Prepared by

Holly Avey, M.P.H.

Health Educator

Office of Health Promotion

Grady Health System

80 Butler St. S.E.

P.O. Box 26101

Atlanta, GA 30303

Phone: 404-616-7561

Fax: 404-880-9464


September 22, 2001

This is a compilation of resources I have collected.

Topics include mind/body medicine, integrative medicine, stress, stress management, emotional health, and spiritual health. Some of the resources, such as smoking and stress, and African American stressors, I have collected especially for projects, publications or grant proposals, so they may be more specific than other topic areas. Resources include journal articles, books and book chapters, professional organizations, websites, and funding sources.


Abrams D, Monti P, Pinto R, Elder J, Brown R, Jacobus S. Psychosocial Stress and Coping in Smokers Who Relapse or Quit. Health Psychology. 1987;6:289-303.

Anderson L. Acculturative Stress: A Theory of Relevance to Black Americans. Clinical Psychology Review. 1991;11:685-702.

Anderson NB. McNeilly M. Myers H. Autonomic reactivity and hypertension in blacks: a review and proposed model. Ethnicity & Disease. 1991;1(2):154-70.

Anderson R. A case study in integrative medicine: alternative theories and the language of biomedicine. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 1999;5:165-73; discussion 175-6.

Ashworth CD, Williamson P, Montano D. A scale to measure physician beliefs about psychosocial aspects of patient care. Social Science & Medicine. 1984;19:1235-8.

Astin JA, Marie A, Pelletier KR, Hansen E, Haskell WL. A review of the incorporation of complementary and alternative medicine by mainstream physicians. Archives of Internal Medicine. 1998;158:2303-10.

Baum A. Garofalo JP. Yali AM. Socioeconomic status and chronic stress. Does stress account for SES effects on health?. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1999;896:131-44.

Benson H, Beary JF, Carol MP. The Relaxation Response. Psychiatry. 1974;37:37-46.

Benson H, Dryer T, Hartley LH. Decreased VO2 Consumption During Exercise with Elicitation of the Relaxation Response. Journal of Human Stress. 1978;June:38-42.

Benson H, Lehmann JW, Malhotra MS, Goldman RF, Hopkins J, Epstein MD. Body temperature changes during the practice of g Tum-mo yoga. Nature. 1982;295:234-236.

Benson H. The relaxation response: its subjective and objective historical precedents and physiology. TINS. 1983;July:281-284.

Benson H. The relaxation response and norepinephrine: a new study illuminates mechanisms. The Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis. 1989;10:91-96.

Benson H, Malhotra MS, Goldman RF, Jacobs GD, et al. Three case reports of the metabolic and electroencephalographic changes during advanced Buddhist meditation techniques. Behavioral Medicine. 1990;16:90-95.

Blanchard EB, Appelbaum KA, Nicholson NL, et al. A controlled evaluation of the addition of cognitive therapy to a home-based biofeedback and relaxation treatment of vascular headache. Headache. 1990;30:371-6.

Blumenthal JA, Jiang W, Babyak MA, et al. Stress management and exercise training in cardiac patients with myocardial ischemia. Effects on prognosis and evaluation of mechanisms. Archives of Internal Medicine. 1997;157:2213-23.

Bogaards MC, ter Kuile MM. Treatment of recurrent tension headache: a meta-analytic review. Clinical Journal of Pain. 1994;10:174-90.

Borysenko M. The immune system: An overview. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 1987;9:3-10.

Bradley LA, Young LD, Anderson KO, et al. Effects of psychological therapy on pain behavior of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Treatment outcome and six-month followup. Arthritis & Rheumatism. 1987;30:1105-14.

Byrd RC. Positive therapeutic effects of intercessory prayer in a coronary care unit population. Southern Medical Journal. 1988;81:826-9.

Carels RA. Blumenthal JA. Sherwood A. Emotional responsivity during daily life: relationship to psychosocial functioning and ambulatory blood pressure. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2000;36(1):25-33.

Carey M, Kalra D, Carey K, Halperin S, Richards C. Stress and Unaided Smoking Cessation: A Prospective Investigation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1993;61:831-838.

Carver CS, Scheier MF, Weintraub JK. Assessing coping strategies: A theoretically based approach. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. 1989;56:267-283.

Caspi O, Bell IR, Rychener D, Gaudet TW, Weil AT. The Tower of Babel: communication and medicine: An essay on medical education and complementary-alternative medicine. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2000;160:3193-5.

Caudill M, Schnable R, Zuttermeister P, Benson H, Friedman R. Decreased clinic use by chronic pain patients: response to behavioral medicine intervention. Clinical Journal of Pain. 1991;7:305-10.

