Here are some “tried and true” ideas that will simply and organize your business!!

Stamp or put your name, address, email and phone # on catalogs, brochures, etc. a package at a time so they are ready to go.

Make up 9-12 hostess packets at a time and keep 6 hostess packets in your show bag. When you are down to 3 in your bag, go back to your supply, put 3 more in your bag and make up another package of 10 hostess packets. (Make sure everything has your name, phone #, etc. on it!!) MAKE IT A GOAL TO TELL EVERYONE AT CHECKOUT THAT “You’d love to do a show for them and give them FREE jewelry!!”

Make up 6-12business information packets and keep 6 in your show bag. When you are down to 3 in your bag, go back to your supply, put 3 more in your bag and make up another package of 10 business information packets. If you are not sure what goes in the sponsoring packets, call your PD mom or me 567-224-0218.(Make sure everything has your name, phone #, etc. on it!!) MAKE IT A GOAL TO HAND OUT A MINIMUM OF 3 INFORMATION PACKETS AT EVERY SHOW!!! Then follow up with the sponsoring letter and/or a phone call within the next 24-48 hours.

Make up a packet of 25 mini-sponsoring packets to keep on hand and to put in your purse(s). Take the mini opportunity brochure, the mini catalog and staple your business card to it. I put 6 in each of my purses with extra stack of business cards for each purse as well because I change purses a lot and I don’t want to be caught out without any sponsoring literature and it also alleviates rushing around to put some in each time I change my purse!!

Keep 3 hostess packets and three of the big catalogs in your car so you’re always prepared to book a show when you’re out and about!!

Put a check mark next to the hostess’s name in your date book when you get her guest list back in the mail. If you don’t receive her guest list back within 10 days to 2 weeks (depending on how far out she booked), re-open that date to use for another hostess.

When you get a hostesses’guest list back in the mail, make up folderfor her show; put her name, the date of her show and put her list in the folder. That way you won’t lose it ….I learned that the hard way!!!

When you close show and enter on-line, be sure to print off 2 copies of the home show and 2 copies of propay. One of each goes in the hostess’s folder, the other copygoes in a Home Show expense folder.

Pick the days of the week that you want to close all your shows. For example: I do shows only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I close all my shows on Sunday afternoon or evenings. That means my Monday and Tuesday hostesses have almost a week to keep their shows open and my Thursday hostesses have 3 days – which is plenty of time and I’m not going crazy trying to remember when I’m supposed to close each hostess’s show!!

The day after a show, call each hostess that booked, thanking them for booking a show and reminding them to get their list in the mail within the next 3 days then send out the “need your guest list” letters (or postcard) and sponsoring letters to each of your new leads from the show.

Make your show bag up (with your stamped catalogs-never taking more than 6 with you to a show), 6 hostess packets made up, 6 business information packets make up, your calculator, folders/clip boards ready to go, scarves, give away gift, tickets or diva dollars, your posters, etc. etc. the night before your show.

Have one or two show outfits and just change the jewelryensemblesyou wear with those outfits. That shows versatility and how accessories change the look of an outfit.

Keep an eye on your supplies and order when you are low, not when you are out completely!!

Make a sheet of labels with the Premier Designs R/E address and keep 6-12 padded envelopes with address labels and your return address on them, ready to go.

MAKE IT A GOAL AND A PRIORITY TO ATTEND ALL TRAININGS by writing all training dates in your calendar!! When you COMMITT to attending every training; your business will SOAR!!! The tendency is: when you’re down or not doing as many shows at you’d like to do, you don’t want to come to training…..THAT’S WHEN YOU NEED TRAINING THE MOST!! You need us to love on you, give you ideas and help you get excited, motivated and inspired!!!

When things are going GREAT, that’s when training needs YOU!! The saying “Those who train, remain!!” Is so very true!!

*Ladies, this business works….WHEN YOU WORK your business!!