Dr.Sabina Lissitsapage 1


Dr. Sabina Lissitsa

February, 2013

Personal Details

Name: Sabina Lissitsa

Date and place of birth: October 27th, 1969.Barnaul, Russia

Date of immigration: November, 26th, 1992.

Regular military service: no military service

Address: Israel Yeshayahu, 6/7, Petach-Tikva, Israel, 49583

Phone: 054-7268008



B.A.,1986-1991 Vinnitsa Pedagogical University, Department ofRussian philology, Ukraine.

M.A.,1993-1999 Tel Aviv University – Department of Sociology

Advisors: Prof. Haya Stier and Prof. Yochanan Peres

Title of thesis: "The comparative study attitudes towards divorce among Russian immigrants in Israel, Israeli veterans and Russian residents "

Ph.D.,1999-2006 Tel Aviv University – Department of Sociology

Advisors: Prof. Yochanan Peres and Prof. Eliezer Ben-Rafael

Title of dissertation: "Integration of immigrants from the CIS in Israel: the emergence of a transnational diaspora"

Employment History

2006- / Lecturer, School of Communication and Department of Sociology, Ariel University Center
Consultant, principal investigator of research projectsin Social and Marketing Research.
2002- / Freelance consultant for Ministries (Ministry of Absorption, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services) , research institutes (Geocartography, Teleseker, Midgam, Mahshov) and companies ("Teva", "Tnuva", "Coca-Cola", "Neviot", "Hever", "Crazy Line" , etc.).
2005- 2008 / Principal Investigator of research project "Community Resilience in Israeli townships" facilitated by The Ministry of Social Welfare.
2004-2005 / Co-principal Investigator of research project "The Index of Integration" facilitated by Jewish Agency
2001 – 2002 / Senior investigator and project manager, Research Institute "Dialog- Data"
2000 – 2001 / Investigator of Research Project "Cleavages and Multiculturalism in Israeli Society" facilitated by Rabin Center for Israeli studies.
1997-1999 / Investigator , Research Institute "Admati – RI"
1996-1999 / Tutor, Department of Sociology, Tel-Aviv University

Fields of Interest

  • Immigrants' integration
  • Immigration and Family
  • Immigration and education, in particular differences between different groups of immigrants and Israeli-born children
  • Digital divide and social stratification
  • Social media, in particular effect of interaction in social networks between different sectors of Israeli population on social distances between them
  • Sociology of sport
  • Marketing research, in particular persuasive strategies.

Membership in Professional/Scientific Societies

ISCA – Israel Communication Association

ISS – Israel Sociological Society

Research committee on Immigrants' Integration

Educational Activities

Courses Taught

ArielUniversityCenter(School of Communication)

  • Lecturer, Digital Divide (Seminar), Fall 2012-Spring 2013
  • Lecturer, Digital Divide (Pro-Seminar), Spring 2012
  • Lecturer, Final Project Workshop, Fall 2010-Spring 2011. Fall 2011- Spring 2012, Fall 2011- Spring 2013.
  • Lecturer, Marketing Research (Workshop), Spring 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2012.
  • Lecturer, Introduction to Statistics, Fall 2006,Spring 2007, Fall 2007,Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009,Fall 2009, Spring 2010,Fall 2010,Spring 2011,Fall 2011, Spring 2012,Fall 2012.

Ariel University Center (The Department of Multi-Disciplinary Studies)

  • Lecturer, Research in Human Resources Department (Seminar), Fall 2010 - Spring 2011, Fall 2011 - Spring 2012.
  • Lecturer, Ethnicity and Crime (Seminar), Spring 2008 – Summer 2008.
  • Lecturer, Introduction to Sociology, Spring 2007 – Summer 2007.

Ariel University Center (The Department of Sociology)

  • Lecturer, Immigration and Family (Seminar), Spring 2009 – Summer 2009, Spring 2010 – Summer 2010, Fall 2010 - Spring 2011, Fall 2011 - Spring 2012, Spring 2013 – Summer 2013.

Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships

Honors, Citation and Awards

1999 HIAS Excellence award

1997Tel Aviv University- The Dean's Excellence award

Scientific Publications

Editorship of Collective Volumes

  1. Sabina Lissitsa and Ya'arit Bokek- Cohen (eds.) 2012. Old Roots in New Soil. The Adjustment of FSU immigrants in Israel in the new millennium. (Hebrew. "משורשי העבר לניצני המחר –התערותם של עולי חבר העמים בישראל בשנות ה- 2000.") Ariel : University Center of Samaria.(309pp).

