Español - FTCHS
Señora Wood
Course Materials:The following supplies and/or materials will be used for this course and should be brought everyday:
- ¡Exprésate! Textbook
- ¡Exprésate! Vocabulary and GrammarWorkbook
- Binder used ONLY for Spanish
- Tabs for Binder (Binder checks will be done throughout the semester)
- Notebook paper
- Pencils/Pens/Highlighters of various colors
Rules and Expectations:
Students are expected to be respectful to yourself, others and materials at all times.
Students are expected to be prepared for class with required materials and assignments.
Students are expected to participate in class meaningfully and are encouraged to always ask questions.
Grading:All grading will be conducted using the official Franklin Towne Charter High School grading scales. A copy of those scales can be found in thestudent agenda which is distributed to each student at the start of the schoolyear.
- Formative Assessments (homework, classwork, quizzes and participation) = 30% of final grade
- Summative Assessments (tests, projects, essays) = 50% of final grade
- Midterm/Final = 20% of final grade
Homework Policy:All homework is to be completed thoughtfully and carefully and turned in on the specified due date.Students who do not turnhomework in by the beginning of classwill receive a homework detention and will continue to receive a detention until it is turned in.Homework will be marked late and only worth up to 70% maximum.Students will be required to make up homework that is not completed. Students will receive a Friday detention once they have accumulated 3 missing or late assignments. Students will receive additional Friday detentions for each missing or late assignment after the first three.
Assessments:Tests are given approximately every 2 weeks. Students will be given notice of a test one week prior to the day of the test. Tests will assess students’ proficiency in the four modes of language learning: speaking, writing, listening, and reading.
Class Participation: As this is a communication class, all students are expected to participate in class by answering questions, asking questions, coming to the board and participating in group work, among other ways.
Projects:There will be approximately 2 major projects during the semester, as well as smaller projects. Projects scores will be reduced by 10% for each day late.
Make-up Work: It is the students’ responsibility to meet with the teacher before or after class to discuss missed work. Missing work will be located in bins at the front of the room. Students can always find out assignments by viewing the school web site or the gradebook.