Cultural Diversity Health Enhancement
Grants Program 2013 – 2014
Healthy Communities Projects
Grants valued up to $10,000 are available for projects of 1-2 years duration (subject to 2013-2014 budget allocation). These projects must have a relevant health service partner that can assist in advancing the project(s).
Applications are invited from staff of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD). Non government agencies working in partnership with SESLHD health services or Sydney Children’s Hospital, if the project covers the SESLHD demographic area are eligible to apply.
In 2013-2014, priority will be given to projects that:
o Address chronic and complex diseases that affect CALD communities, including the self management of these diseases;
o Address the higher prevalence of behavioural risk factors and certain disease types for certain CALD population groups;
o Improve processes relating to access to all health services;
o Build research capacity on issues such as health literacy and prevalence of diseases; and
o Support emerging communities and their families in understanding and accessing children’s, women’s and family health services.
However, assessment will remain merit based and projects targeting any culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, including refugees, or health issues are welcome.
The Grants Program aims to encourage the development of innovative approaches to health care for CALD groups within the health system.
Funding will be available for projects which strive to build ongoing partnerships between the health services and CALD communities in order to:
· Enhance the utilisation of health facilities;
· Improve delivery of health services;
· Promote health and well-being.
This could be achieved through the:
· Developing a program that helps health services respond to the health needs of
CALD groups;
· Adapting health programs for CALD communities;
· Creating sustainable programs that promote health and wellbeing amongst
CALD groups.
Grants information session for grant applicants / May 29th 2013Applications close / July 5th 2013
Grant applications assessed
Successful applicants contacted thereafter / July 24th 2013
‘Managing Projects and Building Sustainability’ one-day workshop for successful applicants / August 14th 2013
Finalisation of funding agreements, where applicable / August 30th 2013
Transfer of funds, where applicable / September 20th 2013
Confirmation by grantees of receipt of funds / October 31st 2013
Assessment Criteria
An independent Grants Assessment Committee will review applications against the following criteria:
· Relevance of health partner;
· Alignment of project with published multicultural and health priorities;
· Appropriateness of chosen methodology and evaluation in relation to expected outcomes;
· Applicability and benefit of the project across the health system;
· Extent of partnership between community organisation(s) and health services, where relevant;
· Project sustainability - demonstrated capacity to achieve outcomes beyond funding;
· Potential of project in attracting external subsequent funding;
· Adequacy of the budget to support tasks.
· Project teams reapplying for funding must provide a satisfactory progress report to the MHS to be eligible to apply in this funding round.
· The MHS may discuss a proposal with the relevant Diversity Health Coordinator as they hold a local responsibility for any initiative involving CALD population groups.
· Successful applicants must attend a one day workshop at the Multicultural Health Service on Managing Projects and Building Sustainability. This is an interactive workshop with participants working on their project plan and related materials.
· Diversity Health Coordinators and the Multicultural Health team can assist you with finding a suitable partner for your project.
· Grants are very competitive and not all projects will be awarded funding.
· Awarded grant projects must acknowledge the Multicultural Health Service as the funding source.
Assistance with your application
Your local Diversity Health Coordinator can assist with your submission. Please allow some time to discuss your ideas. Contact details are as follows:
HOSPITAL / CONTACT / PHONE / EMAILPrince of Wales Hospital & Community Health Service / Julieanne Hilbers / 9382 3306 /
Calvary Health Care Sydney / Meng Chen / 9553 3037 /
Royal Hospital for Women / Jane Svensson / 9382 6700 /
St George Hospital & Community Health Service / Vivianne Challita-Ajaka / 9113 2419 /
Sutherland Hospital & Community Health Service / Patty Loukas / 9540 7013 /
Sydney & Sydney Eye Hospitals / Yael Rottanburg / 9382 7547 /
Sydney Children’s Hospital / Jill Crawford / 9382 3343 /
War Memorial Hospital* / Nurek Santaella
Isabelle Davidson / 9369 0299 or
9369 0295
9369 0222 /
Garrawarra Centre for Aged Care * / Shannon Azzopardi / 8545 4768 /
*Currently does not have a Diversity Health Coordinator but has a Diversity Health Champion(s).
For further information about the ‘Healthy Communities Projects’ category, contact
Milica Mihajlovic on 9382 8673 or email:
Submission details
Please submit your application by email to:
AND post original hardcopy with signatures by mail to:
Milica Mihajlovic
Multicultural Health Service
301 Forbes St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010
PO Box 1614, Sydney NSW 2001
Any application that is late, illegible or incomplete will not be considered
Applications close 5 July 2013
MULTICULTURAL HEALTH SERVICECultural Diversity Health Enhancement Grants Program 2013-2014
Healthy Communities Projects
Application Form
2 PAGES ONLY. NO ATTACHMENTS. Late, illegible or incomplete applications won’t be considered.
Project Title
Organisation or SESLHD Department/Unit
Applicant’s Name / Position
Postal Address
Email / Phone
1. Project aims
Outline what your project is trying to achieve and how it aligns to Multicultural Health Service published priorities (if applicable).
2. Project description and methodology (Maximum 200 words)
Briefly outline how you will carry out the project.
3. Project rationale
Outline why your project is needed and provide information that supports your reasons as to why the project is important (eg demographic information, experience etc.).
4. Sustainability of the Project
Discuss the sustainability and capacity building aspects of your project (ie the potential for it to be ongoing or inform the work of health services and/or the long-term benefits it will have for the community).
5. Specify measures to be used to evaluate the project
Describe how you will measure and review the impact of your project (eg follow-up questionnaire, community feedback session etc).
6. Target audience and delivery
Describe your target audience and how you will ensure effective reach or engagement with this group.
Describe their needs.
7. List confirmed project partners
List the name and contact details of the main health partner and any other organisations involved in the partnership.