Chapters in collective volumes

  1. Lissitsa Sabina and Peres Yochanan,2000. New immigrants and old timers: Identity and interrelations - research findings.In Mass migration and its impact on the Israeli society, eds. A. D. Epstein and A.V. Fedorchenko, pp. 244-278, Moscow: Mosti kulturi. (Russian).
  2. Peres Yochanan,Ben-Rafael, Elazar and Lissitsa Sabina, 2006.Russian immigrants - a Transnational Diaspora In Cleavages in Israeli Society by Yochanan Peres and Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Tel-Aviv: Am-Oved. (Hebrew).
  3. Lissitsa Sabina, 2007.Index of Integration.In Israel's Russian Face – features and forces of social portrait ed.Moshe Kenigshtein,pp. 141-164. Jerusalem:Gesharim. (Russian).
  4. Lissitsa Sabina,2007Russian-Israelis – in Israeli economy, society and culture. In Immigration and absorption in 21 century - a national challenge, eds. Sonya Michaeli, Alek Epshtein and Nina Cheimetz , pp. 35-54. Bar-IlanUniversity. (Hebrew).
  5. Lissitsa Sabina, 2007.Russian Israelis – the Emergence of a Transnational Diaspora In Every Seventh Israeli: Patterns of Social and Cultural Integration of the Russian-Speaking Immigrants, eds. AlekD. Epstein and Zeev Chanin, pp. 231-256. Bar-Ilan University.
  6. Lissitsa Sabinaand Peres Yochanan, 2007.Criteria of Integration of Russian Immigrants to Israel in Israel Through "Russian" Eyes: Identities and Cultures. In memory of Barukh Kimmerling, ed.Elena Nosenko, pp. 257-277. Moscow, Natalis Press,Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. (Russian).
  7. Lissitsa Sabina, 2008.Russian Israelis on the Crossroads of Different Cultures in Gold of the Galut. Spiritual and Cultural Integration of Russian Jews in Israel, ed. Moshe Kenigshtein, pp. 203-220 Jerusalem:Gsharim. (Russian)
  8. Lissitsa, Sabina,Geocartography Research Institute and Ministry of Absorption, 2008. Public Attitudes towards immigration and absorption – longitudinal research findings. In Immigrants Absorption in Israel. Research summaries, eds.Rachel Gindin and Yehudit Rozenbaum- Tamari,pp. 37-42. Jerusalem: Ministry of Absorption, Research summaries. (Hebrew)
  9. Lissitsa Sabina, PORI Research Institute and Ministry of Absorption, 2008. Process of Conversion to Judaism among students of Institute of Jewish Studies. In Immigrants Absorption in Israel. Research summaries, eds. Rachel Gindin and Yehudit Rozenbaum- Tamari, pp. 359-370.Jerusalem: Ministry of Absorption, Research summaries.
  10. Lev-On, Azi, and Sabina Lissitsa. 2010. Digital divide, Israel 2008. Proceedings of MCIS 2010. Paper 54. Press coverage: Calcalist, Bhadrei Charedim, Kipa, The Seventh Eye.
  11. Lissitsa, Sabina and Bokek-Cohen, Ya'arit, 2012. CIS Immigrants: One Block or Segmented Parts? In Israel: Social, Economic and Political Developments, eds. A. Ya'ari and E. D. Zahavi , pp. 43-68, New York:Nova Science Publishers.
  12. Lissitsa, Sabina and Peres Yochanan, 2012. An Index of Integration of Russian Immigrants in Israeli Society - was it a story of success? In Old Roots in New Soil. The Adjustment of FSU immigrants in Israel in the new millennium. Eds. Sabina Lissitsa and Ya'arit Bokek-Cohen,pp. 63-81. Ariel University Center of Samaria, (Hebrew).
  13. Lissitsa, Sabina and Bokek-Cohen, Ya'arit, 2012. FSU Immigrants sector in Israel: One Block or Segmented Parts? In Old Roots in New Soil. The Adjustment of FSU immigrants in Israel in the new millennium, eds. Sabina Lissitsa and Ya'arit Bokek-Cohen,pp. 82-96. Ariel University Center of Samaria. (Hebrew)
  14. Lissitsa, Sabina and Bokek-Cohen, Ya'arit. 2012. Segmentation of FSU Immigrants according to their socio-cultural adjustment patterns for communication and marketing objectives. In Old Roots in New Soil. The Adjustment of FSU immigrants in Israel in the new millennium, eds. Sabina Lissitsa and Ya'arit Bokek-Cohen, pp. 223-239. Ariel University Center of Samaria. (Hebrew)

