Mathematics Progression Points Grids

referenced to Maths Quest

The following grids display the progression points for the dimensions of Mathematics, between the 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 standards. They provide references to the Maths Quest textbooks to enable you to see a sample of the types of questions that match the description. These samples of questions may assist you in assessing your students. For further samples, you may wish to explore the student worksheets and the chapter tests on the Maths Quest Teacher Edition CD-ROM. Note that the references to the 5.0 and 6.0 standards are provided in the Maths Quest Teacher Edition textbooks.

For further information, please contact:

Adriana Rosamilia, Sales Consultant – VIC ● 0410 550 719 ●

Lara Artis, Sales Consultant – VIC ● 0410 550 348 ●

Mathematics Progression points grids

Progressing towards Level 5

Number progression points / Textbook reference
  • identification of square numbers up to, and including, 100
/ MQ 7 Ex 1G Q1–5
MQ 7 Ex 2A Q3 and 4
  • knowledge of decimal and percentage equivalents for 1/2, 1/4, 3/4, 1/3, 2/3
/ MQ 7 Ex 4I Q1 and 3
MQ 8 Ex 4C Q2 and 3
  • expression of single digit decimals as fractions in simplest form and conversion between ratio, fraction, decimal and percentage forms
/ MQ 7 Ex 4C Q1
MQ 8 Ex 4A–4D
  • use of index notation to represent repeated multiplication
/ MQ 7 Ex 2B Q1–4
  • division of fractions using multiplication by the inverse
/ MQ 7 Ex 3F Q5
  • representation of collections of objects in base 2 notation
/ MQ 8 Ex 1I Q2 and 3
  • location of the square roots from √(1) to √(100) by their approximate position on the real number line
/ MQ 7 Ex 2A Q8 and 9
  • construction of factor trees for the expression of numbers in terms of powers of prime factors
/ MQ 7 Ex 2F Q6
  • use of calculations involving operations with mixed numbers
/ MQ 7 Ex 3G
  • knowledge of the first several digits of decimal approximations to pi, π
/ MQ 8 Ch. 9 pages 400 – 402
Circumference investigation
  • addition, multiplication and division of integers
/ MQ 8 Ex 2D, 2F and 2G
  • representation of subtraction of integers through the use of a physical model, and of integer subtraction as an equivalent integer addition, and as the difference between integers
/ MQ 8 Ex 2E
  • calculation of squares and cubes of rational numbers
/ MQ 7 Ex 3H Q1–3
MQ 7 Ex 4G Q9
  • mental computation of square roots of rational numbers associated with known perfect squares; for example, √(0.64) = 0.8 because 82 = 64; √(6.4) is not related to 8
/ MQ 7 Ex 3H Q4
MQ 7 Ex 4G Q9
  • use of technology to confirm the results of operations with squares and square roots
/ MQ 7 Ex 3H Q1–4
MQ 7 Ex 4G Q9
Space progression points / Textbook reference
  • construction of a plan, elevations and cross-sections for a three-dimensional object
/ MQ 7 Ex 11E
  • knowledge of how features (for example, an angle) change, or not, when a shape undergoes a transformation (for example, a rotation)
/ MQ 7 Ex 11H
  • classification of polygons with reference to a definition or a key property
/ MQ 7 Ex 11C
  • construction of parallel and perpendicular lines
/ MQ 7 Ex 10F
MQ 8 Ex 8G Q1
  • use of a map reference to locate a point or region on a map
/ MQ 7 Ex 12B
  • use of networks to display relationships between people and pathways between objects
/ MQ 7 Ex 12E
MQ 8 Ex 14A
  • identification of congruent shapes
/ MQ 7 Ex 11H
  • tessellation of suitable irregular shapes
/ MQ 7 Ex 11I Q5–11
  • use of angle facts for a triangle
/ MQ 7 Ex 11A
  • use of conventional symbols and contours to describe a route marked on a map
/ MQ 7 Ex 12A, 12B and 12C
  • representation of pathways between objects as part of a network
/ MQ 7 Ex 12E
MQ 8 Ex 14A
  • knowledge of methods for creating the illusion of depth in a two-dimensional image, and description of the related process in geometrical terms
/ MQ 8 Ex 8J
  • production and analysis of images based on projection from a point (one point perspective) and a line
/ MQ 7 Ex 11E Q8
  • calculation of size of objects using a numerical map scale
/ MQ 8 Ex 7G Q3–5
  • use of bearings and distances to plot a route on a map
/ MQ 7 Ex 12C Q 5
  • equivalence of components of a three-dimensional object and its net; for example, vertices and nodes, arcs and edges, faces and regions
/ MQ 7 Ex 11F
Measurement, chance and data progression points / Textbook reference
  • development and use of formulas for the area and perimeter of triangles and parallelograms
/ MQ 7 Ex 8D
MQ 8 Ex 9C, 9E and 9F
  • determination of the internal and external angle sums for a polygon and confirmation by measurement
/ MQ 7Ch. 11 Investigations
Sum of angles in a triangle
Sum of angles in a quadrilateral
MQ 8 Ch. 8 Investigation
Exterior angles of a triangle
Sum of angles in a polygon
  • estimation of the likely maximum and minimum error associated with a measurement
/ MQ 8 Ex 9A and 9B
  • appropriate use of zero to indicate accuracy of measurement; for example, a piece of timber 2.100m long is accurate to the nearest mm
/ Adapt within MQ 8 Ex 9B
  • recognition of the mean value of a set of measurements as the best estimate, and that the range could represent the associated error
/ MQ 8 Ch. 9 Investigation
Measuring height
  • use of appropriate units and measurement of length, perimeter, area, surface area, mass, volume, capacity, angle, time and temperature, in context
/ MQ 7 Ex 7A, 7B, 7D, 8A, 8C – 8H, 9A, 9G, 9H and 10A
MQ 8 9C – 9K
  • calculation of total surface area of prisms, including cylinders, by considering their nets
/ MQ 8 Ex 9J Q3–6
  • contrast between the stability of long run relative frequency and the variation of observations based on small samples
/ MQ 7 Ex 14E Q1 and 2
  • construction of dot plots, and stem and leaf plots to represent data sets
/ MQ 7 Ex 13D Q20 and 21
MQ 8 Ex 12E Q3–6
  • understanding of the distinction between error and percentage error
/ MQ 8 Ex 9B
  • use of random numbers to assist in probability simulations and the arithmetic manipulation of random numbers to achieve the desired set of outcomes
/ MQ 7 Ex 13D
MQ 8 Ex 14E
  • calculation of theoretical probability using ratio of number of ‘successful’ outcomes to total number of outcomes
/ MQ 7 Ex 13C
MQ 8 Ex 14C
  • use of tree diagrams to explore the outcomes from multiple event trials
/ MQ 7 Ex 13E
  • display and interpretation of dot plots, and stem and leaf plots, including reference to mean, median and mode as measures of centre
/ MQ 8 Ex 12F Q16 and 17
Structure progression points / Textbook reference
  • use of inverse and identity when subtracting and dividing rational numbers
/ MQ 7 Ex 1B Q13 and 14
MQ 7 Ex 1D Q3 and 4
  • identification of domain and range; independent and dependent variable and their role in graphing
/ MQ 8 Ex 11I
  • representation of data by plotting points in the first quadrant and explanation of key features
/ MQ 7 Ex 12F
  • collection and classification ofsets of data as either linear or non-linear depending on whether the slope is constant
/ MQ 8 Ex 11I and 11J
  • interpretation of a letter as a symbol for any one of a set of numbers and use in symbolic description of relationships
/ MQ 7 Ex 5D
  • use of inequality, equality, approximately equal and not equal, including in symbolic expressions
/ MQ 7 Ch 1–4
MQ 7 Ex 5B–5F
MQ 8 Ex 2A Q 11 and 12
  • translation from verbal description to algebraic representation, and of the structure of algebraic expressions; for example, if $500 is shared between n people, each receives 500/n
/ MQ 7 Ex 5F and 6E
  • solution of simple linear equations using tables, graphs and inverse operations (backtracking)
/ MQ 7 Ex 6C–6E
  • representation of inequalities as parts of the number line; for example, x < −5
/ MQ 8 Ex 2A Q11 and 12
  • translation between symbolic rules, patterns and tables for linear functions
/ MQ 7 Ex 6E
  • lists of sets in the power set of a given set and knowledge that the total number of set equals 2n for n elements in the given set
/ MQ 8 Ex 3B Q17 and 18
  • solution of equations such as x² = 17 as required in measurement situations; for example, using pythagoras theorem
/ MQ 8 Ex 6E Q4 and 5
MQ 9 Ex 2B
  • graphical representation of simple inequalities such as y ≤ 2x + 4
/ MQ 10 Ex 3E
  • selection of a type of function (linear, exponential, quadratic) to match a set of data
/ MQ 8 Ex 11J
  • translation between forms (table, graph, rule, recurrence relation) of representation of a function
/ MQ 8 Ex 11I and 11J

Progressing towards Level 6

Number progression points / Textbook reference
  • relationships between real, rational, irrational, integer and natural numbers on a venn diagram
/ MQ 9 page 3
  • determination of lowest common multiple through investigation of prime factors

  • solution of problems involving ratio and proportion
/ MQ 9 Ex 1I
  • representation and recognition of large and small numbers in scientific notation
/ MQ 9 Ex 4H
  • calculation and use of percentage change in practical situations; for example, discounts
/ MQ 9 Ex 1E Q7–11
MQ 9 Ex 14F and 14G
  • simplification of surds; for example, √(12) = 2√(3)
/ MQ 10 Ex 1D
  • calculation of the whole given the size of a percentage; for example, if a 20% discount is $7, what was the original value?
/ MQ 9 Ex 1E Q6
MQ 9 Ex 14F Q12
  • solution of proportion problems using real numbers
/ MQ 10 Investigations
Ch. 1 Braking distances
Ch. 10 Eratosthenes calculates the diameter of the Earth
  • calculation of approximate values for φ, the golden ratio, using measurement, definition, and successive ratios of fibonacci sequence
/ MQ 10 Investigation
Ch. 1 The Golden Ratio
  • computation involving natural numbers, integers, finite decimals and surds without the aid of technology, giving exact answers as applicable
/ MQ 10 Ex 1A, 1B, 1D–1G
  • calculation of the remainder after division by using multiplication (Euclid’s method)
/ Adapt from MQ9 Investigation Ch. 1 Euclidean division algorithm
  • division and multiplication of numbers in index form, including application to scientific notation
/ MQ 9 Ex 4H Q5
  • knowledge of the equivalence of (1/10)3 and 10−3
/ MQ 9 Ex 4F
MQ 10 Ex 8B Q3 and 4
  • application of scientific notation and recalled approximations to squares and square roots to approximate values for expressions
/ MQ 9 Ex 4H Q3–12
  • rationalisation of expressions where division by a square root is involved; for example, √(5)/√(3)= √(15)/3
/ MQ 10 Ex 1G
Space progression points / Textbook reference
  • use of two-dimensional nets and line-segment models to investigate regular, semi-regular and irregular solids
/ MQ 9 Ex 11C Q8 and 9
  • application of the angle properties of parallel lines and transversals to other geometrical problems
/ MQ 9 Ex 11A Q7k, l, 9, 11e, f
  • knowledge of sets of conditions for pairs of triangles to be congruent
/ MQ 9 Ex 11E
  • use of Euler’s formula for polyhedra and their nets
/ MQ 10 Ex 11E
  • recognition of the features of circles (centre, radius, diameter, chord, arc, semi-circle, circumference, segment, sector and tangent) and the associated angle relationships
/ MQ 10 pages 373 and 374
MQ 10 Ex 10A–10C
  • investigation of angle properties of circles and tangents
/ MQ 10 Ex 10A Q4
MQ 10 Ex 10B Q2 and 3
  • representation of a point on the Earth’s surface in terms of its latitude and longitude
/ MQ 10 Ex 10D
  • identification of paths and circuits in network diagrams that illustrate connections between objects, locations and events
/ MQ 8 Ex 14D and 14E
  • location of the great circle pathway between two points on a sphere
/ MQ 10 Ex 10D Q2–4
  • application of geometrical transformations to graphs
/ MQ 10 Ex 5B and 5C
Ch. 8 Further exponential graphs
  • knowledge of latitude and longitude in geometrical terms
/ MQ 10 Ex 10D
Ch. 10 SOS!
Measurement, chance and data progression points / Textbook reference
  • conversion between units and between derived units
/ MQ 9 Ex 13B Q2 Ex 13C Q3
  • use of pythagoras theorem to calculate the length of a hypotenuse
/ MQ 9 Ex 2B
  • use of symmetry and scale to calculate side lengths in triangles
/ MQ 9 Ex 11E Q3 and 4
MQ 9 Ex 11F Q8–15
  • representation of compound events involving two categories and the logical connectives and, or and not using lists, grids (lattice diagrams), tree diagrams, venn diagrams and karnaugh maps (two-way tables) and the calculation of associated probabilities
/ MQ 9 Ex 15F and 15G
MQ 10 Ex 13A–13F
  • representation of statistical data using technology
/ MQ 9 Ch. 16 Graphics calculator tips and technology files
  • calculation and application of ratio, proportion and rate of change such as concentration, density and the rate of filling a container
/ MQ 10 Ex 9F
  • use of pythagoras theorem to calculate the length of a side other than a hypotenuse
/ MQ 9 Ex 2C
  • use of trigonometric ratios to calculate unknown sides in a right-angled triangle
/ MQ 9 Ex 12D
  • display of data as a box plot including calculation of quartiles and inter-quartile range and the identification of outliers
/ MQ 9 Ex 16H
MQ 10 Ex 14E Q6–10
  • qualitative judgment of positive or negative correlation and strength of relationship and, if appropriate, application of gradient to find a line of good fit by eye
/ MQ 10 Ex 14F
  • conversion between degrees and radians, and use of radians when calculating arc length and area of sectors
/ MQ 10 Ex 12G Q15–17
  • use of pythagoras theorem in three-dimensional applications
/ MQ 9 Ex 2F
  • calculation of unknown angle in a right-angled triangle using trigonometric ratios
/ MQ 10 Ex 12C
  • use of surveys as a means of obtaining information about a population, including awareness that sample results will not always provide a reasonable estimate of population parameters
/ MQ 10 Ex 14A
  • placement of a line of best fit on a scatter plot using technology and, where appropriate, use of a line of best fit to make predictions
/ MQ 10 Ex 14G
(GC tip / Mathcad file)
Structure progression points / Textbook reference
  • relationships between two sets using a venn diagram, tree diagram and karnaugh map
/ MQ 9 Ex 15F
MQ 10 Ex 13A, 13D and 13F
  • factorisation of algebraic expressions by extracting a common factor
/ MQ 9 Ex 6A and 6B
  • solution of equations by graphical methods
/ MQ 9 Ex 8F
MQ 10 Ex 4H
  • identification of linear, quadratic and exponential functions by table, rule and graph in the first quadrant
/ MQ 9 Ex 8A, 10A and 10B
MQ 10 Ex 8E
  • knowledge of the quantities represented by the constants m and c in the equation y = mx + c
/ MQ 9 Ex 8A–8C
  • expression of the relationship between sets using membership, {}, complement, ′ , intersection, ∩, union, , and subset, , for up to two sets
/ MQ 10 Ch. 1 Where do I belong?
MQ 10 Ex 13A
  • representation of numbers in a geometric sequence (constant multiple, constant percentage change) as an exponential function
/ MQ 10 Ex 8E and 8F
Ch. 8 A growing investment
  • knowledge of the relationship between geometrical and algebraic forms for transformations
/ MQ 10 Ex 5B and 5C
Ch. 8 Further exponential graphs
  • expansion of products of algebraic factors, for example, (2x + 1)(x − 5) = 2x² − 9x − 5
/ MQ 9 Ex 5C–5E
  • equivalence between algebraic forms; for example, polynomial, factorised and turning point form of quadratics
/ MQ 9 Ch 5 and 6
  • use of inverse operations to re-arrange formulas to change the subject of a formula
/ MQ 9 Ex 7F
  • expression of irrational numbers in both exact and approximate form
/ MQ 10 Ex 1C–1G
  • factorisation of simple quadratic expressions and use of the null factor law for solution of equations
/ MQ 10 4C–4F
  • testing of sequences by calculating first difference, second difference or ratio between consecutive terms to determine existence of linear, quadratic and exponential functions
/ MQ 10 Ex 6F
  • formulation of pairs of simultaneous equations and their graphical solution
/ MQ 10 Ch 7
  • representation of algebraic models for sets of data using technology
/ MQ 10 Ex 14G

Working mathematically is embedded throughout the textbook in exercises, investigations, graphics calculator tips, code puzzles and chapter reviews. Problem solving strategies are covered in the Strategies for Problem Solving exercise at the end of the textbook. Further support is provided on the CD-ROM in the form of worksheets and tests, game times, interactive problem solving games and technology files (Excel, Mathcad, Cabri Geometry, Poly, Tess and graphic packages (Graphmatica and GrafEq) . The following provides a small sample reference to the working mathematically progression points.

Working mathematically progression points / Textbook reference
  • consideration of evidence to support theorems; for example, in geometry
/ MQ 7 Ch. 11Investigations
Sum of angles in a triangle
Sum of angles in a quadrilateral
Cabri Geometry files
  • exploration of the appropriateness of linear models for data
/ MQ 8 Ex 11I
  • translation between verbal descriptions and algebraic rules
/ MQ 7 Ch 5 and Ex 6E
  • use of technology to extend their own ability to make and test conjectures
/ Technology files
  • use of spreadsheets to manipulate data and generate graphs
/ Excel graphing files
  • application of logic to the creation and use of a database
/ MQ 8 Ch. 3 Investigation
Boolean algebra and the World Wide Web
  • identification of the mathematical information needed to solve a problem or carry out an investigation
/ Investigations throughout
  • development of deductive proof to reach new conclusions
/ MQ 7 Ex 5F
MQ 7 Ch. 5 Investigations
How many struts?
How high will it grow?
Strategies for problem solving
MQ 8 Ex 10E
  • use of interpolation to make predictions
/ MQ 8 Ex 11I
  • development of simple geometric and algebraic models for real situations; for example, representation of an animal as a cylinder
/ MQ 8 Ch. 5 Investigation
Rules of thumb
  • communication of the results of a mathematical investigation in an appropriate form
/ Investigations throughout
  • creation and manipulation of tables and graphs using technology
/ MQ 8 Ex 11E Technology files
  • numerical and graphical solution of algebraic problems using technology
/ MQ 8 Technology files Chapters 6 and 11
  • exploration of geometrical propositions using technology
/ MQ 8 Technology files Chapters 8 and 10
Working mathematically progression points / Textbook reference
  • development of alternative algebraic models for a set of data and evaluation of their relative merits
/ MQ 9 Ex 2A
Ch. 2 Pythagoras’ theorem
Ch. 5 Higher order expansions and Pascal’s triangle
  • presentation of algebraic arguments using appropriate mathematical symbols and conventions
/ Throughout algebraic chapters
  • evaluation of the appropriateness of the results of their own calculations
/ Investigations throughout
  • generation of reports from a database by using and, or and not as search tools
/ Internet research using search tools
  • justification or proof of generalisations made from specific cases
/ MQ 9 Investigations
Ch. 8 Families of curves
Ch. 10 What is the effect of changing a?
What is the effect of changing c?
What is the effect of changing b?
What is the effect of changing both b and c?
  • selection and use of technology to explore geometrical and algebraic relationships and data trends
/ Trigonometric ratios introductions
  • use of an ‘equations editor’ to insert mathematical material in a text document
/ Use of the worksheets (on the student CD) on screen
  • simulation of events using technology
/ MQ 9 Ex 15B Technology files
  • representation and manipulation of symbolic expressions using technology
/ MQ 9 and 10 Algebraic Mathcad files
  • recognition of functionality of technology and its limitations, such as image resolution, discontinuities in graphs and systematic error in computation through rounding
/ Advice given with graphics calculator tips and instructions within technology files

Jacaranda: Maths Quest VCE Second Edition