It is expected that you will have discussed the project with others prior to submission. Contact your Diversity Health Coordinator or the Multicultural Health Service if you require assistance.
8. Detail how Workers Health and Safety risks well be managed on behalf of the Multicultural Health Service for this project.
Detail how Workers Health and Safety risks will be managed during your project. Explain how consultation between your organisation (the service provider) and the Multicultural Health Service will be entered into to manage foreseeable worker safety risks within the project, if any arise.
9. Provide an itemised budget for the project, including both cash and in-kind support
Note: Applications with lump sum requests will not be considered. If the application is from a community organisation, include GST.
10. Managerial Endorsement
Obtain the signature of YOUR Unit Manager AND Project Partner’s Manager prior to returning this form. Applications without the required signatures will not be considered.
Name of Manager (SESLHD):
Signature: / Name of Project Partner Manager:
GRANTS PROGRAM 2013 – 2014
Healthy Communities Projects
Obligations under the Funding Agreement
The following is a summary of the obligations under the funding agreement which must be met if your project is awarded funding. A detailed funding agreement will be issued to successful applicants for signing at a later date.
Note: This summary is provided as a guide only and terms and conditions are subject to change. If there are differences between this summary and the signed agreement, the signed agreement will have precedence.
· Applicants who receive funds under the Cultural Diversity Health Enhancement Grants Program are accountable to the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD).
· All applications will be assessed by an independent Committee.
· Successful applicants must submit:
· Half-yearly progress reports and/or a final project report (templates will be made available);
· Itemised financial statement on expenditure of the funds allocated from the Cultural Diversity Enhancement Grants Program. The dates for the reports will be calculated from the date funds are transferred.
Final project reports must include the following (excluding Multilingual Information Project grants):
· Project background, including rationale;
· Goals and objectives;
· Methodology, including information about processes used;
· Project findings;
· Discussion;
· Implications;
· Recommendations; and
· References.
· Successful applicants under the Service Development and Research Projects category and the Healthy Communities Projects category will be required to attend a one-day workshop on project management provided by the Multicultural Health Service in 2013.
· Organisations/projects external to the Health system must be of a not for profit nature established under the Association Incorporation Act 1984, the Cooperatives Act 1992, Corporation Law or in another form considered appropriate. Furthermore, activities of the organisation/project must be consistent with the Community Relations Commission and Principles of Multiculturalism Act 2000.
· Projects are expected to start as soon as funds are transferred to the successful applicants, and completed in the timeframe indicated in the application.
· The Multicultural Health Service will keep a record as to when grant funds were transferred, as progress reporting will be linked to this date.
· If the allocated grant does not fully fund the project/initiative, the onus is on the grant holder to ensure the remainder of the project is funded to ensure its completion.
· The grant holder is responsible for the safeguarding of grant funds once they have been received.
· The grant holder must use funds for the purpose for which they were provided, unless the Multicultural Health Service agrees to alter the terms of the agreement.
· All funds allocated under the Cultural Diversity Enhancement Grants Program will need to be refunded in full to the Multicultural Health Service in the event of unforeseen circumstances occurring that hinder the timely progress of the project (e.g. staffing difficulties or changes to project direction without prior approval from the Multicultural Health Service).
· All personnel employed by external organisations will be the sole responsibility of that organisation. The Multicultural Health Service will not indemnify the grant holder in respect of such personnel for any act or claim resulting from such employment or in respect of any liability or claim arising from any act of omission of the community organisation, its agents or employees. The organisation is not the agent of, nor does it represent SESLHD in any capacity. Entering a funding agreement does not imply an agency relationship between the Multicultural Health Service and the organisation.
· Sub-contracting of grant funds are not permitted without prior approval from the Multicultural Health Service.
· Where applicable, relevant insurances must be obtained and copies of certificates of currency supplied to the Multicultural Health Service e.g. worker’s compensation, public liability etc. as requested by the Multicultural Health Service.
· The grant holder must inform the Multicultural Health Service of staffing changes pertaining to the project.
· Copies of all resources produced must be provided to the Multicultural Health Service
eg documents, data, audio, audio-visuals, brochures, presentations delivered at conferences, journal articles etc.
· The grant holder will provide recognition of the partnership with the Multicultural Health Service
at all project related events, and in all materials produced including (but not limited to) documents, reports, articles, media and promotional materials etc. The following words are to be used “This initiative was funded by the Multicultural Health Service of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District”.
· The Multicultural Health Service may use project information for reporting and promotional purposes without further consent.
· The intellectual property will be jointly owned by the grant recipient, Multicultural Health Service
and the partners involved.
· Any reports, programs and products generated from the project may be used and replicated by eligible health services under this grants program, upon informing and appropriately acknowledging the grant recipient, Multicultural Health Service and the partners involved.
· The grant holder will seek approval to use the relevant health logo, for use on documents and translations.
· The applicant will establish a steering committee (where relevant) to oversee the management
and implementation of the project. Ideally this committee should include representatives from local Diversity Health teams in the first instance, or a staff member from the Multicultural Health Service, relevant Clinical Division(s) and the community.
· Where relevant, the grant holder will seek appropriate ethics approval prior to the commencement of any research.
· Upon finalisation, the application forms part of the formal funding agreement.
· Workers Health and Safety (WHS) risks will be managed following the process as laid out in the WHS Act 2011, Regulation 2011 and How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks Code of Practice. Refer to the standard SESLHD Cultural Diversity Health Enhancement Grants Funding Agreement for further information.
Cultural Diversity Health Enhancement
Grants Program
Healthy Communities Projects
Application Checklist
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TRIM Ref : T13/18907
Healthy Communities Projects, Application Form, Cultural Diversity Health Enhancement Grants Program 2013-2014