Unified Budget…...... 15,200.00

Capital Improvements...... 180.00

Missions...... 261.00

Children's Music...... 40.00

Youth Fund...... 20.00

Easter Offering...... 795.00

Endowment Fund...... 465.00

Wynnton Neighborhood Netwrk..100.00

Methodist Home for Children...... 125.00

Music Fund...... 50.00

Meals for Homebound...... 50.00

Open Door...... 125.00

Wesley Glen...... 125.00

Valley Rescue...... 50.00

UMCOR-Japan...... 50.00


Sunday School ...... 193

Early Morning Worship...... 72

The Link...... 145

Morning Worship...... 223

Total Worship ...... 440

Our Guests

The Holden Family, Mildred Roberts, Diane Clardy, Kerry Mess, Ed, Stacey, Lucy and Ed Jr. Boyd, George and Julie, Mary Grace, Catherine and Chloe Boyd, Sean, Marie and Samuel Mack, Joseph Tazioli.


Usher-in-Chief: Ben Moon

Ushers: 8:30: CPT Harold Hill

George Cotton

10:55: CPT Steve Smith

Don Vining

Laurence Crisp, John Bray, Tommy Hudson, Frank Feagle, Sid Griffith, Bob Draughon, Jack Watkins, Fred Wise

Greeters: 8:15: Jim Dryman, Sandy Dryman

Greeters: 9:30: Jerry Adams, Neita Denny, Lynn Barlow, Doris Rowe

Greeters: 10:40: Jerry Adams, Jeanne Martin, Neita Denny, Lynn Barlow, Doris Rowe, Carole Sears, Judy Ottman

Offering Trustees: Don Goodroe, Tommy Hudson

Altar Guild: Miriam Kent, Judy Davidson

Visitor Visitation: Zane and Bob Draughon

UMW Flower Delivery: Morning Circle

UMW Mission Focus: WOWs

Men of Courage: Team 3: John Carroll, Eric Sears, Bruce Boretsky, John Connelly

Acolytes: 8:30 Laura Kate and William Holden

10:55 Anna K. Caldwell, Livia Lovett

Kids Own Worship:

8:30 Caroline and Tucker Hearn

10:55 Gwen Sass

Cynthia Kelley, Wes Kelley

Glory Kids Supper: No Rehearsal

Crib/Nursery 1 Volunteer: Shannan Gatewood
Nursery 2 & 3 Volunteer: Mary Beth Garrett
If you will need childcare for choir, please call Shannan Gatewood at 706-718-9536


God's Love is Powerful!

UTH News

Happy Easter! He has risen!
No Uth tonight. This coming Saturday is the 5K race, I need all Uth to be at the church no later than 7:30 to help. This is a great way to do some church work and get some volunteer hours,
Enjoy this day with your family!
He has risen indeed!

"Beautification Day"


Wynnton Neighborhood Housing needs volunteers for our "Neighborhood Beautification Day" on Saturday, May 7th, 8:30. We will be planting a flat of flowers for each homeowner on Thomas Street. At noon there will be a cookout for all the neighbors and volunteers. Join WNH, Wynnton UMC volunteers and Youth, St. Paul volunteers and Youth at Allen Temple AME. Bring garden tools and lawn chairs. If you have questions please call Suzanne Supple 706-325-1707.


To Nancy and Charles Abernathy on the birth of a grandchild, Charlotte Grace Champion. Charlee was born on February 8, 2011, and adopted by Carolyn and Damon Champion of Douglasville, GA, on April 9, 2011.


To Jerry and Jean Adams on the birth of a grandson, Henry Louis Adams, on April 8th. Parents are Matt and Amy Adams and great-grandparents are Rocky and Dodie MacElhannon.


April 24: Acts 10:1-33, Joshua 7-8, Job 24

April 25: Acts 10:34-48, Joshua 9-10, Job 25

April 26: Acts 11:1-18, Joshua 11-12, Job 26

April 27: Acts 11:19-30, Joshua 13-14, Job 27

April 28 Acts 12, Joshua 15-17, Job 28

April 29: Acts 13:1-25, Joshua 18-19, Job 29

April 30: Acts 13:26-52, Joshua 20-21, Job 30


*given in honor of David Levine by the Goodwill Class.


*given in memory of Earl Hilyer by the Goodwill Class.

*given in memory of "Big Mac" Jack McDaniel by children and grandchildren.

*given in memory of Sherrie Barrow by the Goodwill Class; Diane Clardy.

*given in memory of Charlie Frank Riley by Carrie Singleton UMW; Joyful Noises Class.

*given in memory of Smiley Davis by Jackie and Jack Watkins; Margaret and Don Goodroe; Betty and Oz White; Wylene and Morris Loeb; Dodie and Rocky MacElhannon; Margaret Mitchell; the Goodwill Class; Joan and Bill Colquitt.

Prayer Pager Ministry

Currently, we have members of Wynnton UMC who need your support through prayer. We have given out pagers to:

Dodie MacElhannon 706-683-1604

Lisa Torbert, 706-683-1602

Linda Bolen, 706-683-1605

Here is how you can help:

1. Pray for the individual. 2. Dial the phone number beside the name. 3. When prompted, dial 111#. 4. After a voice says "thank you," then, hang up.

The person will receive a prayer page within minutes. Questions, call Pastor Lauri, 706-888-0771, or Tom Hargrove, 706-315-8473.


To Katherine Crawford and Bart Smith who were married on April 16, 2011 by Rev. Matt Avera at the Crawford Farm in Shiloh, GA.


To Dwayne and Teresa Dorminey on the birth of a grandson, Carter Rhylan Gordy, on April 16th. Parents are Brian and Jade Gordy of Knoxville, TN.


To Charles Luttrell and Rosie Hardison-Luttrell on the birth of a grandson, Courtney Ebar Luttrell, Jr., on April 13th. Parents are Courtney and Sadie Luttrell.


We have two dates available for flowers, May 1st and Oct 30th. If anyone is interested please contact Martha Mullinax at 706-324-5738.


24 Tom Hargrove, Graham Johnson, Lynelle Livengood, Carson Powell

25 Gwen Sass

26 Kathy Tessin

27 Bobby Gatewood

28 Lisa Formaggioni, Kimm Geise, Austin Miller, Mary Miller

30 Mary Nell Blasingame

UMW General

Meeting & Lunch

Tuesday, May 10th

11:00 a.m.

Cost - $6

Program: Cindy Bennett

Call the church office by noon on Monday, May 2nd, to make your reservations.



Church-wide yard sale on September 17th, 2011 from 8 am-

1 pm. to benefit Wynnton Neighborhood Network and Wynnton Neighborhood Housing. A storage unit has been donated and is ready for use. All items are appreciated but we do ask that any clothing be clean and either hung or neatly folded. No computers or TV's can be accepted this year. Please contact Shirley Moon or Penny Lamb at 706-566-2552 to learn more about how you can donate or help.