Chiaramonte DR. Mind-body therapies for primary care physicians. Primary Care; Clinics in Office Practice. 1997;24:787-807.

Chrousos GP, Gold PW. The concepts of stress and stress system disorders. Overview of physical and behavioral homeostasis. JAMA. 1992;267:1244-52.

Cohen S, Kamarck T, Mermelstein R. A Global Measure of Perceived Stress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 1983;24:385-396.

Cohen S, Lichtenstein E. Perceived Stress, Quitting Smoking, and Smoking Relapse. Health Psychology. 1990;9:466-478.

Cohen S, Tyrrell DA, Smith AP. Psychological stress and susceptibility to the common cold. New England Journal of Medicine. 1991;325:606-12.

Cohen S, Doyle WJ, Skoner DP, Rabin BS, Gwaltney JM, Jr. Social ties and susceptibility to the common cold. JAMA. 1997;277:1940-4.

Cohen S, Frank E, Doyle WJ, Skoner DP, Rabin BS, Gwaltney JM, Jr. Types of stressors that increase susceptibility to the common cold in healthy adults. Health Psychology. 1998;17:214-223.

Cohen F, Kemeny ME, Kearney KA, Zegans LS, Neuhaus JM, Conant MA. Persistent Stress as a Predictor of Genital Herpes Recurrence. Archives of Internal Medicine. 1999;159:2430-2436.

Cohen S, Hamrick N, Rodriguez MS, Feldman PJ, Rabin BS, Manuck SB. The stability of and intercorrelations among cardiovascular, immune, endocrine, and psychological reactivity. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2000;22:171-179.

Cole G, Tucker L, Friedman G. Measures of Objective and Subjective Stress by Level of Income. Psychological Reports. 1986:59, 139-142.

Corah NL, Gale EN, Pace LF, Seyrek SK. Evaluation of content and vocal style in relaxation instructions. Behavioral Research & Therapy. 1981;19:458-460.

Crawford ME, Handal PJ, Wiener RL. The Relationship Between Religion and Mental Health/Distress. Review of Religious Research. 1989;31:16-22.

Cummings NA, VandenBos GR. The twenty years Kaiser-Permanente experience with psychotherapy and medical utilization: implications for national health policy and national health insurance. Health Policy Quarterly. 1981;1:159-75.

Cutolo M. Villaggio B. Foppiani L. Briata M. Sulli A. Pizzorni C. Faelli F. Prete C. Felli L. Seriolo B. Giusti M. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and gonadal axes in rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2000;917:835-43.

Dalen JE. "Conventional" and "unconventional" medicine: can they be integrated? Archives of Internal Medicine. 1998;158:2179-81.

Dobbs S, Strickler D, Maxwell W. The Effects of Stress and Relaxation in the Presence of Stress on Urinary pH and Smoking Behaviors. Addictive Behaviors. 1981;6:345-353.

Domar AD, Everett L, Keller MG. Preoperative Anxiety: Is it a predictable entity? Anesthesia and Analgesia. 1989;69:763-767.

Domar AD, Seibel MM, Benson H. The Mind/Body Program for Infertility: a new behavioral treatment approach for women with infertility. Fertility and Sterility. 1990;53:246.

Domar AD, Zuttermeister PC, Seibel M, Benson H. Psychological improvement in infertile women after behavioral treatment: a replication. Fertility and Sterility. 1992;58:144-147.

Dreher H. Mind-Body Medicine for Women: New Data and Directions. Advances: The Journal of Mind-Body Health. 1997;13:68-74.

Epstein RM. Mindful practice. JAMA. 1999;282:833-9.

Everly GS, Benson H. Disorders of arousal and the relaxation response: Speculations on the nature and treatment of stress-related diseases. International Journal of Psychosomatics. 1989;36:15-21.

Febbraro GM, Miller PF, Bowling JM. Evaluation of a yoga intervention complementing individuals' cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. 2000;20:302.

Flanders P, McNamara JR. Predicting compliance with home relaxation training. Psychological Reports. 1987;60:313-314.

Flanders P, McNamara JR. Relaxation training and home practice in the treatment of anxiety. Psychological Reports. 1987;61:819-822.

Friedman R, Sobel D, Myers P, Caudill M, et al. Behavioral medicine, clinical health psychology, and cost offset. Health Psychology. 1995;14:509-518.

Garfinkel MS, Singhal A, Katz WA, Allan DA, Reshetar R, Schumacher HR, Jr. Yoga-based intervention for carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized trial. JAMA. 1998;280:1601-3.

Gaskill S, Williams K, Stern M, Hazuda H. Marital stress predicts the incidence of type 2 diabetes in Mexican Americans and Non-Hispanic Whites. American Diabetes Association Annual Conference; 2000.