Refereed Articles in Scientific Journals

  1. Lissitsa Sabinaand Peres Yochanan. 2000.Immigrants from the CIS – identity formation and integrative processes. Israeli Sociology1: 7-30. (Hebrew)
  2. Lissitsa, Sabina. 2002. Jewish Kindergartens in Russia: A Sociological Study (Review), Jews in Eastern Europe, 3(46): 99-102.
  3. Peres Yochananand Lissitsa Sabina. 2008.Criteria of Integration – the case of the Russian Immigrants to Israel in the 90-s. Magamot, 45 (4) : 669-695. (Hebrew).
  4. Lissitsa Sabinaand Peres Yochanan.2008. Russian Israelis – Contradiction or Mutual Completion". Social Issues in Israel, 7: 121-146. (Hebrew).
  5. Lissitsa, Sabinaand Bokek-Cohen, Ya'arit.2009. Enhancing Market Effectiveness by Segmenting Immigrant Sectors into Sub-Groups According to Sociocultural Adjustment Patterns. Marketing Bulletin, 20. Online:
  1. Chachashvili-Bololotin, Svetlana, Lissitsa, Sabina & Galily, Yair. 2010.Talking or Acting? Gender Differences in Physical Activity Participation in Israel at the Threshold of the 21st Century. Harefua,149 (6):157-160 (Hebrew).
  2. Bokek-Cohen, Ya'arit, & Lissitsa, Sabina. 2010. Sex: The Power of the Powerless? The Use of Sex as a Spousal Influence Strategy in Vacation Purchase Decisions, Asian Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 15 (4): 431-448.
  3. Lissitsa, Sabina, Galily,Yair and Chachashvili-Bolotin, Svetlana. 2010.Talking or Acting? Gender Differences in Physical Activity Participation in Israel at the Threshold of the 21st Century.European Journal for Sport and Society, 7 (1) : 31-40.
  4. Lissitsa, Sabinaand Peres, Yochanan. 2011. Criteria of Socio-cultural Adjustment: The Case of the Russian Community in Israel Since 1989.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35: 205-212.(ISI)
  5. Lissitsa, SabinaandChachashvili-Bolotin, Svetlana. 2012. The Digital Divide as a Social Gap – Indeed?Inequality of Internet Access and Use among Immigrants in Israeli Society, Media Frames, 10: 8-31 (Hebrew)..

Unrefereed Professional Articles and Publications

  1. Lissitsa, Sabina, Peres, Yochanan and Ben-Rafael, Eliezer. 2002. Attitudes of Veteran Israelis towards Russian immigrants - multicultural perspective ,Russian Jews in transition, 20-21: 187-204 (Hebrew).
  2. Lissitsa, Sabina. 2003 "Jews? Russians? Israelis? – identity of immigrants from CIS. Ed Ha-Ulpan Ha-hadash"(Hebrew). Online:
  1. Lissitsa, Sabina. 2008.Russians? Israelis? Or Russian Israelis? – Cultural Adjustment of Immigrants from CIS in Israel. Mafne, 56-57: 49-52. (Hebrew).
  2. Lissitsa, Sabina and Bokek-Cohen, Ya'arit. 2012. Mapping risk and chance groups among immigrants from FSU according their acculturation patterns, Gadish. (Hebrew) accepted for publication.

Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars not Followed by Published Proceedings

Presentation of Papers at Conferences/Meetings (Oral or Poster)

