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Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Revealed

Errata Sheet

*Insertions are italicized.

Page / Place / Change
7 / 1st column / Remove entire paragraph, reflow remaining text on page
20 / Step 4 / Add "click the Play button [insert icon 5]" in the middle of sentence so that it reads as follows:
"Press the Loop button [icon], click the Play button [insert icon 5] to play the clip continuously, then press the Stop button at any time.
27 / Steps / Insert new Step 1, then renumber remaining steps.
1. Deselect Sneak in the Project panel.
37 / Step 7 / Insert "the" and "file that is not in the folder" so that the step reads as follows:
7. "Click the 1.psd file that is not in the folder, then click the Clear button in the Project panel."
38 / Step 2 / Change "pointer" to "button" so end of step reads:
"…as shown in Figure 4, then release the mouse button."
39 / Step 6 / Change periods after 4.psd and 6.psd to commas so that the step reads:
6. Select 2.psd, 4.psd, 6.psd, 8.psd, and10.psd, then drag them into the Even bin.
44 / Step 3 / Add "if necessary" before "as shown in Figure 11" so that step reads:
3. Click the existing duration in the Clip / Speed Duration dialog box to highlight it, if necessary, as shown in Figure 11, type 2.15, then click OK."
49 / Tip below Step 7 / Move this tip below Step 6
50 / Step 1 explanatory text / Please move this explanatory text below Step 5.
50 / Tip Step 3 / Change tip to read:
Press and hold [Ctrl] to select multiple clips, regardless of whether the clips are contiguous or non-contiguous.
51 / Tip Step 7 / Change 25 to 25.0
55 / Step 3 / Change "and" to "then" so that the step reads:
3. "Click the Selection Tool, then click anywhere in the Timeline to deselect the selected clips."
62 / Second column, 3rd sentence / Change third sentence to"
There are also a number of video effects available in the Presets bin. Preset categories, such as Mosaics and Solarizes, are shown in Figure 2.
63 / First column of text / Remove "In other words, the Cross Dissolve transition is automatically applied to the clips in your sequence unless you specify otherwise."
Add in its place:
"You can choose to apply the default video transition to clips in the Automate to Sequence dialog box."
68 / Step 1 / Change Peels to Peel so that step reads:
Collapse the Page Peel bin, then expand the Wipe bin.
69 / Step 3 / Change 25:0 to 25.00
69 / Step 6 / Add "click the Timeline" after Click OK, so that step reads:
6. "Click OK, click the Timeline, press [Home], then preview the entire sequence."
72 / Tip Step 2 / Change pointer to button so that end of tip reads:
"…the existing one when you release the mouse button."
75 / Insert New Step 5 / Drag the slider under "A" all the way to the left, if necessary.
Renumber remaining steps.
89-90 / Third column, Sentence 1 and 3 / Change Clip-in and Clip-out to "Trim-in" and "Trim-out" and change palette to panel. Sentences should read as follows:
To break the link between the audio and video clips, simply press [Alt] as you drag the Trim-in or the Trim-out icon. Trimming clips in the Timeline can be done with precision. As you drag the Trim-in or Trim-out icon, the Info panel identifies the changing location of the clip's In or Out point as well as the changing duration of the clip, as shown in Figure 6.
90 / Second column, second line from bottom / Change Clip-out to Trim-out so that end of sentence reads:
…. then simply drag the Trim-out icon to the Current time indicator, and it will "snap" to the Current time indicator, aligning itself precisely.
90 / Figure 6 / Change "palette" to "panel" in the figure caption and change "palette" to "panel" in the callout "Info panel"
93 / Step Summary / Remove "the" before "Steep" in second line of summary so that it reads:
"You dragged six clips into the Source Monitor, chose Steep, previewed it…..
94 / Step 1 / Add "from the Project panel" after so that step reads:
1. Click the Project panel to deselect the selected clips, then drag from the Project panel to the beginning of the Video 1 track in the Timeline.
94 / Step 2 / Add "from the Project panel" after so that step reads:
1. Drag from the Project panel next to in the Video 1 track, then zoom in on the Timeline to view the clips easier.
