Scientific Revolution

What developments during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance contributed to the Scientific Revolution?

Thinker / Philosophe / Key Works / Contributions
Nicolaus Copernicus
Tycho Brahe
Johannes Kepler
Galileo Galilei (incl. interactions w/ Catholic Church)
Isaac Newton
Paracelsus, Andreas Vesalius, & William Harvey
Margaret Cavendish (Contributions of Women)
René Descartes
Francis Bacon
Blaise Pascal

How were the ideas of the Scientific Revolution disseminated and what impact did they have on society?

The Enlightenment

What intellectual developments led to the emergence of the Enlightenment?

The Philosophes

Thinker / Contribution
Bernarde de Fontenelle
Pierre Bayle
Adam Smith
Women in the Enlightenment

Culture in the Enlightenment

The Enlightenment had an effect on …

Development of Music:
Development of the Novel:
The Writing of History:
Crime & Punishment:
Popular Culture:
Religion & Tolerance:

Popular Religion in the 18th Century

Church – State Relations:
Toleration & Religious Minorities:
Toleration & the Jews
(LEQ in 2007)
Catholic v. Protestant Piety:
John Wesley & Methodism:

European States in the 18th Century

What is the concept of Enlightened Absolutism?


Impact of Louis XIV:
Regents – Duke of Orleans & Cardinal Fleury:
Louis XV:
Madame de Pompadour:

Great Britain:

House of Lords v. House of Commons:
George I; George II:
Robert Walpole:
George III:

Enlightened Absolutism in Central & Eastern Europe

Prussia / Austria / Russia
Key Leaders:
Techniques for Centralization:
Key Concepts: / Junkers: / Reform Program: / Repression of Serfs:
Territorial Expansion:
Examples of “Enlightened” Monarch
Effects on Society

Wars and Diplomacy in the 18th Century

War of Austrian Succession

Causes: / Major Parties/Events: / Effects:

Seven Years War

Causes: / Major Parties/Events: / Effects:

Quick Facts:

What led to the growth in population over the 18th century?
How did the European view of children change over the course of the 18th century?
Why did men and women (not of noble birth) marry later during the 18th century?
What led to the Agricultural Revolution in the 18th century?
What was the Enclosure Movement in England and what effect did it have on farming?
What were some characteristics & effects of the new economic systems and colonial empires?
What were some characteristics of peasant life in Western & Eastern Europe?
What was the Grand Tour?
Describe the conditions of 18th century European cities and their inhabitants.