  1. Lissitsa, Sabina and Lev-On Azi. 2013. The digital divide between Jews and Arabs, Israel 2010. Presented at the 45rd conference of the Israeli Sociological Association, Ruppin Academic Center.
  2. Lissitsa, Sabina and Lev-On Azi. 2013. Does Online Contact between Jews and Arabs Reduce Social Distances? Presented in the Annual Eshnav Conference, Tel-Aviv.
  3. Lissitsa, Sabina and Lev-On Azi. 2012. "The moderating role of educational level in the relationship between nationality(Jews and Arabs) and access to Internet". Presented at theInternational conference "Innovative Technologies in Higher education", Ural Pedagogical University in Ekaterinburg, Russia, October, 15.
  4. Lissitsa, Sabina. 2012. "Immigrants and Host Population Discuss the Criteria of Integration – the case of the Russian diaspora in Israel since 1989". Presented at the International conference “Migration in Host Countries: Social Constraints, Cultural Context and Political Consequences”, Moscow Higher School of Economics, April, 11.
  5. Lissitsa, Sabina and Chachashvili-Bolotin, Svetlana 2012."The Digital Divide as a Social Gap – Indeed? Inequality of computer and internet access and use among immigrants in Israeli society". Presented at the 44rd conference of the Israeli Sociological Association, Hebrew University.
  6. Lissitsa, Sabina and Chachashvili-Bolotin, Svetlana 2012. Digital divide between immigrants and veterans in Israeli society". Presented at the Annual conference of the Israeli Communication Association, Tel-Aviv University.
  7. Lissitsa, Sabina and Lev-On Azi. 2011. “Digital divide: Access and usage gaps, Israel 2008”. Presented at the Annual conference of the Israeli Communication Association, Haifa University.
  8. Lissitsa, Sabina and Lev-On Azi. 2011. “Digital divide: Access and usage gaps, Israel 2008”. Presented at the43rd conference of the Israeli Sociological Association, Tel-Aviv-Yaffo Academic College.
  9. Lissitsa, Sabina, and Azi Lev-On. 2010. “Digital divide: Access and usage gaps, Israel 2008.” Presented at MCIS2010 (5th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems), Tel-Aviv, September 14.
  10. Lissitsa, Sabina and Bokek-Cohen, Ya'arit. 2009. "Spousal Influence Strategies in the Purchase Decision Process: An Ecological Perspective". Presented at the Annual Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Rishon-LeZion.
  11. Lissitsa, Sabina. 2009. Chair. "Immigration and Family". The Annual Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Rishon-LeZion.
  12. Lissitsa, Sabina, Chachashvili-Bolotin, Svetlana and Galili, Yair. 2009. "Talking ot Acting? Gender Differences in Physical Activity Participation in Israel at the Threshold of the 21st Century." Presented at the Annual Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Rishon-LeZion.
  13. Lissitsa, Sabina. 2009. "The Index of Community Resilience". Presented at the Annual Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Rishon-LeZion.
  14. Lissitsa, Sabina. 2008. "Russian Israelis – the Affinity to Russian and Israeli Cultures". Presented at theConference of Consulters, Haifa.
  15. Lissitsa, Sabina. 2008. "Russian Israelis – Contradiction or Mutual Completion

Russian Immigrants in Israel – Does the education help to integrate?" Presented at the Annual Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Tel-Aviv.

  1. Lissitsa, Sabina and Peres, Yochanan. 2007. "Immigrants from the CIS in the Israeli economy, culture and society". Presented at the Ashdod Conference on immigration and integration.
  2. Lissitsa, Sabina and Peres, Yochanan. 2007. "To what extent is integration of Russian immigrants to Israel a success?" Presented at The Annual Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Haifa.
  3. Lissitsa, Sabina and Peres, Yochanan. 2006. "Index of Integration – is the process moving towards completion?" Presented at the International Conference "Russian-speaking community in global perspective", Bar-Ilan University.
  4. Lissitsa, Sabina and Peres, Yochanan, 2005. "Criteria of integration". Presented at the Annual Conference of Israel Sociological Society, Tel-Hai.
  5. Lissitsa, Sabina and Peres, Yochanan, 2004. "Criteria of Integration: the Case of Current Russian-Jewish Immigration in Israel". Presented at the Ninth International Metropolis Conference on Immigrants' integration, Geneva, Switzerland.
  6. Peres, Yochanan and Lissitsa, Sabina, 2000. "Immigrants from CIS and veteran Israelis - mutual attitudes". Presented at the International Conference "Israeli society – cultural and political perspectives" The Russian Academy of Science. Moscow.
  7. Lissitsa, Sabina and Peres, Yochanan, 2000. "Relationships between immigrants from CIS and veteran Israelis". Presented at the Conference on immigrants-veterans relationships at I. Rabin center for Israel studies, Tel-Aviv.

Presentations at Informal International Seminars and Workshops

  1. Lissitsa, Sabina. 2009. Discussant at round table organized by Israel
    Prime Minister's Office Nativ. "Israel's Role for Russian-Speaking Jews:
    Searching for a New Paradigm". Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya.
  2. Lissitsa, Sabina. 2006. "Index of integration". Seminar "Immigrants from the CIS – selected economic and social issues", technological center "Suri" Tel-Aviv.
  3. Lissitsa, Sabina. 2006. "To what extent was integration of immigrants from the CIS successful?". Scientific conference: "15 years of immigration from the CIS" The Knesset, Jerusalem.
  4. Lissitsa, Sabina, 2006. "Jews? Russians? Israelis? – the complex identity of immigrants from the CIS. Project "Gvanim Olim" Jerusalem.
  5. Lissitsa, Sabina, 2004. "The dynamics of the identity among immigrants from CIS". Special Lecture for ulpan teachers at the Ministry of Education, Tel-Aviv.
  6. Yochanan, Peres and Lissitsa, Sabina, 2000. "The cleavage between Russian immigrants and veteran Israelis". The Parliament (Knesset) Committee for immigrants' integration. Jerusalem.

• Research Grants

2011 / Research grant from Ariel University Center, NIS 10,000
2009 / The research grant from "Nativ" NIS 50,000.
2005 / The research grant from the Ministry of Social Welfare, NIS 80,000.
2003 / The research grant from the Jewish agency, NIS180,000.