Glaser R, Rabin B, Chesney M, Cohen S, Natelson B. Stress-induced immunomodulation: implications for infectious diseases?. JAMA. 1999;281:2268-70.

Gonder-Frederick LA, Cox DJ, Bobbitt SA, Pennebaker JW. Mood changes associated with blood glucose fluctuations in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Health Psychology. 1989;8:45-59.

Gonik UL, et al. Cost effectiveness of behavioral medicine procedures in the treatment of stress-related disorders. American Journal of Clinical Biofeedback. 1981;4:16-24.

Goodale IL, Domar AD, Benson H. Alleviation of Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms with the Relaxation Response. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1990;75:649-655.

Goyeche JR, Abo Y, Ikemi Y. Asthma: the yoga perspective. Part II: Yoga therapy in the treatment of asthma. Journal of Asthma. 1982;19:189-201.

Gunn R. Brief Report: Smoking Clinic Failures and Recent Life Stress. Addictive Behaviors. 1983;8:83-87.

Hall P. The Effect of Meditation on The Academic Performance of African American College Students. Journal of Black Studies. 1999;29:408-415.

Hawks SR. Review of Spiritual Health: Definition, Role, and Intervention Strategies in Health Promotion. American Journal of Health Promotion. 1995;9:371-78.

Heatherton TF, Renn RJ. Stress and the Disinhibition of Behavior. Mind/Body Medicine. 1995;1:72-81.

Ehlert U. Hellhammer DH. The potential role of hypocortisolism in the pathophysiology of stress-related bodily disorders. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2000;25(1):1-35.

Hellman CJ, Budd M, Borysenko J, McClelland DC, et al. A study of the effectiveness of two group behavioral medicine interventions for patients with psychosomatic complaints. Behavioral Medicine. 1990;16:165-173.

Hoffman JW, Benson H, Arns PA, et al. Reduced sympathetic nervous system responsivity associated with the relaxation response. Science. 1982;215:190-2.

Jacobs GD, Benson H, Friedman R. Home-based central nervous system assessment of a multifactor behavioral intervention for chronic sleep-onset insomnia. Behavior Therapy. 1993;24:159-174.

Jacobs GD, Benson H, Friedman R. Perceived benefits in a behavioral-medicine insomnia program: a clinical report. American Journal of Medicine. 1996;100:212-6.

Jin P. Efficacy of Tai Chi, brisk walking, meditation, and reading in reducing mental and emotional stress. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 1992;36:361-370.

Jurish SE, et al. Home- versus clinic-based treatment of vascular headache. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology. 1983;51:743-751.

Kabat-Zinn J, Chapman-Waldrop A. Compliance with an Outpatient Stress Reduction Program: Rates and Predictors of Program Completion. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 1988;11:333 - 354.

Kass JD, Friedman R, Leserman J, Zuttermeister PC, Benson H. Health Outcomes and a New Index of Spiritual Experience. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 1991;30:203-211.

Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Glaser R. Psychosocial moderators of immune function. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 1987;9:16-20.

Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Glaser R. Chronic Stress and Mortality Among Older Adults. JAMA. 1999;282:2259-2260.

Kobasa SC, Maddi SR, Kahn S. Hardiness and Health: A Prospective Study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1982;42:168-177.

Kobasa SC, Maddi SR, Puccetti MC, Zola MA. Effectiveness of hardiness, exercise and social support as resources against illness. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 1985;29:525-533.

Kroenke K, Mangelsdorff AD. Common symptoms in ambulatory care: incidence, evaluation, therapy, and outcome. American Journal of Medicine. 1989;86:262-6.

La Forge R. Mind-body fitness: encouraging prospects for primary and secondary prevention. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 1997;11:53-65.

Leserman J, Stuart EM, Mamish ME, et al. Nonpharmacologic Intervention for Hypertension: Long-Term Follow-Up. Journal of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. 1989;9:316-324.

Leserman J, Stuart EM, Mamish ME, Benson H. The efficacy of the relaxation response in preparing for cardiac surgery. Behavioral Medicine. 1989;15:111-117.

Levinson W, Dunn PM, Parker D, Kaufman K. A scale to measure house staff members' attitudes toward psychosocial aspects of patient care. Journal of Medical Education. 1988;63:562-3.

Light KC. Psychosocial precursors of hypertension: experimental evidence. Circulation. 1987;76(1 Pt 2):I67-76.

Linden W, Chambers L. Clinical effectiveness of non-drug treatment for hypertension: A meta-analysis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 1994;16:35-45.

Lorig KR, Sobel DS, Stewart AL, et al. Evidence suggesting that a chronic disease self-management program can improve health status while reducing hospitalization: a randomized trial. Medical Care. 1999;37:5-14.

