UNIT TITLE:Sample 3 Thematic Review U.S. History from Beginnings to 1890 (Eras 1-6)

COURSE:U.S. History since 1890 LENGTH:3-4 weeks

Compelling Question:
How did the U.S. change over time from the beginnings of the country until 1890? / ADE Standards:This is a review of Grades 5 and 8 U.S. History Eras 1-6.
CCSS literacy standards:CCRA.R.1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. CCRA.W.1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10.
C3 connections: D1.1,4,5.9-12; D2.Civ.2-14.9-12; D2.Eco.1-3,5-9,13.9-12; D2.Geo.2,5-9,11.9-12; D2.His.1-5,7,8,11,14-16.9-12; D3.1,2,3.9-12; D4.1,2,3,4,5,6.9-12
Supporting Question #1 / Formative Performance Task / Suggested Source(s)
How did geography influence U.S. History from the beginningsof the countryto 1890? / Suggested Topics for Discussion: settlement patterns, regional differences, conflicts over resources
Task:Create a map showing the influence of geography on one of the topics for discussion. Students share their maps and explain the legend and why they chose to emphasize specific information/details. /
  • Regents Prep Essay: Geography & US History
  • Reading Like a Historian: Mapping the New World
  • George Mason University: John Smith’s 1621 Jamestown Map
  • National Geographic: Westward Expansion through Maps

Supporting Question #2 / Formative Performance Task / Suggested Source(s)
How did migration and immigration impact U.S. History from the beginningsof the countryto 1890? / Suggested Topics for Discussion:immigration and the growth of the U.S., territorial expansion of the U.S., interaction among differing groups, cultural diffusion, forced migration, the transatlantic and internal slave trade, Westward expansion
Students could be placed into small groups to discuss topics for discussion.
Task:Students will then create a visual graphic (e.g., table, chart, poster, collage, info graphic, Prezi) showing the impact of migration and immigration on one of the topics for discussion and present their final graphic to the class. /
  • Migration in US History
  • Reading Like a Historian: Passenger Lists
  • Runaway Slave Ad Lesson Plan
  • Reading Like a Historian: Irish Immigration
  • Statue of Liberty
  • Crash Course US History: Westward Expansion

UNIT TITLE:Sample 3 Thematic Review U.S. History from Beginnings to 1890 (Eras 1-6)

COURSE:U.S. History since 1890 LENGTH:3-4 weeks

Supporting Question #3 / Formative Performance Task / Suggested Source(s)
How did conflicts shape U.S. History from the beginningsof the countryto 1890? / Suggested Topics for Discussion: conflicts during the colonial era, including those among native groups and between native groups & colonists over land & resources (such as fur), conflicts between colonists and Great Britain, French & Indian (Seven Years') War, American Revolution; conflicts during the writing of the Constitution, War of 1812 U.S./Mexican War, Civil War
Task:Create a table or chart analyzing one of the above conflicts. Suggested headings include a short description of the conflict, causes, location, time, people involved, and the results. Share charts with class.
Choose one of the conflicts and write a short response to the supporting question using information from the tables or charts and reading selections. /
  • Secondary Source: Colonial/Indian Relations Essay
  • Crash Course video: American Revolution
  • Reading Like a Historian: Slavery & the Constitution
  • Short History of the War of 1812
  • PBS: US Mexican War & Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  • National Park Service: Causes of the Civil War

Supporting Question #4 / Formative Performance Task / Suggested Source(s)
How did ideas about governance change and stay the same from the beginningsof the country to 1890? / Suggested Topics for Discussion: foundational documents, structure and function of government, civic rights/roles/responsibilities, source/function of laws, political effects of territorial expansion, Civil War amendments, laws and public policies addressing labor conflicts
Task:Students summarize and compare primary source documents, which articulate ideas about governance, such as the Mayflower Compact, Virginia Declaration of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Articles of Confederation, Bill of Rights, amendments, political party platforms (to 1890), and/or Supreme Court decisions /
  • Digital History: Landmark Documents by Era
  • Reading Like a Historian: Declaration of Independence
  • Ratifying the Constitution
  • Constitutional Rights Foundation: Political Parties & Platforms

UNIT TITLE:Sample 3 Thematic Review U.S. History from Beginnings to 1890 (Eras 1-6)

COURSE:U.S. History since 1890 LENGTH:3-4 weeks

Supporting Question #5 / Formative Performance Task / Suggested Source(s)
How did economic structures and institutions impact different individuals and groups in the U.S. from the beginnings of the countryto 1890? / Suggested Topics for Discussion:Changes in economic structure & institutions, including traditional economy, mercantilism, capitalism; different occupations, goods & services, and labor systems in U.S. history to 1890
Task:Students choose (or teacher assigns) a group of people (e.g., based on gender, class, ethnicity, occupation) and show how their economic situation has improved or declined based on the topics for discussion and readings. /
  • Mercantilism & Colonial Protest

  • Simulation: Colonial Economics & Mercantilism
  • Content Background Essay: Beginnings of Capitalism in the U.S.
  • Gilder Lehrman Lowell Mill Girls and the factory system, 1840

Supporting Question #6 / Formative Performance Task / Suggested Source(s)
How did technology impact daily life, war, the movement of people and goods, and the U.S. economy from the beginnings of the country to 1890? / Suggested Topics for Discussion:Pre-Columbian technology, technology of weaponry/war, inventions & economic development (e.g., cotton gin, interchangeable parts, steam engine, reaper, vulcanized rubber, telegraph, barbed wire, oil derrick, telephone, lightbulb)
Task:Select an innovation and justify why you think this innovation had the most significant impact on daily life, war, or the movement of people and goods. Make sure to address intended and unintended consequences of this technological advancement. /
  • Pre-Columbian Technology
  • Technology in U.S. History, timeline
  • Gunpowder to Guns – War Technology video
  • Unintended Consequences of the Cotton - Gin Docs Teach
  • Vulcanized Rubber video
  • History Detectives: Civil War Innovations

Summative Assessment:
Write an argumentative essay addressing the question, How did the U.S. change over time from the beginnings of the country to 1890?Make sure to completely address at least one theme. (Teacher may choose to have students address more than one theme).
Create a presentation (poster board, Prezi, PowerPoint) in which continuities and changes in the geography, economy, and government are addressed. Make sure to include ways in which migration, technology, and conflicts affected the geography, economy, and government.
Taking Informed Action: