November21, 2008

Present: K. Sedatole,R. Simonds, M. Moch, G. Omura, J. Whipple, K. Butler, Jack Lu,C. Speier, K. Shaw, L. Maillette, S. Mulally, N. Taylor, and Guest Roger Calantone

R. Simondscalled the meeting to order at 1:32p.m.

G. Omura moved to approve the November 7, 2008 minutes, seconded by R. Simonds and confirmed unanimously by the committee.

Action Items

a. MS OEM delete program

Approval to delete MS OEM program moved by G. Omura, seconded by J. Whipple, and unanimously approved by the committee.

New Business

a. Business Specialization – Business Strategies for Environmental Sustainability and Conservation Graduate Specialization

Roger Calantone discussed this business specialization proposed by Marketing in conjunction with Fisheries and Wildlife. Graduate students from F&W will be able to access business courses in Supply Chain Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Leadership. These students need some basic business management knowledge. Many of these students will go to DNR or DEQ. Will also develop a 30 week program in HenryCenter (15 weeks spring, 15 weeks fall) which will be for certification only. The courses used to support the specialization are not available to MBA – they are existing service courses (MSC 805 or MKT 805). Capstone course will be taught by Boone and Crocket Chair in Fisheries and Wildlife. Our students can avail themselves of environmental management, venture management, or a practicum taught by Fisheries and Wildlife. Discussion held on specific courses available for business and non-business majors and the wording for the catalog. The courses listed fornon-business majors are MSC 800, MSC 806, and MKT 859. The courses available for business majors are FW 885, MKT 859, and various electives to choose from or as approved by Director. R. Calantone will provide a document reflecting these clarifications for the vote. There is a strong movement for these types of classes and a specialization can be shown on the student’suniversity transcript. There will be dual Directors – Kelly Millenbah, Assoc. Professor in F&W and Roger Calantone, Marketing. This specialization will go out for email voteand must be responded to by November 25, 2008 by 5:00 p.m.

Old Business


Information Sharing and Updates


K. Shaw shared information, statistics and comparisons for round one of full time MBA admissions. Overall pleased with the applications. Round two will be in January and is usually their biggest round.

b. WMBA Expansion

C. Speier shared news of the WMBA Expansion. The taskforce is in the process of pulling together information on the target SE, Michigan area. Attendance at information sessions is up by 30%, and a significant increase in interest is expected in the program because of the new SE location. We are planning on two cohorts in Troy for fall 2009. WMBA application deadline is April 1, 2009. They are asking the existing applicants to choose a location that they wish to attend. Discussion held on possibly offering a retraining program to Chrysler (and other automaker) executives giving them a choice of FT MBA or WMBA.

c. Learning Assurance Committee

R. Simonds is on the Learning Assurance Committee and mentioned that this will be addressed again in the winter. The documentation is due in spring 2011 and the committee must ensure that there are processes in place to obtain everything needed.

G. Omura moved to adjourn, seconded by M. Moch.Meeting was adjourned at 2:50p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Michelle J. McNure, Recording Secretary.


Motion to approve Business Specialization – Business Strategies for Environmental Sustainability and Conservation Graduate Specialization

Vote opened 11-24-08; Vote closed 11-25-08 at 5:00 p.m.

Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted, Michelle J. McNure, Recording Secretary.