LCU Student Senate Minutes

October 3, 2005

I. Meeting called to order at 9:18

II. Invocation – Senator Bell

III. Roll Call – Secretary Ellis

IV. Minutes of previous meeting read & approved by general consensus

V. Officer Reports

a.  President (Lindsey Joiner) – Swore in Senators Gullette, Christensen, Vela, and Buchanan; they introduced themselves to senate.

b.  Treasurer (Ashley Hutchinson) – none

c.  Secretary (Amanda Ellis) – none

d.  Vice President (Trent Wilson) – meet pet dog, “Buster.”

VI. Committee Reports

a.  Spiritual Life (Kolbyn Joy) –

a.  SRW topics – committee will split, guys and girls, next week.

b.  Campus Experience (Stuart Joy) –

a.  Senator S. Joy moved to spend:

i.  $1200 on BBQ for food (Monday), $100-200 for plates, silverware & drinks

ii.  $140 on generator for mechanical bull

iii.  $500 on ice cream sundaes (Wednesday)

iv.  $500 on Coke & Nacho (Thursday)

v.  $1000 on tickets for Corn Maze (Friday)

vi.  $50 on posters

-  approved ($4390 total)

b.  Senator S. Joy moved to spend:

i.  $25 for posters

ii.  $500 for T-shirts

iii.  $975 for prizes

-  approved ($1500 on Rally at the Rip - full budget)

c.  Check email for TWIRP week duties.

c.  Student Concerns (Jessica Boffey) –

a.  Have worked on 15 concerns so far:

i.  Some from last year: bike racks, pay phones, cable

ii.  Doctor’s fee – his salary is based on the fee

iii.  Sidewalks & crosswalks on North side of campus – will not do any new projects out there because of new administration building

iv.  Speed bumps in front of Katie Rogers

v.  Driving signs and arrows in Living Center parking lot

vi.  Litter on campus – will be a chapel announcement and maintenance will help keep LCU clean.

vii.  Intramural field

viii.  Mosquitoes – will address problem next year

ix.  Copy budget – talking about upping the budget for certain majors and departments

x.  Working on a food survey to find out exactly what the students want

xi.  Recycling – going to a grassroots recycling meeting next week at TTU.

d.  Cultural Diversity (Marquesha Rhodes) – Thanks for coming to Fiesta!

VII. Old Business

ICLC change of plans – will not send senators to this conference because plane tickets would cost about $3000 and would arrive late on Friday.

VIII. New Business

Paul Partlow presented opportunity for Canon Perkins’ fund – Told story of Canon needing liver transplant. They need $350,000 and have raised over $50,000 so far. His contact info: 806.792.1963, ,

Asked for possible donations & PRAYER!

Senator K. Joy moved to donate $250 to the Perkins family for Canon’s transplant

Senator K. Joy moved to amend the motion and donate $600 – approved

Secretary Ellis moved to amend the motion to check the budget at the end of the year and donate excess money to the Perkins family – approved

Senator Tooma moved to amend the motion and donate $800 – approved

- approved to give $800 and come back at the end of the year and give excess money to the Perkins’.

Secretary Ellis moved to allow individuals to sell the green bracelets and have her be in charge of being the liaison between Jaclyn Bender and Senate for the money and bracelets – approved

Marilyn Fannin discussed addressing the needs of students; currently the administration is discussing additional campus housing. What are characteristics of a student focused campus. What do they need to do now to keep LCU great, and what can they do to make it better?

Senators discussed several ideas. E-mail if you have any more comments. See Secretary Ellis for detailed minutes of the discussion if so desired.

See President Joiner if you want to be on the Technology steering committee. They will meet on Fridays from 11:45-12:45.

IX. Announcements – Get T-shirts!!! Sign up with Secretary Ellis if you want to sell the Canon bracelets!

No meeting next week because of TWIRP week. Might meet after the bull event to decorate the campus for Rally at the RIP! Your attendance is required for whatever night your committee is assigned to help.

Encourage students to attend meeting. Senate meetings are open to anyone.

X. Meeting adjourned at 10:40

XI. Closing Prayer - Senator Holloway

Prayer Requests

Canon Perkins

Angie Stephens and Jessica Rogers both had successful births and are doing well.

There are a lot of sick students