March 2015

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
PTO Box Tops Prize Drawing and Fundraiser “Kick-off”
4th Grade Social Studies
5th Grade Science
6th Grade Social Studies / 3
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
Science and Social Studies
Make-ups / 4
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
State Testing Make-ups (all subjects) / 5
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
Individual and Group Pictures
State Testing Make-ups (all subjects) / 6
AM Bobcat Boost
PTO Meeting (3:30)
Bobcat Boost Family Meeting (4:15)
PTO 50-cent Friday
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
5th Grade Math; Units 1 and 2 / 10
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
3rd Grade Math; Unit 1
4th Grade Math; Unit 2 / 11
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
3rd Grade Math; Unit 2
4th Grade Math; Unit 2 / 12
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
The Columbus Children’s Theater performs Young Abe Lincoln to K-3 students. Thanks to the Portsmouth Area Arts Council and PTO for supporting this production! / 13
AM Bobcat Boost
End of the 3rd Grading Period
6th Grade Math; Units 1 and 2
PTO 50-cent Friday
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
State Testing Make-ups (all subjects) / 17
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
Board of Education Meeting; 6:00 in the High School Library
State Testing Make-ups (all subjects) / 18
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
Report Cards Distributed
State Testing Make-ups (all subjects) / 19
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
5th and 6th Grade Field Trip
State Testing Make-ups (all subjects) / 20
AM Bobcat Boost
Mobile Dentist
PTO 50-cent Friday
State Testing Make-ups (all subjects)
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
Mobile Dentist / 24
AM and PM Bobcat Boost / 25
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
Kindergarten Field Trip / 26
AM and PM Bobcat Boost / 27
AM Bobcat Boost
PTO 50-cent Friday
AM and PM Bobcat Boost / 31
AM and PM Bobcat Boost
Easter Parties / Testing Updates (grade levels/subjects highlighted in the calendar indicate state testing dates)
If your child has an IEP or 504 Plan, please call Mrs. McIlhenny for specific test dates. Individual and small group testing dates will be embedded in this calendar. This schedule is subject to change due to closings and/or delays.
Mobile Dentist Information
  • Students who participated in the fall program will automatically be checked in March.
  • If you are new to the district, you may request an enrollment form from the office.
/ Basketball Skills Clinic Information
Mrs. Knapp (1st grade teacher and Girls’ Varsity Basketball Coach) is hosting weekend “Basketball Skills Clinics” in March. This is open to boys and girls in grades 2-8. You can join her Facebook group “The Green Local Girls Basketball Family” for specific dates, times and locations. / Blizzard Bag Update
At the time of this notification we have used all “Blizzard Bag” days. Students are required to complete that work in order to have the day excused.
This work must be completed within 2 weeks of the date assigned.