1. / TITLE: /The group shall be called, “ACTIVE EAST HERTS” (AEH)
2. / DEFINITION OF SPORT & PHYSICAL ACTIVITYIn this constitution the use of Sport relates to both Sport and Physical Activity.
Sport: Refers to organised sport and active recreation including all forms of physical activity which through casual or organised participation aim at expressing or improving physical fitness and well-being, forming social relationships, or obtaining results in competition at all levels.
Physical Activity: Refers to any activity involving movement including sport as well as activities which can termed as active living.
3. / AIMS:
a. / To increase participation in sport and physical activity across the district.
b. / To develop sport for the benefit of the community.
c. / To develop effective communication between key influencers from relevant local stakeholders – sporting and non-sporting.
d. / To establish a sport advisory and consultative role.
e. / To encourage the increased participation in grass roots activity.
f. / To maximise the development and use of facilities.
g. / To work with all partners to support the development of clubs, coaches and volunteers
h. / To develop a strategic vision and an agreed action plan in consultation with AEH members and the wider sporting community, with appropriate targets.
To help meet these aims AEH seeks to achieve the following:
a. / Attract funding to the group and support applications to local organisations who seek to deliver activities that help meet the aims of AEH.
b. / Become a recognised and high profile “voice for sport” within East Hertfordshire seeking to support the delivery of the national agenda of increasing participation.
c. / Develop the role of liaising with and supporting all stakeholders concerned with the provision of sport.
d. / Promote and support activities which foster participation in sport and related health education to all sections of the community.
e. / Support those agencies which aim to achieve the highest possible standards in sport.
f. / Advise, support and assist local voluntary sports clubs in their development and provision of community activities.
g. / Offer promotion and support for the training and education of coaches/volunteers and all who assist in sport.
h. / Support and promote the delivery of activities that serve as positive diversions to young people.
4.1 / All sports and physical activity clubs within the East Herts District Council area are members of the AEH Community Sport Network
4.2 / Members of AEHExecutive Committee shall be elected annually at a properly called and constituted Annual General Meeting of AEH
4.3 / AEHExecutive Committee membership shall comprise:
1 / Up to 8 representatives of recreation/ sport/clubs in theEast HertsDistrict, any club to have no more than one voting member.
2 / One District Councillor, plus the appropriate portfolio holder
3 / Anominated representative of the rural parishes.
4 / Representatives from the East Herts School Sport Partnerships.
5 / Representative of the Herts Sports Partnership.
7 / A representative of Everyone Active SLM or the current District Council Leisure contractor(s).
A representative from Wodson Park.
8 / A representative of HertfordshireClinical Commissioning Group.
11 / A representative from Pro-Action.
A representative from CHILD UK
A representative from the East Herts and Broxbourne CVS
12 / A representative from the Hertfordshire Community Safety Partnership
13 / An officer of East Hertfordshire District Council
14 / Up to three other members which the Executive Committee may co-opt (non-voting)
The nominated member for each of the above organisations OR an agreed representative (substitute) may attend. All members of AEH (or their representatives) will be voting members. Membership will be reviewed annually to take into account any changes in key local issues and emerging organisations.
There will be no discrimination on the basis of race, sex, disability, sexuality, age or any political or religious opinions
5. /
a. / From the membership of AEH; the Officers of AEH who shall serve in an honorary capacity, will be Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and such other Officers as AEHmay from time to time appoint.b. / All Officers will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of AEH. Retiring Officers may seek re-election.
6. /
i / There will be an Annual General Meeting of AEH held within 90 days of the year end.ii / Special General Meetings may be called by the Hon. Secretary on receipt of notice in writing signed by at least twelve members of AEH. Special meetings must be held within twenty-eight days of the Notice.
iii / The Hon. Secretary will ensure that members of the direct mailing list have twenty-one clear days’ notice in writing of the meetings of AEH. Minutes of all such meetings will be sent to these members. Meeting notification to other members will be through the website and in partnership with the CVS.
iv / AEHOrdinary meetings will be held a minimum of4 times a year. Clear notice of meetings will be given to AEH Members.
v / AEH will have the power to appoint sub-committees and working parties, as required, and may co-opt for this purpose.
7. /
The quorum for any General or Annual General or Special General Meetings of AEH shall be 6 (Six) members8. /
The AEH financial year will run from 1st April in each year to 31st March.a. / For the furtherance of the objectives of AEH the group may authorise expenditure out of AEH funds.
b. / The Treasurer shall keep proper books of accounts, shall advise and report to AEH on all financial matters and shall present to the A.G.M. an inspected statement of accounts.
c. / An inspection will be carried out annually by either a chartered accountant or by appointing two honorary auditors.
d. / AEH will open and maintain such bank and other accounts as are approved by the members.
e. / The Bank Account signatories will be the Vice Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer with two signatures required on all cheques.
9. /
a. / Proposed amendments to the Constitution must be sent in writing to the Hon. Secretary either one calendar month before the A.G.M. or accompanied by a request for a Special General Meeting in accordance with paragraph 6 ii aboveb. / Any alterations to this Constitution must be proposed and seconded and must be carried by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a properly called Special General Meeting.
10. /
The property of AEH shall be vested in three Trustees who shall be the current holders of the offices of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer as listed in 5 (a).The property of AEH shall be held by the Trustees for the benefit of the members of AEH
11. /
If at any General Meeting a resolution to dissolve AEH be passed by a majority of the members present, such resolution shall, at a Special General Meeting held not less than three months later, be passed by a majority of two-thirds of voting members. AEH shall, at a date specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the property of AEH and after the discharge of liabilities shall dispose of the property subject to approval by two thirds of those present and voting at the Special General Meeting to some othervoluntary organisationhaving objectives similar to those of AEH.12. /
Any matter which cannot be settled by reference to this Constitution or any question or interpretation of the Constitutionshall be determined by AEH or one of its working groups.1