Directions for Relays Round 1

Overview: 4 students make up a team and they will each be answering a different question. The team will hand in just one answer sheet and the student in the 4th seat must hand it in. Seat one will put his answer on an answer sheet in the seat one position on the answer sheet and pass it back behind him to the seat 2 person. Seat 2 adds his answer and passes it back to seat 3. Seat 3 adds his answer and passes it back to Seat 4, who will hand it. If any seat changes his/her mind, that student uses a new answer sheet for his corrected answer and passes it back toward seat 4. The answers are not dependent for this round of relays. There can be no talking and no answers can be passed forward. Changes in answers must always be passed back. Nothing can be changed after the answer sheet has been handed in.

Proctor information: Seat 1 needs the most answer sheets. Seat 2 and 3 need the same. Seat 4 needs none.

Students, there is a paper on the table indicating where your relay team should sit. The paper is in Seat 1’s position, and the rest of the team should be positioned directly behind Seat 1.

Mu-Alpha Teams are in the front ¾ of the room and Theta-Euclidean are in the back ¼.

Students and Proctors, have all of the teams found their team location?

Students, all answers must be in simplest form, and no calculators are allowed on the Relay Tests. Please clear everything off your desk except your writing utensils.

Proctors, please pass out the answer sheets. Please notice that there are answer sheets for Mu-Alpha and answer sheets for Theta-Euclidean. Give ____ answer sheets to the 1st seat and ______sheets each to the 2nd and 3rd seats and none to the 4th seat.

Proctors, please distribute the Seat 1, Seat 2, Seat 3, and Seat 4 folders to the students in those positions.

Students, your questions will alternate in color starting with white for the Practice Round. There will be 1 practice round and 5 competition rounds. Every answer sheet that you submit must have your school name or Mixed Extra Team and the Relay team letter (A, B, C, or D). You must remember to circle the appropriate question number on every answer sheet.

Each correct answer is worth 4 points. Bonus points are awarded for

All four correct answers within 2 minutes 9 bonus points

All four correct answers within 4 minutes 6 bonus points All four correct answers within 6 minutes 3 bonus points

When you are given the signal to begin, each of you will reach into your folder and remove the top question. The practice round will be white. As soon as seat 1 has an answer, he/she will write the team name, circle the round number, and write his/her answer to question 1. Then pass it back to Seat 2 who’ll write his/her answer. Then pass it back to Seat 3, and the same procedure for Seats 3 and 4. Only Seat 4 can hand in the teams answer sheet. If either of the students in Seats 1, 2, or3 changes his/her mind before the answer has been handed in, that person will start a new answer sheet and pass it back the same way. It is the responsibility of the student in Seat 4 to have all of the newest answers on one answer sheet to hand in to the proctors. A team may hand inonly one answer sheet per round. THERE CAN BE NO COMMUNICATION OF ANY KIND BETWEEN TEAM MEMBERS AT ANYTIME. NO TALKING, NO WRITING NOTES, AND NO HAND SIGNALS.

Are there any questions?

I will give you a 10 seconds warning before the end of the 2Minutes, 4 Minutes and 6 Minutes periods. Seat 4 will stand with his/her team’s answers during the 10 seconds warning. If you wait until I have said

2 or 4 minutes, then you are into the next time period. If you do not stand until I have said 6 minutes, the proctors cannot accept your answers.

Proctors, please remember to indicate the time interval on the answer sheet before you hand it into the graders.

Are you ready for the practice round?

Begin10 seconds warning

2 minutes

10 seconds warning

4 minutes

10 seconds warning

6 minutes

Graders, did everything go all right in the practice round?

(Follow the same procedure for rounds 1 through 5)

Students, please pass your folders over to the aisle.

Proctors, please collect the folders and bring them to the front.

The time now is ______. Dispute forms for Relays Round 1 will be accepted until______(add 20 minutes to the present time). Dispute forms are available in the hallway from the dispute desk. They are to be returned to the same desk.

Students, the answers for Relay Round 1 will be posted in the hall.

Appendix D-01