

1.  DEVELOP choral music reading and performance skills;

2.  ENGAGE in musical exploration and discovery;

3.  CONNECT what they learn with the music they sing;

4.  DEEPEN their understanding of the world through choral music.[1]

In this handbook you will find the Phillips Academy Choir expectations and grading policy, a course syllabus, and an order form for the choir t-shirt and red bow tie (for performances). Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns regarding choir. I look forward to getting to know you and your students this year!

Dixie Ford, Choir Director

Phillips Academy


Expectations and Grading Policies

Reaching our full potential as a choir takes discipline and teamwork. I expect each choir member to:

1.  Come to class on time, ready to participate and ready to learn.

2.  Demonstrate respect, resourcefulness, responsibility, safety, and kindness.

3.  Bring a sharpened pencil to each rehearsal.

4.  Bring a black binder to hold music. (Binders may be left in the choir room or taken home for practice. Students who choose to take binders home MUST bring them back to class each time.)

5.  Make notes in the music when directed and only with a pencil.

6.  Never chew gum in class.

7.  Wear the appropriate uniform for performances.

a.  Informal uniform: choir t-shirt and khaki or dark pants (no jeans)

i.  Every choir students is asked to purchase the choir t-shirt for $10.

ii. This uniform will be worn for in-school performances and on other days to show our choir pride!

b.  Formal uniform: black dress pants or skirt, white dress shirt (with collar), red bowtie (for girls and boys)

i.  This uniform is worn for the Phillips Winter Concert, the All City Christmas Festival, and possible other formal performances.

ii. Bowties can be ordered through the school if necessary.

8.  Attend all required rehearsals and performances.

Attendance at mandatory performances is important for the success of the choir and will be graded. Make-up assignments will be given for excused absences only. For a make-up assignment, students will sign up for a time to sing a song selected by the choir director. Decisions about excused absences are at the discretion of the director.

Students earn choir grades in the following ways:

1.  Homework (15%)

a.  Music binder & pencil

b.  Music theory worksheets

c.  Other assignments

2.  Classwork (45%)

a.  Singing with correct posture

b.  Listening

c.  Following directions

d.  Positive attitude

3.  Tests (40%):

a.  Solfege with hand signs

b.  Quizzes

c.  Mandatory Performances

Choir Dates & Events for Fall Semester 2015

·  All City Christmas Festival Auditions October 14, 7:15 a.m.

October 15, 3:15 p.m.

(choose one)

Students who wish to sing at the All City Christmas Festival will sign up to audition on October 14 in the morning or on October 15 in the afternoon. Auditions will be held in the choir room. Phillips is only allowed to bring up to 10 singers to the Festival. Therefore, choir students must understand that not all who audition will be able to participate in this particular event.

·  All City Area Rehearsal November 3 or 4

during school day

·  WJPA Morning News Performance (at Phillips) November 10

7:45 a.m.

·  All City Final Rehearsal December 1

during school day

·  All City Christmas Festival, Boutwell Auditorium December 3

7 p.m.

·  Phillips Winter Concert TBD


Teacher: Mrs. Dixie Ford

Phone: 205-231-9524


Room #: 01


1.  Students will sing a variety of choral music provided by the school district.

2.  Students will listen to music of various styles from sources provided by the instructor and by students.

Course Description:

Students will develop essential life skills such as community building, setting and achieving goals, and self-discipline through the development of music reading, choral performance, and critical listening abilities.


1.  Students need to bring a sharpened pencil with a working eraser to each choir class.

2.  Students need to bring a black binder to each choir class (binders may be left in choir room).

3.  Students need the appropriate uniform for performances.

a.  Informal Uniform: choir t-shirt and khaki or dark pants

b.  Formal Uniform: black dress pants or skirt, white dress shirt (with collar), red bowtie (for girls and boys)

Course Goals and Objectives:

1.  Students will sing and perform a varied repertoire of music.

2.  Students will listen and respond to musical selections from various sources.

3.  Students will begin to read and notate music.

4.  Students will prepare and evaluate musical performances.

5.  Students will demonstrate an understanding of music in relation to history and cultures.

The objectives of the course are based on the IB Arts objectives:

Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding

1.  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the music form studied in relation to societal, cultural, historical and personal contexts.

2.  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the elements of the music studied.

3.  Communicate a critical understanding of the music studied in the context of their own musical compositions.

Criterion B: Application

1.  Develop an idea, theme or personal interpretation to a point of realization, expressing and communicating their artistic intentions.

2.  Apply skills, techniques and processes to create and perform music.

Criterion C: Reflection and Evaluation

1.  Reflect critically on their own musical development and processes at different stages of their work.

2.  Evaluate their work.

3.  Use feedback to inform their own artistic development and processes.

Criterion D: Personal Engagement

1.  Show commitment in using their own artistic processes.

2.  Demonstrate curiosity, self-motivation, initiative and willingness to take informed risks.

3.  Support, encourage and work with their peers in positive way.

4.  Be receptive to musical practices and traditions from various cultures, including their own.

Classroom Rules of Conduct: Safe, Respectful, Resourceful, Responsible:

1.  Come to class on time, ready to participate and ready to learn.

2.  Demonstrate respect, resourcefulness, responsibility, safety, and kindness.

3.  Bring a sharpened pencil to each rehearsal.

4.  Bring a black binder to hold music.

5.  Make notes in the music when directed and only with a pencil.

6.  Never chew gum in class.

7.  Wear the appropriate uniform for performances.

8.  Attend all required rehearsals and performances.

Phillips Academy Choir T-Shirt and Bow Tie Order Form

T-Shirt Cost: $10

Bowtie Cost: $5.00

Student Name: ______

Homeroom Teacher/Room Number: ______

Parent Name: ______

Parent Email Address: ______

Parent Phone Number: ______

Please circle t-shirt size (adult sizes only):


_____Yes, I would like to order a red bow tie.

_____No, I would not like to order a red bow tie but will provide my


Total Included: ______

Return cash or check with this order form to Mrs. Ford (Choir Director) by Thursday, October 29.

Checks should be made payable to Phillips Academy with “choir t-shirt/bow tie” in the memo.


[1] Middle Years Programme Arts Guide (Cardiff, Wales: International Baccalaureate Organization (UK) Ltd, Peterson House, 2014), 9.