
1-  1-Ethical Rules of Financial Transactions In Islam "Islam is the religion of no compulsion. Muslim's celebrate the praises of Allah. They fear Allah, therefore He the Glory provides his worshiper with sources they could have never imagined. Their ethics is Islam. There are no differences between Zakat and Salah (praying),between Jihad ( to fight for the course of Allah), and Haj ( Pilgrimage to Makkah), and between Manner and Trading…Verily the most honored among people are the most Allah conscious.

Unconscious Muslims who leave the ethics of Islam, and probably do munker ( the wrong doing )their trading activities weaken, their properties segregate and they lose the sultan ( Ruler).

Such destruction and its effects will not be removed unless they change their intention ( Niyyah), follow Allah,s will, Shria,h and Sunnah answer the call of Allah and conduct consultation in their affairs. With high determination their states should encourage such ethics equally when it defended its borders.

Accordingly, it is necessary to encourage the practice of Islamic ethics in the financial transactions at all levels. This will only be possible with the establishment of Islamic financial societies and follow the Islamic rules and procedures. The practice of Islamic ethics should also be accompanied with measures against non- compliance For these measures to be realistic, .the rules of the present commercial businesses have to be changed to comply with Islamic laws,( Accounting , Commerce & Finance : The Islamic Perspective), Proceedings of International Conference 1, 18-20 February, 1997,Sydney, Australia.( Email: )

. 3- "Audit Problems in Small Businesses in Jordan – From Jordanian Auditors View point" . Auditing problems in both small and large businesses in Jordan are similar. Although an AICPA commission had suggested three audit standards for small businesses, the latter have failed to develop and adopt sound and systematic audit processes, and have depended on these three standards , which are insufficient for a complete and objective audit. This situation led the auditor in small businesses to adopt the standards applied in large businesses.

The study indicates that the auditor in both small and large businesses encounters the same auditing problems. This conclusion was supported by the results of field study. Data for the study were gathered from 150 public accounting offices in Jordan. According to the study audit problems in small businesses stem from two main areas classified as follows :

First : Legal Problems :

1-  Absence of mandating to maintain accounting records.

2-  Absence of mandating to audit financial statements.

3-  Absence of mandating to submit audited financial statements to income tax department.

4-  Failure to allocate audit engagements to the auditors.

5-  Absence of a clear method to determine audit fees and guarantee their collection.

Second: The Owners, Problems :

1-  Absence of Internal Auditing departments in small firms.

2-  Owners, overriding internal control procedures.

3-  Low educational level of the owners , employees and accountants.

4-  Inconsistency of owners, audit objectives from formal audit objectives.

( DIRASAT, Volume 18 A, January 1991, number 1)

4 – "Accounting in Professional Entities (organization).- A Field Study in Islamic Hospital".

5-" Legislative Obstacles of Accounting Profession in Serving Economic Development.",

The Government develops the efforts of its citizens in all fields including accounting. We mean by accounting : principles, standards, organizations, accountants and the laws which affect accounting.

To enable accounting to contribute in the development of Jordan , the government should recognize the role of accounting, facilitates all the means possible which allow accounting to contribute in the development by supporting the profession to be developed scientifically and practically, improving the positions of the accountant, adjusting the laws licensing the professions and organizations which guard and protect members and profession, and finally to protect the profession from foreign influences which affect the profession negatively in supporting development in Jordan.( DIRASAT, Volume 20 (A),Number 4, October 1993).

The economic effects of Islamic faith" "6-

Abstract: Islamic faith differentiates Muslims from others. Muslims full obedience to Allah, worship and transactions, are aiming to gain Allah’s (Almighty) acceptance and forgiveness, this influences Muslim’s social, economical, cultural, and political values; as a consequence, safety and calmness will shadow their life and afterlife.

7-" Accounting in Professional Corporations in Jordan – A Field Study" .

There are many professional corporations operating in Jordan. These corporations in cooperation with other social and special services organizations employ nearly 40%of manpower from rural areas . But these corporations lack proper accounting systems, and will continue to do so, unless, they are forced by legislation, to implement the proper accounting methods. This fact is revealed through a study conducted by distributing a questionnaire to a selected number of professionals in Jordan.

The study proposes that these corporations must be urged and encouraged to :

Maintain records of all collections and payments, and-

Maintain " Cash receipts book", ( English system). -

This could be a corn stone for building up a sound accounting systemfor these professional corporations.( DIRASAT, Volume X11,May 1985,Number 5).

9- " Efficiency Evaluation of (MBA) Program- Accounting Major At Jordanian University" .The study aims mainly at evaluating both the quality and the feasibility of the "MBA" program in Accounting at the University of Jordan. In addition to defining and analyzing the main problems, before suggesting solutions. To achieve these objectives a questionnaire was distributed among a sample selected from the four groups who are concerned with the program. These groups are : students, graduates, academics and employers. They were asked to show their opinions toward different aspects related to the program such as : requirement of admission, standard for selecting candidates, and study plan. Analyzing results , we found that admission requirements and selection criteria must be standardized so as to ensure objectivity and fairness in admitting students. And they should pass an aptitude test . Moreover, the academic plan of the program should be restructured so as to increase the share of Accounting coursesin the syllabuss> And the scientificate content of the Accounting Courses of the current syllabus should be updated in accordance with market needs, business experts and professionals must participate in developing both

the academic plan and the assessment tools.( DIRASAT, Volume 21(A), December 1994, Number 6).ISSN 0255- 8033.

10- " Scientific & Practical Characteristics of Applicants for Auditing Profession Board Examination and it's effects on Passing Auditors Exams".

Academic and Experience Attributes of Candidate sand their performance on the Council of Audit Profession on the This study examines the relationships between some educational and experience attributes of the candidate who sat for the examination of the Council of Audit Profession and their performance in the examination. The attributes include : cumulative average, academic specialization, university, years of experience, size of the firms that issued the experience certificates, and the training courses, seemingly unrelated. Linear regression model is used to analyze data from 220 candidates . The result indicate that these variables explain 48%of the variances of the first paper in the examination, and 54% of the variances of the second paper. Also , the results show that the cumulative average , academic specialization, and the university which the candidates graduated from have significant statistical relationship with the pass-fail rate.

17-Jordan made way in the application of Corporate Governance to remedy its’ corporation's problems, but the results felt short of expectations, which mean that there are reasons for that have not been discovered or have not been dealt with strictly. These are legal problems and restrictions to achieve transparency in dealing with the problems created in the harmonization of the interests of their constituents where almost necessary , such as lack of separation between ownership and management in Jordanian corporations, non-negotiable authority of the Board, the impossibility of accountability of Board mistakes , as well as the impossibility of publishing Qualified Auditing Reports of Jordanian Corporations, all of are ABC & axioms of corporate governance.