110 / Add new Step 7 / 7. Save your work, then close the I'll Fly Away project.
121 / Step 5 / Change pointer to button in third line so that step ends as follows:
"… then release the mouse button."
129 / Step 7 / Insert new ending to step so that it reads:
7. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to change the duration of the remaining nine still images in the Video 1 track to two seconds each, then drag the remaining clips left each time.
129 / Step 11 / Insert "click the Timeline" after Save your work so that step reads:
11. Save your work, click the Timeline, press [Home], then play the sequence.
129 / Step 12 / Add new step 12
12. "Close the Countdown Audio project."
129 / Steps Summary / Remove "using the Trim-out icon" from third line of summary so that first sentence of summary reads as follows:
You trimmed each still image so that it was two seconds in length, then trimmed to two seconds using the Set Out Point button in the Source Monitor.
135 / Step 7 / Change pointer to button at end of step so that it reads:
"….then release the mouse button at any time."
135 / Step 8 / Change entire step so that it now reads as follows:
Show the track volume for the Audio 1 track, then increase the volume of for the entire track.
148 / Second column, 6th sentence / Add "ruler" after Timeline so that 6th sentence reads as follows:
Double-clicking a numbered marker or an unnumbered marker in the Timeline ruler opens the Marker dialog box.
158 / Step 6 / Change Project to project – last word in step.
176 / Step 3 / Change pointer to button at end of step so that end of step reads:
"then release the mouse button."
186 / Second column, second sentence / Change Titlers to Titler so that sentence reads:
"The new style swatch appears in the Titler Styles panel, as shown in Figure 5."
186 / Second column, third sentence / Change sentence to:
"The style swatch is available when you create any new titles."
187 / First column, first sentence / Insert "in the" after drawing area so that sentence reads:
The title is the entire drawing area in the Titler panel.
194 / Step 7 / Change 223 to 223.0
203 / Step 10 / Change Effect to Effects so that step reads:
"Click the Effects tab to display the Effects panel, expand the Video ……"
223 / Step 10 / Insert "Click the Timeline, before "Press [Home] so that beginning of step reads:
"Click the Timeline, press [Home], then drag the Current time indicator
227 / Step 9 / Insert "Save your work, then", before "Close the project" so that step reads:
"Save your work, then close the project."
230 / Step 3 / Change 10:00 to 00:10 so that step reads:
Drag the Current time indicator to frame 00:10.
239 / Insert new step 8 / 8. Click the Selection Tool [insert icon 13], then click the new title.
Renumber remaining step.
242 / Step 11 / Change "Safe Margin Area" to "Safe Action Margin" so that step reads:
11. Double-click Xtreme White in the Timeline to open it in the Titler panel, draw a rectangle that exceeds the Safe Action Margin slightly on all sides, then fill the rectangle with white.
259 / Step 1 / Change "four" to "enough" so that beginning of step reads:
1. "Click the Go to Previous Keyframe button enough times so that your Current time indicator …."
260 / Step 6 / Change pointer to button at end of step so that end of step reads:
"then release the mouse button."
264 / Step 5 / Insert "in the Timeline" after "the second keyframe" so that step reads:
"Move the Current time indicator to frame 1:20, then drag the second keyframe in the Timeline to frame 1:20, as shown in Figure 20."
271 / Step 9 / Change 10 to 2 so that step reads:
"Set the Current time indicator to frame 2, then add a keyframe."
271 / Step 12 / Change 20 to 5 so that step reads"
"Add a third keyframe at frame 5, then change the blur value to 95%."
272 / Step 13 / Add bold formatting to "Doors video transition"
272 / Step 14, explanatory text / Change sentence to
"As shown in the figure, video transitions can be used along with video effects to segue from one clip to another."
284 / Step 9 / Remove "then" after "Compressor list arrow"
289 / Step 6 / Insert "Save your work, then" before "Close the project" so that step reads:
6. Save your work, then close the project.