Lowenberg JS. Who's Responsible? Clients in a Stress Management Clinic. Qualitative Health Research. 1997;7:448-467.

Mandle CL, Domar AD, Harrington DP, et al. Relaxation response in femoral angiography. Radiology. 1990;174:737-9.

Matheny K, Weatherman K. Predictors of Smoking Cessation and Maintenance. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1998;54:223-235.

Matthews DA, McCullough ME, Larson DB, Koenig HG, Swyers JP, Milano MG. Religious commitment and health status: a review of the research and implications for family medicine. Archives of Family Medicine. 1998;7:118-24.

McEwen BS, Stellar E. Stress and the individual. Mechanisms leading to disease. Archives of Internal Medicine. 1993;153:2093-101.

McEwen BS. Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators. New England Journal of Medicine. 1998;338:171-9.

Miller JJ, Fletcher K, Kabat-Zinn J. Three-Year Follow-up and Clinical Implications of a Mindfulness Meditation-Based Stress Reduction Intervention in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders. General Hospital Psychiatry. 1995;17:192-200.

Moody-Ayers S, Mutran E, Inouye S. The impact of stress and perceived racism on diabetic control in older African-Americans. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Annual Meeting; 1999.

Muller JE, Abela GS, Nesto RW, Tofler GH. Triggers, Acute Risk Factors and Vulnerable Plaques: The Lexicon of a New Frontier. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 1994;23:809-813.

Neighbors H, Jackson J, Bowman P, Gunn G. Stress, Coping and Black Mental Health: Preliminary Findings form a National Study. Prevention in Human Services. 1990;2:5-29.

Parrott A. Smoking Cessation Leads to Reduced Stress, But Why? International Journal of Addictions. 1995;30:1509-16.

Patel C, Marmot M. Can general practitioners use training in relaxation and management of stress to reduce mild hypertension? British Medical Journal Clinical Research Ed. 1988;296:21-4.

Pearlin L, Schooler C. The Structure of Coping. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 1978;19:2-21.

Pederson BK, Ullum H. NK cell response to physical activity: possible mechanisms of action. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 1994;26:140-146.

Peeke PM. Chrousos GP. Hypercortisolism and obesity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1995;771:665-76.

Pennebaker JW, Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Glaser R. Disclosure of traumas and immune function: Health implications for psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology. 1988;56:239-245.

Perls TT. The Oldest Old. Scientific American. 1995;272:70-75.

Perls TT, Wood ER. Acute care costs of the oldest old: they cost less, their care intensity is less, and they go to nonteaching hospitals. Archives of Internal Medicine. 1996;156:754-60.

Pickering T. Cardiovascular pathways: socioeconomic status and stress effects on hypertension and cardiovascular function. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1999;896:262-77.

Poon LW, Clayton GM, Martin P, et al. The Georgia Centenarian Study. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development. 1992;34:1-17.

Ramsey SA, Greenberg JS, Hale JF. Evaluation of a self-instructional program in stress management for college students. Health Education. 1989;20:8-13.

Rao JK, Mihaliak K, Kroenke K, Bradley J, Tierney WM, Weinberger M. Use of complementary therapies for arthritis among patients of rheumatologists. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1999;131:409-16.

Rapee RM, Craske MG, Brown TA, Barlow DH. Measurement of perceived control over anxiety-related events. Behavior Therapy. 1996;27:279-293.

Ravensborg M. Relaxation as Therapy for Addictive Smoking. Psychological Reports; 1976:39, 894.

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Roberts L, Ahmed I, Hall S, Sargent C. Intercessory prayer for the alleviation of ill health. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 1999;2.

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Scarinci IC, Ames SC, Brantley PJ. Chronic minor stressors and major life events experienced by low-income patients attending primary care clinics: A longitudinal examination. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 1999;22:143-156.

Schneider RH, Staggers F, Alxander CN, et al. A randomised controlled trial of stress reduction for hypertension in older African Americans. Hypertension. 1995;26:820-7.

Schulz R, Beach SR. Caregiving as a Risk Factor for Mortality. The Caregiver Health Effects Study. JAMA. 1999;282:2215-2219.

Servan-Schreiber D, Kolb R, Tabas G. The somatizing patient. Primary Care; Clinics in Office Practice. 1999;26:225-42.

Shanks N. Harbuz MS. Jessop DS. Perks P. Moore PM. Lightman SL. Inflammatory disease as chronic stress. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1998;840:599-607.

Shapiro AP, Benson H, Chobanian AV, et al. The Role of Stress in Hypertension. Journal of Human Stress. 1979:7-26.

Sliver MH, Bubrick E, Jilinskaia E, Perls TT. Is there a centenarian personality? . 106th Annual convention of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, California; 1998.

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